American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 424 Seven-Colored Lantern Ring

Adele Psychological Clinic

Peter and Elizabeth came here through an appointment. They met with the psychiatrist of this clinic. Just when Peter told him about the black figure he saw last night, about him in his dream, and about seeing him by the window. All the situations were told.

The psychiatrist didn't say anything after listening. Instead, he took out a test paper and handed it to Peter and said, "Sir, please take this test paper first. I need to see if you have any other psychological problems."

"no problem."

Just as Peter was filling out the form carefully, the psychiatrist suddenly became extremely frightened, as if there was some terrifying presence behind them.

"Pete, Pete, there seems to be something wrong with the doctor." Elizabeth tugged on the corner of Peter's clothes and whispered.

After hearing this, Peter raised his head and saw the psychiatrist's face twisted with fear. He suppressed his uneasiness and looked back, only to see the black figure appear here.

Elizabeth also turned around and saw the black figure.

"This, this, this..."

Elizabeth was so frightened that she fell off the chair, and Peter's legs were shaking because of fear. At this moment, the window was shattered, and Li Qingyue slowly floated in.

"I didn't expect it to be you, Dawn Breaker." Li Qingyue said coldly.

"As expected, you're here, so that's good, I can avenge the ravager." The lantern at dawn came out of the darkness, completely revealing his figure, and said in a sharp and hoarse voice.

Li Qingyue frowned slightly, and then his eyes shot out heat vision, directly forcing the Dawn Lantern back. Seeing this, the Dawn Lantern turned and flew towards the no-man's land, Li Qingyue followed closely, and Peter also wanted to help Li Qingyue, so for this reason He also flew over.

During the flight, the Daybreak Lantern continuously used the power of the light ring to block Li Qingyue, but Li Qingyue didn't even bother to pay attention to this level of attack and continued to speed up.

But what Li Qingyue didn't expect was that his own speed couldn't catch up with the Dawn Lantern.

When the two arrived in the Sahara Desert, Dawn Breaking Light turned around and punched Li Qingyue. Li Qingyue subconsciously crossed his hands to defend himself. Dawn Breaking Light's fist hit Li Qingyue, and the powerful force sent him flying backwards.

"How could your strength improve so quickly!"

"Is it fast? Can it be as fast as you?" Xiaoxiao Deng said calmly.

At this time, Li Qingyue noticed that the ring on Xiaodiao Guideng's hand was actually seven colors.

"You have collected all the seven-color rings!"

"That's right, the red light of anger, the orange light of greed, the yellow light of fear, the green light of will, the blue light of hope, the green light of mercy, the purple light of love, the black light of death, the white light of life, all the emotional powers I have, you know me What have you experienced? Everything I did was just to avenge you and the ravager!”

Li Qingyue looked at him with a frown, and the Dawn Sliver seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing, and immediately rushed towards Li Qingyue.

Li Qingyue directly entered the magic swordsman state, and his figure flashed behind the Dawn Breaking Lamp, and punched him, but the Dawn Breaking Lamp directly condensed a colorful shield.

The shield blocked Li Qingyue's fist, and then the shield turned into a huge fist and hit Li Qingyue directly. Li Qingyue blocked the fist.


A voice came. Li Qingyue pushed his fist away hard, turned around and kicked away the colorful sword behind him that wanted to sneak attack.

"Why are you here? Leave quickly!" Li Qingyue shouted towards Peter.

But Li Qingyue seemed to have forgotten that he was now in the form of a magic swordsman, and his terrifying appearance scared Peter.

Breaking Dawn took this opportunity to rush towards Peter. Li Qingyue rushed to stop him, but Breaking Dawn's hand appeared with a large number of energy swords.

These energy swords are composed of the energy of the emotional spectrum. Li Qingyue flipped his hand, hoping that the magic gun would appear in his hand. He poured magic into it, and then swung it out fiercely, and a golden spear light detonated all the energy swords. .

Li Qingyue took this opportunity to come to Peter and stopped the Dawn Trickster who wanted to take action against Peter.

But the lantern at dawn still refused to give up. He opened his hands to both sides and aimed seven cannons at the two of them. Li Qingyue immediately protected Peter, but these seven energies contained the power of creation.

Breaking Dawn Guiding looked at Li Qingyue who was attacked by seven kinds of energy. A trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, but in the end he did not continue the attack and turned around and disappeared.

After he disappeared, the seven cannons also disappeared because they lost their energy source.

"Fuck, I almost capsized in the gutter. I forgot that these seven kinds of energy will become the power of creation when they are gathered together. Are you okay?"

Li Qingyue looked at the frightened Peter and asked. Peter was completely immersed in the battle between the two, and Li Qingyue had no choice but to send him back to his home.

When Peter finally came to his senses, he found that Li Qingyue, Neil, Elizabeth and Mosquito were all here, and they were looking at him with worried faces.

"Why are you here?"

"Peter, you've been in a daze all day, who else is he?" Elizabeth pointed to Li Qingyue who looked as if he were at home, crossing his legs and drinking beer.

"I also want to know who he is." Peter said with a wry smile.

"Is there anything you want to ask me? If not, I'm leaving."

"Who is that man?"

"The mysterious light of dawn, a terrifying existence that destroyed an entire universe."

"Then why did he come to our world?" Peter continued to ask.

"Because there is someone they need to find in your world." Li Qingyue answered.

"Who is it?"

"I think I should answer you personally to appear sincere enough." The Supreme God suddenly appeared in the room, and his appearance also scared them.

"Who are you?" Neil swallowed and asked.

"I have many names, but the one you mentioned most is God."

After hearing this, Neil and the others were stunned and didn't know what to say.

"Are you shocked? But I am indeed God. Let me explain to you."

Then the Supreme God told everyone what happened in the simplest words, and everyone found it difficult to accept for a while.

"How can I believe that you are God?" Mosquito asked at this time.

The Supreme God smiled and just pointed his finger at the sky. Suddenly, the originally bright sky instantly turned into the night sky. Not only that, the Supreme God snapped his fingers, and everyone appeared on the top of the Sphinx, feeling the dry air and the hot wind blowing on their faces. Everyone knew that this was not fake.

"Do you need me to prove it?"

Everyone shook their heads, and then the Supreme God sent them back.

"What do you want us to do by telling us this?" Neil asked.

The Supreme God looked at Li Qingyue and then smiled mysteriously.

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