"What the hell is this!" Neil and the others shouted at the being caught by Li Qingyue.

"This is a lamp slave. It's hard to explain it to you. You just need to know that he is bad and I am good. Of course, this is relative to you."

After saying that, Li Qingyue punched the lamp slave away, and then the two disappeared again one after the other.

Because the two had already appeared on the beach at this time, the lamp slave roared and rushed towards Li Qingyue like a madman.

Behind this lamp slave was a baby composed of green lamp ring energy, and this baby controlled the green light energy and continued to attack Li Qingyue, but Li Qingyue killed him with a casual blow.

"Poor man." Li Qingyue sighed as he picked up the lamp ring.

Lamp slaves often appear when the lamp ring loses its host and looks for a new host, and there is no creature around that meets the requirements of being a host. Then these lamp rings will be worn on a certain creature at will to control them, and these creatures that are forced to wear and cannot be taken off are collectively called lamp slaves.

This situation is not common, and even the Green Lantern Corps has not seen it a few times. It usually happens in some desperate galaxies. There are usually not many creatures left in such galaxies, resulting in the Lantern Ring not having too many choices.

Li Qingyue looked at the Lantern Ring. At this time, the Lantern Ring was shaking wildly, as if it wanted to escape from Li Qingyue's hand, but Li Qingyue held the Lantern Ring tightly. In the end, the Lantern Ring saw that it could not escape, so it stayed in Li Qingyue's hand honestly.

"Can you give it to me?"

The Supreme God suddenly appeared beside Li Qingyue and asked.

"Here, you see if this thing has been tampered with by them." Li Qingyue threw the Lantern Ring to the Supreme God and said.

After the Supreme God checked it and confirmed that there was no problem, he let the Lantern Ring go.

"Hey, why did you let it go!"

"It will find a suitable owner. We can't force this, right?" The Supreme God said with a mysterious smile.

Li Qingyue rolled his eyes in annoyance, but with his speed, he could still get the Green Lantern Ring back if he really wanted to, but he was just too lazy to chase it.

After all, this green lantern ring is a chicken rib to him, so it is better to use it as a bait to lure those people out.

And the green lantern ring also flew in front of the host he chose, which was Pete.

At this time, Pete, who was still thinking about Li Qingyue and Dengnu, suddenly saw the green lantern ring in front of him.

"Pete, go to bed, are you still thinking about that man?" Elizabeth walked out of the room while wiping her hair, and saw the green lantern ring, and she was stunned.

"This, this, what is this?" Elizabeth asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but I feel that this ring is not simple."

At this moment, the green lantern ring was worn in Pete's hand. Pete wanted to take it off, but the ring seemed to be fused with his finger. At the same time, a lot of information poured into Pete's mind, and soon Pete figured out the function of this ring.

Then Pete began to recite the Green Lantern oath. When he finished, his body finally changed. The beer belly that appeared in middle age turned into eight abdominal muscles, and the muscles that disappeared on his body reappeared. The most outrageous thing was that he had a set of green tights on his body.

"Pete, what are you doing?"

"Elizabeth, I want to make up for our wedding anniversary. Can you give me a chance?"

Looking at Pete's outstretched hand, Elizabeth smiled and put her hand on it. Then Pete pulled it hard and pulled it directly into his arms. Then Pete turned into a green streamer and rushed into the sky.

Then he used the green light energy to create a platform in the air, and then the two of them lay on it, looking at the gorgeous starry sky, Elizabeth leaned on Pete with a happy face.

Just as they were enjoying the space for two people, suddenly a helicopter was heading towards the two of them. Seeing this, Pete hurriedly hugged Elizabeth and left. After all, this is America. Having such ability is not a good thing.

When the two returned to the room, Elizabeth hugged Pete and said, "This is the happiest and most joyful wedding anniversary I have ever had."

Pete smiled, and suddenly he felt something. He looked towards the window and saw a figure standing outside the area illuminated by the street light.

Pete could only see a black shadow. He immediately conjured a flashlight and shone it over, but it seemed that something in that area was absorbing the light, and all the light shone over it would disappear, so Pete could still only see a black shadow.

Just when he wanted to check, the black shadow disappeared in a flash.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, go to sleep."

But Pete, lying on the bed, tossed and turned, and couldn't sleep at all. The figure of the man was in his mind, but gradually he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes again and was quiet, he found that it was still night, and the black shadow was already standing in front of his bed.

The shadow was approaching slowly. When it was close to his face, Pete suddenly sat up from the bed. He realized that it was already dawn, but his forehead and back were covered with sweat.

"Pete, did you have a nightmare?"

"I'm fine. What time is it?"

"It's already noon." Elizabeth said helplessly.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Pete got up from the bed and hurriedly put on his clothes.

"Okay, I've asked for leave for you, you should have a good rest." Elizabeth nodded Pete's head and said softly.

"Thank you, Elizabeth."

"No, take a good rest, you are sweating all over."

Pete lay on the bed again, his mind was full of the shadow. Just when he was about to go to sleep again, he saw the shadow outside the window through the corner of his eye. He immediately rushed out, but when he came to the garden, the man disappeared again.

Elizabeth heard his movement and ran over and asked: "What's wrong, Pete, what happened to you, is it this ring?"

"I don't know what happened. I saw a figure across the street last night, and then this figure has been imprinted in my mind and can't get rid of it. I just saw him again."

"Calm down, there was no one just now, it was your illusion. I was weeding over there just now. Do you think if there is a person standing here, I can't see it? You need to see a doctor." Elizabeth said seriously.

But Pete didn't think he was sick. Just when he wanted to say something, he met Elizabeth's worried eyes. Finally, he sighed and said he would see a doctor. Only then did Elizabeth smile.

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