In the room with the perception filter, Li Qingyue was under the illusion spell, so no one could find him, and he could check the situation at will.

Suddenly he came to a room with a lot of jars filled with liquid high-concentration tranquilizers. The effect of this tranquilizer was so strong that even Thor would have to be unconscious for a while before he could be immune, let alone Hulk.

"Oh my god, Silence, Daleks, Cybermen, Inhumans, Mutants, Symbiotes, Frost Giants, Asgardians, oh my god, how did they catch them?"

Li Qingyue was really shocked. These creatures in front of him were not something that ordinary people could capture. Even a country did not have the strength to capture these aliens and human mutants.

This made Li Qingyue even more curious. He took out his mobile phone to take pictures of them all, but he didn't know that at the moment he took out his mobile phone, a shrill alarm sounded in a room, and they immediately sent people to check.

But they didn't find Li Qingyue, but they didn't relax their vigilance, but strengthened the patrol intervals.

Li Qingyue also heard the noise, but he was quite confident in his ability. Then he came to a strange room, in which there were two rooms separated by a glass door.

One of the rooms was full of computers, and the other room had three white walls made of hexagons of unknown materials, even the ceiling and the floor.

Just when Li Qingyue was curious about what this room was used for, the person operating the computer said: "Prepare for the 15748th simulation, simulation object, Li Qingyue, boss of Marvel Office, simulation begins!"

Hearing that there was something else about him, Li Qingyue looked at them with his arms around his chest, and then his figure appeared in the room wrapped in countless white hexagons. Li Qingyue frowned and looked at it. Suddenly, a strange creature appeared opposite "Li Qingyue" in the room.

This creature seemed to have integrated the characteristics of countless alien creatures, but this creature rushed towards "Li Qingyue" and was blown up by it with one punch.

The people here seemed to have gotten used to it, and continued to type on the keyboard indifferently, and then said: "Prepare for the 15749th simulation, simulation object, Li Qingyue, the boss of Marvel Office, simulation begins!"

Li Qingyue was no longer interested in watching, and then he came to other rooms, and found that there were quite a lot of such simulation rooms and not only Li Qingyue, but also Jill, Connor and others, and it can be said that all the employees in the office had them.

Even Tom and Jerry were in it, but because of the special abilities shown by Tom and Jerry, they had no way to start, so they could only try to lure them.

But no matter how they lured, the result of the simulation was still a failure. Li Qingyue had been standing behind them for a long time, and saw them bribe them with dried fish and grilled cheese. The result was predictable, and it was also a miserable failure.

Li Qingyue wanted to laugh when he saw it, but he held it back.

After he left, he went through several more rooms and found that this place seemed to be built to study how to deal with all the employees in their entire office.

But the question is, where do they get the technological support? Just as Li Qingyue was thinking about this problem, he came to the depths, where there was a locked, heavy steel door.

Looking at the steel door in front of him, Li Qingyue knew that there must be a big secret inside, so he wanted to open the steel door, but the problem was that this steel door was completely mechanical, without a password, without a switch, and it had to be opened completely by brute force.

This was of course no problem for Li Qingyue, but the problem was that if he used brute force to push the door open, it would inevitably cause a lot of noise, so he was very entangled now, and then he suddenly thought of something, took out his magic wand and aimed it at the steel door, but found that the transformation did not work.

He was stunned, and hurried to the steel door, carefully checking the details of the steel door, and he really found something. He saw that some runes were engraved on the steel door. These runes Li Qingyue had never seen, but he could think that it was these runes that prevented his transformation.

But it didn't matter, as long as the rune was destroyed, his transformation should be usable, and then he shot out heat vision from his eyes, controlled the intensity of the heat vision, and quickly destroyed these runes.

Then he used Transfiguration again, and this time he really turned the steel door into a wooden door. He quickly pushed the door open and walked in.

As soon as he walked in, the security personnel here rushed over with weapons in hand. Seeing the steel door turned into a wooden door, they quickly sounded the alarm. Countless people began to do as they did in the drill, and soon they all evacuated.

This place was also restored to its original appearance, all the equipment was moved away, and the perception filter was also dismantled, so this place was soon discovered.

Of course, Li Qingyue didn't know about this, because there was a huge deep pit in front of him now, and there was a circle of stone slabs around the deep pit, and the stone slabs were engraved with strange runes. Just looking at these runes, Li Qingyue could feel that his san value was dropping, not to mention the things hidden in this deep pit.

"What on earth is in here that makes me feel creepy? No, no one can come in here!" After saying that, Li Qingyue looked outside and immediately returned to the office space as quickly as possible. He took out the perception filter from inside, then sent the people who came in to investigate out, and finally turned on the perception filter, so that ordinary people could not find this door.

After doing all this, Li Qingyue felt that it was not safe enough, so he found a lot of metal, melted it with thermal vision, and completely sealed the deep pit, so that at least ordinary people could not enter.

Even if he wanted to enter, it would take a lot of time, which was enough for him to find the abnormality and come to stop it.

After getting it done, Li Qingyue took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the stone slab, then left here and flew towards Kamar-Taj.

He needed to understand the meaning of these runes, he needed to understand what kind of monsters and demons were hidden in it, and if he wanted to know these, Kamar-Taj was undoubtedly the best place, after all, they had a long history and the richest library of magic knowledge.

That's why Li Qingyue chose Kamar-Taj, but he didn't know that Jill was looking for him at this time. When Jill saw Li Qingyue flying towards Kamar-Taj, she also flew towards Kamar-Taj, and finally the couple met in Kamar-Taj.

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