In the universe, in a certain galaxy, a green planet was slowly rotating around a star. Suddenly a huge creature appeared. The creature opened its mouth wide and swallowed a mouthful of the green planet in Jiujiang. inside.

After he ate the planet, when the huge creature was about to leave, suddenly a stream of gold and silver appeared in front of the creature, and this stream of light was naturally Hyperion who escaped from the earth.

Then this huge creature is naturally the planet devourer, which is often called Uncle Tun.

At this time, Uncle Tun in Hyperion's eyes changed his appearance, becoming a huge humanoid creature.


"Master, my mission failed."

Hyperion, who was suspended in front of Uncle Tun, lowered his head and said.

"Mission? What mission?" Uncle Tun asked doubtfully.

"I found a planet when I was looking for a suitable planet for my master. This planet is very suitable for your appetite, but I encountered an unprecedentedly powerful enemy on that planet. I tied with him. If I explode with all my strength, If so, the planet will most likely be destroyed, so I can only leave the planet first.”

"I told you, my criterion for eating a planet is that the planet has no civilization and not many living things."

"But that planet is very suitable for you, Master." Hyperion said again.

"Tell me, what's the name of that planet?"


"Earth? That planet in the Milky Way!"

"Yes Master."

"Remember, don't go to that planet again."

"Why? Master?" Hyperion asked in confusion. This was also the second expression he showed.

"Because the earth is being targeted by the other four gods. Those who can fight you are back and forth, but only on the surface. The real strong one has not yet appeared."

After hearing this, Hyperion lowered his head silently, and after a while he said, "Master, I will find other planets for you to eat."

"Okay, go ahead."

After watching Hyperion go away, Uncle Tun looked at the position of the earth from a distance and murmured: "Eternity, death has fallen on the earth, what is so special about the earth? If the old man hadn't allowed us to get close to the earth, otherwise I would really I want to go and see it.”

"Earth? Father, can I go and have a look?" A girl suddenly appeared on Uncle Tun's head, her two snow-white feet dangling constantly.

"Ganata, the earth is too dangerous, you can't go!" Uncle Tun said seriously.

"Father, I can't always live under your protection. I also need to have my own space and my own life!" the girl shouted loudly.

This made Uncle Tun lament that the child had grown up and was no longer obedient.

"That's fine. It's okay to go, but I want to warn you. You should know what your true form is."


"It's good to know. Because of your body, you will inherit my hunger. This feeling will drive you crazy. Although you can swallow objects with huge energy, once you lose control, you will become It's very dangerous, I need to remind you," Uncle Tun said softly.

"Father, I know, I have also experienced that hunger, but I believe that with my own willpower, I can withstand this hunger!" The girl said firmly.

"Since you can think so, then go ahead, but remember, when I heat your pendant, it means that the person in front of you is a candidate for the other four gods. Do not provoke them, do you understand? "

"I know, father!"

Then Uncle Tun gave his daughter some equipment and some trump cards, and then sent her to the earth.

After Janata came to the earth, it was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, looking at the dazzling buildings in front of her and the people coming and going. For a moment, Janata didn't know what to do, until she accidentally bumped into someone, and When the man saw Ganata's innocent look with a hint of stupidity, his expression changed slightly, and the man immediately grabbed Ganata.

"Hey, you little girl, why didn't you apologize when you bumped into someone?"

"Huh? What apology?"

"Hey, you, of course you have to say sorry if you bump into someone. What do you mean?" The man held on to Ganata tightly, maybe because there were too many people nearby, and Ganata didn't want to come to the earth for the first time. She was discovered, so she could only close her eyes and frantically absorb all the information nearby. When she opened her eyes again, she said with raised corners of her mouth: "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, that's it. I don't care. You have to compensate for my losses."

But Ganata sneered, and moved her hand slightly where the man couldn't see. A blue light flashed in the man's eyes, and then his expression became dull. He let go of Ganata's hand and turned around. left.

Ganata looked at the man's back, smiled disdainfully and left, while the man came to the bridge leading outside the city, chose a place and jumped off the bridge.

Of course, this is a story for later. At this time, Ganata has arrived in the center of New York. She is sitting in a Mexican skewers shop, eating ten centimeters of barbecue while looking at the people passing by outside the window. .

Her bold eating style also attracted many people to watch in the store, but after they saw that several people were rejected by Ganata, no one went to talk to her.

However, the employees in those stores kept staring at her because she ate too much, and the employees in the stores were also afraid that Ganata would skip the order.

Ganata was probably tired of eating barbecue, so she took out a thick wad of cash from her pocket, waved her hand and shouted: "Waiter, how much is it?"

The employee quickly gave the receipt to Ganata. Ganata clicked the cash, gave the tip to the employee, got up and left, but as she was leaving, a group of gangsters also targeted her. After all, Ganata It's just a girl, and she's carrying so much cash, it's totally stacking buffs.

After walking a few steps, Ganata had already sensed the person following her, but she didn't make a sound or do anything. Instead, she continued to wander around. As she walked, she actually walked to Hell's Kitchen, because she was in Hell's Kitchen. In her perception, she felt strange energy coming.

Although this energy is not advanced, it is very unfamiliar. As the daughter of one of the five gods, she knows all kinds of energy very well, but the energy she perceives is very unfamiliar.

Seduced by this strange energy, she finally stopped at the door of Marvel Studios.

"Hello, does the guest want to issue a commission?" Clark, who was lying at the door, saw Ganata and asked.

"The smell on your body is so special. You are not from this world." Ganata got close to Clark's body and sniffed hard.

Clark frowned and took a step back. At this time, Li Qingyue and Jill came back. Seeing Ganata, Li Qingyue frowned and said to himself: "Why is she here?"

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