"What did you do to them?" Li Qingyue threw the man in his hand and asked Hake.

"I gave them faith and a purpose to live, instead of being busy and not knowing what they wanted in the end." Hake said with a smile.

But looking at his smile, Li Qingyue only felt the incomparable evil nature. He rushed towards Hake again. This time he saw clearly that it was a ray of black energy that infinitely magnified the distance between them. It seemed that the distance between them was only a trace, but in fact the distance between them exceeded the universe.

"I don't believe it, I really can't catch you!" The furious Li Qingyue directly entered the magic swordsman. The air wave generated by the transformation directly lifted all the believers present, but these believers quickly stood up and walked towards Li Qingyue.

Li Qingyue was too lazy to pay attention to them and rushed towards Hake again. This time, the ray of energy could no longer withstand Li Qingyue's crazy attack. In the end, only the sound of glass breaking and the sound of a sharp blade cutting through the body were heard.

Tony in the air saw Li Qingyue cut off Huck's neck, and his head was separated. Huck, whose head fell to the ground, spoke again: "You can't kill me. I am an immortal existence. My believers, the man in front of you is a man who blasphemes the religion. For you, kill him!"

With Huck's order, the believers burst out with a speed that they shouldn't have at their age and ran towards Li Qingyue. But Li Qingyue was not stupid and planned to fly away directly. Seeing a child rushing up and grabbing Li Qingyue's legs, Li Qingyue used his cleverness to kick the child towards the crowd, but what Li Qingyue and Tony didn't expect was that they didn't care about the child's life or death at all.

In this way, the child was trampled to death. Looking at such crazy people, Li Qingyue had an idea of ​​killing these humans in his heart, but as soon as this idea came up, Li Qingyue suppressed it.

"Something is wrong. We can't stay here." Before leaving, Li Qingyue used his thermal vision to melt Huck's head again, but even so, Huck's body could still move freely. However, Li Qingyue didn't care about it anymore. He grabbed the rest of his body and left.

Only the human ladder was left to catch up with Li Qingyue.

After Li Qingyue left, Tony appeared. Looking at the people who were still building the human ladder, he quickly used the stun gun to knock them all out. Then he called Captain America to take all these humans away and treat them as mentally ill patients with self-harming personalities, with their hands tied and things stuffed in their mouths to prevent them from biting their tongues, and then they were placed under house arrest in a cell made entirely of sponges.

They ran three times before taking all the people here away.

Then Tony called all the Avengers and showed them the video he had been recording. When everyone saw that even Li Qingyue couldn't do anything to Huck, everyone was shocked.

"No, isn't the bishop of this cult so fast? Even Boss Li is no match for him?"

"No, this shouldn't be a matter of speed, Jarvis, zoom in on the distance between them."

Jarvis immediately zoomed in, and everyone saw that the distance between Li Qingyue and Hake had not changed at all, which meant that it was not because Hake was very fast, but because there was a force preventing Li Qingyue from getting close to Hake, which kept the distance between the two at a certain distance.

Jarvis then played the scene of Li Qingyue transforming into a magic swordsman and attacking at the same time. It can be seen that Li Qingyue quickly waved the magic gun of hope, but the magic gun could not touch Hake, and sparks burst out a few millimeters in front of Hake, which meant that the magic gun was colliding with something.

But in the end, Li Qingyue still broke this force and beheaded Hake.

Then everyone continued to watch, and saw that Hake could still speak even after his head was chopped off. Everyone frowned slightly, and when they heard Hake say that he was immortal and the group of crazy humans, everyone frowned.

"After watching the video, do you have anything to say?"

"Do we really have to deal with these people? Are they brainwashed?" Black Widow asked first.

"No, they are not brainwashed, and I asked Mr. Fantastic to check their bodies. There is no trace of energy invasion, which means they are voluntary." Tony explained.

"I can't think of any way to deal with them. Are they really voluntary?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, it is indeed voluntary."

Everyone looked at each other, they couldn't think of a solution at all.

"Why don't we find the Punisher or Deadpool." Hawkeye suddenly said.

But Tony shook his head: "The Punisher is OK, but Deadpool is better. Although he looks crazy, he is kind-hearted. If he is asked to deal with those people, he may not be able to do it, but the Punisher is better. Now the number of followers of the Kru Cult has exceeded that of Christianity. There are almost three billion followers in the world. He can't kill all three billion people."

"That won't work, and that won't work. What should we do?" Winter Soldier said irritably.

Everyone was silent, and Tony even sighed.

"There are only two ways now. The first is to ask the agency for help. The second is to find out why they voluntarily joined the Kru Cult, and then reverse their psychology and let them leave the Kru Cult." Vision stood up and analyzed calmly.

Everyone looked at each other and found that this was indeed a good idea, but the problem now was how could they know why they voluntarily joined the Kru Cult.

Then everyone came to the place where these believers were imprisoned. They used various means to interrogate them, but they just refused to speak, and some believers even committed suicide when they got the chance.

The Avengers were exhausted by them, but there was no way. For the sake of these three billion humans, they could only continue to persevere.

"Vision, if it doesn't work, use the Mind Stone." Tony said tiredly.

Vision was slightly stunned, looked at the Avengers around him, and then nodded. In fact, he didn't like to use the real power of the Mind Stone, that is, the mind energy, because this would cause him to be invaded by the Mind Stone. For this reason, he usually used the Mind Stone in a more superficial way, such as using its energy to launch lasers, etc.

"Are you ready?" Tony looked at Vision and asked.

Vision nodded, then walked towards a child. After all, children's minds were not that complicated and they were the easiest to control.

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