"Why is she here?"

At the door of Marvel's office, Li Qingyue couldn't help muttering as he looked at Ganata in front of him.


No one here is an ordinary person, so they naturally heard Li Qingyue's mumbling.

"Husband, do you know her?" Jill asked while holding Li Qingyue's hand.

"Of course I know her, Uncle Tun's daughter Ganata, but I'm curious, how did you convince Uncle Tun to let you come to Earth? You know, the water on Earth is very deep. Even if Uncle Tun came, he wouldn't dare to guarantee that he could swallow the Earth 100%, so he actually let you come to Earth."

"Uncle Tun?"

"Your dad, Galactus, we usually call him Uncle Tun." Li Qingyue teased, and then invited Ganata to enter the office.

"Tell me, what are you doing on Earth?" Li Qingyue asked casually, crossing his legs.

"Why do you care what I do on Earth? I'm not yours."

"Okay, then I won't ask. Then why do you come to me? I can always ask."

"Sure, I smelled an energy that doesn't belong to our universe, so I came to take a look, isn't it okay?"

"Of course, but I wonder if you need to deal with him first?" Li Qingyue looked behind Ganata with a smile. Ganata seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly looked back and found a white-bearded old man looking at him with a smile.

"Supreme Mage, you're here."

"Here, hello, Ganata, I wonder if you can go with me?"

Ganata felt the eternal energy in Gu Yi's body and didn't dare to move at all. Although Uncle Tun was one of the five gods, his strength was actually weaker than the remaining four gods. Similarly, Uncle Tun's spokesperson Ganata was no match for Gu Yi, the eternal spokesperson.

"Can I not go?" Ganata asked pitifully.

"No, if you want to live on Earth, you must make three rules with us, otherwise I won't let you live on Earth." Ancient One said with a smile.

Ganata had no choice but to follow Ancient One to Kamar-Taj reluctantly.

No one knew what the two talked about. In the end, Ancient One opened the portal and let Ganata leave Kamar-Taj.

After that, there was a pet shop in New York City. The pets sold in this shop were famous for their intelligence and were very popular with the rich.

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In a certain aristocratic middle school, Richard, Firenze and Liya finished lunch and were about to go back to the classroom for class. Suddenly, the school wall collapsed, and then a humanoid lizard rushed in, followed by a red figure.

The lizard and the red figure wrestled together. The three looked closely and found that the wrestling was actually Spider-Man and Dr. Lizard, that is, Dr. Connors.

"Should we help?" Liya asked.

"That's not something we can intervene in. Let's leave here first." Richard grabbed Liya's hand and walked away from them.

But Firenze stood there, pulling out a pistol, and seemed to want to help Spider-Man, but Richard turned around and conjured a hook, locked Firenze, and pulled him away from here.

But no matter how far away they were, they were still in the school. As the fight between the two became more and more intense, more than a dozen large holes appeared in the school wall. Even Dr. Lizard attacked the students directly in order to restrain Spider-Man.

This was something Spider-Man could not tolerate. He seemed to be angry. Every punch and kick could make Dr. Lizard feel pain. If it weren't for his strong self-healing ability, Spider-Man's punches and kicks would have no other effect except to make Dr. Lizard feel pain.

Dr. Lizard seemed to have his own plan. He had been controlling the rhythm of the battle and seducing Spider-Man to a laboratory. When Spider-Man found out something was wrong, it was too late. Dr. Lizard took advantage of the gap when Spider-Man chased him in and used the existing materials in the laboratory to mix a powerful liquid bomb. The liquid in Dr. Lizard's hand hit Spider-Man.

Spider-Man's spider sense was madly ringing. It was so crazy that it even controlled his body to shoot out spider silk and pulled it hard. As Spider-Man jumped out of the window, a heat wave came from behind. With a loud bang, the air wave directly lifted Spider-Man away, and Dr. Lizard walked out of the sea of ​​fire.

He looked at the clothes that had been burned on Spider-Man's back, and he laughed crazily: "Spider-Man, this time I want to see who can save you!"

Dr. Lizard walked towards Spider-Man who had fainted. When he was about to catch Spider-Man, a red streamer hit Dr. Lizard. Dr. Lizard felt an inexplicable force restraining him, but the energy disappeared two seconds later.

But before he could make any move, another stream of colorful light appeared.

"Firenze, give him a few shots." Richard shouted.

Yes, these streams of light were curse bullets. Dr. Lizard was in a very, very, very bad mood at this time. Various negative BUFFs were superimposed on him, which made him very uncomfortable. Even if he wanted to move, it was difficult.

Especially when he saw that Firenze kept shooting at Spider-Man, but Spider-Man was not only fine, but the wound on his back was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, Dr. Lizard was anxious.

Just then, Spider-Man opened his eyes and started to fight back. With the help of Richard and the others, he finally beat Dr. Lizard back to human form, and Spider-Man tied him up with spider silk, and finally the SHIELD people came down to take him away.

"Thank you, you two little guys." Spider-Man said to Richard and Firenze, and then left with the spider silk.

Richard and Firenze also left. As soon as they reached the school gate, Liya rushed over.

"Are you okay?"

"Don't worry, what can happen? I'm just helping." Richard touched Liya's hair and chuckled.

"Are you really okay?"

"It's okay."

"Okay then."

But just as they were about to take the car back, a blue beam of light suddenly appeared in the distance, the beam went straight to the sky, and opened a vortex-shaped portal in the clouds.

"Dingling, dingling"

Suddenly Richard's cell phone rang, and he quickly answered it.

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

"Did you see that blue beam?"


"Gather over there, a guest has hired all of us!"

Hearing Li Qingyue's voice, Richard nodded, then waved to the crowd, and soon two T1000 robots came out.

"Send Liya home, remember, keep her safe!"

"Yes, Master."

"Richard, promise me, come back alive." Liya looked at Richard and said.

"I can't set a flag, be good, go back, the teacher will take care of me."

Liya nodded, and then she and Firenze took a car and left.

Not only them, but all the citizens in New York were frantically fleeing the city, and the X-Men and the Avengers arrived at the first time and began to assist the police in helping people escape from this bustling city.

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