North Pole

A figure was standing quietly on the ice, and there was another figure looking at him. They were Jill and Li Qingyue. They came here to train Jill's newly acquired silver superhuman physique.

But even Clark had been exposed to the sun for more than 20 years, so Jill was still very fragile now.

But just now, Li Qingyue took Jill to space and faced the sun directly. The tremendous energy poured into his body and almost exploded Jill.

But the effect was also very good. Jill had already stimulated basic abilities such as thermal vision, super hearing, super vision, and steel body.

And now she was training her own flying ability, but after trying for a long time, she still couldn't fly, so she could only jump.

"Am I really that bad? Why can't I fly?"

Li Qingyue touched Jill's head and said softly: "It's not your problem, but you haven't fully adapted yet. When you really adapt, flying will be as natural as breathing."


"When have I ever lied to you?"

"Okay then."

But at this moment, Jill suddenly seemed to hear something and immediately ran quickly in a certain direction. After running for a distance, she kicked her feet and flew directly to a height of hundreds of meters, and then fell heavily.

Then she continued to run and then jumped. This speed was not inferior to the speed of a fighter jet. Soon Jill rushed to the place where she heard the movement. This was the Arctic research station.

There was a huge gap not far away, and a car was on the verge of falling. Although the driver was already stepping on the accelerator, the contact area of ​​the tires was too small, causing the tires to slip all the time.

Seeing this, Jill hurried over, grabbed the bumper of the car with both hands, and pulled it back. The driver in the car was stunned. It took a long time for him to come back to his senses. He quickly got out of the car and said to Jill: "Thank you, thank you very much."

"You're welcome." After saying this, Jill jumped away.

"How does it feel to do good things?" Li Qingyue teased.

Jill rolled her eyes at Li Qingyue, and then continued to adapt to the power she had gained. Unlike Clark, he knew his abilities since he was a child, so he was learning to control his abilities all the time.

Otherwise, hearing many voices every day would drive people crazy. Of course, you can also use the super brain to intercept these useful information, but usually Clark and Li Qingyue basically don't do this, because if you do this, you will hear a lot of noise.

You must know that the Silver Superman at his peak can hear the entire universe, so you can imagine how much information the brain needs to process. For this reason, the two of them basically curb this ability and only listen to the voices of familiar people.

Jill is in this state now. Because she doesn't know how to use it, a lot of noise pours into her ears, which makes Jill in a trance. At this time, Li Qingyue can't help Jill, and can only let her adapt herself.

In these noises, Jill seemed to hear something, and grabbed Li Qingyue's arm and said with difficulty: "White House!"

"What's wrong?"

"There is a problem in the White House, go!" Jill pushed Li Qingyue away with force. Li Qingyue looked at the painful Jill and wanted to do something, but was still pushed away by Jill. He had no choice but to go to the White House first.

Soon Li Qingyue arrived at the White House, and the soldiers at the door of the White House certainly knew Li Qingyue, but they didn't understand why Li Qingyue came here.

"Boss Li, what are you doing here?"

"I have intelligence that there is a problem here, but I need to come over to take a closer look. You won't stop me." Li Qingyue looked at them with a smile, but his tone was full of threats.

The two soldiers swallowed their saliva and said, "We need to inform the commander. Boss Li, please wait a moment and don't embarrass us."

"Haha, I'm just joking with you. Go and report it."

The two soldiers quickly contacted their commander, and soon a man in a suit and leather shoes came out and came straight to Li Qingyue and said, "Hello, Boss Li, I am the person in charge of this security. What is the intelligence you are talking about?"

"Sorry, I don't know either. I just know that there is a problem in the White House. What is the specific problem? I need to go in and check it out. You should be fine."

The person in charge frowned slightly, and after a long while he said, "Well, are you sure there is a problem?"

"I'm sure."

"Well, please come in with me."

Then the person in charge handed a work card to Li Qingyue, who put it on and began to visit the White House under his leadership. Li Qingyue was also carefully checking the situation, but he almost turned around and found nothing.

At this time, Li Qingyue suspected that Jill had heard it wrong.

"Boss Li, we have checked everything around. What went wrong?" The person in charge looked directly at Li Qingyue and asked.

Just when Li Qingyue was about to tell the truth, he suddenly noticed a door from the corner of his eye. When he turned his head to look at that location, he found that the door was gone, as if what he had just seen was an illusion.

But Li Qingyue had been in "Doctor Who" for a while, so he certainly knew what was going on. But the problem was that this perception filter should not work on him. Unless someone had improved this perception filter, there was no way to avoid Li Qingyue's inspection.

Li Qingyue closed his eyes, exhaled slowly, and then suddenly opened his eyes, and the door finally appeared in front of Li Qingyue.

Then Li Qingyue walked to the door and slowly turned the door handle, but the person in charge behind him seemed to have forgotten this memory. He scratched his head and wondered why he appeared here, and then left.

Li Qingyue pushed open the door and found that there was a different world inside. Just as he was about to take a closer look, a group of people suddenly appeared in front of him. Li Qingyue quickly used the illusion spell, and then slowly floated into the air, so he was not discovered.

At the same time, Jill in the Arctic was driven crazy by countless noises, and finally roared to the sky, and her thermal vision shot uncontrollably toward the sky. Under this stimulation, Jill finally learned to fly and how to control her abilities.

After turning off the super hearing, the annoying noise disappeared, and Jill lay on the snow, enjoying a moment of peace.

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