In the Avengers base, a child tied up with his hands and feet was firmly fixed on the bed, even his mouth was fixed.

"Vision, are you ready?"

"Ready, we can start at any time."

"Then let's start."

As Vision came to the child, the child immediately stared with big eyes and struggled frantically, but he was just a child and didn't have much strength, so he couldn't break free at all, which only added to his troubles.

However, as Vision gradually approached, the child also calmed down and looked at Vision with a dull expression. As the mind gem on Vision's forehead glowed, the child slowly closed his eyes and his breathing became smoother.

"Child, tell me why you want to join the Kru Cult."

"I saw a god, a real god, who can take me to a carefree paradise and satisfy everything I want, even immortality." The child murmured.

When everyone heard this, they all frowned, and Vision asked, "What kind of god is it?"

Just when the child wanted to describe the appearance of the god, his body suddenly shook violently, and Vision seemed to see something, screamed, and retreated until he hit the wall. A trace of black appeared on his originally crystal clear Mind Gem. If you don't look carefully, you can't see this trace of black at all.

"Vision, are you okay? Look at what happened to the child!" Tony shouted anxiously in the monitoring room, because the camera turned black at some point, causing them to not see the scene inside.

But there was no answer from Vision for a long time, and everyone felt something was wrong. They wanted to open the door of the room, but found that it was locked. There was no way for everyone to break it open violently. As soon as they entered, they saw Vision lying on the ground, and he was covered in blood, and the child who was originally on the bed also disappeared, leaving only blood all over the bed.

"What on earth happened here, Vision, wake up, wake up!" Captain America came to Vision and patted his face, but Vision still did not respond.

Everyone quickly carried Vision to the medical room. Tony and Black Widow stayed behind, hoping to find other clues. On the other hand, through the machine scan, it was found that Vision's mind was now very confused.

Tony and Black Widow soon came to the medical room, and asked the solemn faces of the people, "What's going on?"

"According to the machine scan, Vision's thinking is very confused, that is, another consciousness suddenly appeared in his brain, and this consciousness is competing with him for control of the body, so for our safety, Vision will only wake up when their consciousnesses decide the winner, and we have no way of knowing whether this awakened Vision is still the Vision we know."

"What should we do next?"

"He can only rely on himself, or seek help from mutants, let Professor X or Phoenix enter Vision's consciousness to help, but the problem is that no one knows what is going on inside. If they enter rashly, it is very likely that Professor X or Phoenix will damage their brains."

"I understand, I will talk to them, first detain Vision and send someone to watch him 24 hours a day." Tony left after he finished speaking, leaving everyone to clean up the room and detain Vision.

When they imprisoned Vision and turned to leave, Vision opened his eyes, but one eye was normal, and the other eye was full of madness, and his expression was half anxious and half indifferent, as if he had a stroke on half of his face.

But soon he closed his eyes again, but all these changes were recorded by the camera in the cell.

————————Dividing line——————————

Hope City

Today's mutants have become true citizens of the earth. Walking on the street, even if they show their abilities, no one will panic, and some people will even come forward to invite them to take photos or take videos together.

They are no longer rats hiding in the gutter, and all this is inseparable from the efforts of Iceman and others. Seeing the status of mutants today, they are all relieved.

Not only that, Hope City has also become the world's largest tourist city, with billions of people flowing in at most every year, and even forced Hope City to open the number limit to barely meet their daily needs.

As Hope City gets better and better, Professor X and his friends are more relieved. Now that Iceman has stepped down as mayor, the current mayor is Roger. They all believe that under Roger's leadership, their Hope City will get better and better.

But on this day, Tony actually came to the door.

"Tony, I heard from them that you have something to ask me?" Professor X came out in a beach suit.

"Can you leave?" Tony was a little surprised. After all, Professor X's spinal injury could have been cured, but once it was cured, his ability would be greatly weakened. Everyone didn't understand what was going on. In order to better protect mutants, Professor X had not treated him.

"Of course, but I didn't cure it, but this." Professor X pointed to his thigh, and then Tony noticed that on the inside of Professor X's thigh, there was a nearly transparent substance attached to the thigh.

"This is our latest product, a semi-invisible prosthesis, which is directly controlled by the brain. After wearing it, it will be no different from ordinary people. By the way, what do you want to see me for?" Professor X found two chairs and asked Tony Sit down and have drinks brought to you. The main thing is to enjoy life.

After all, Professor It is said that he has fulfilled his wish beyond the standard, so now Professor X starts to enjoy life and relieve the burden on his shoulders.

After the two sat down, Tony took a sip of wine first, and then told the whole story. After listening, Professor What's going on? Please help Vision if you can."

"I probably can't do it alone. I need to call Qin."

"Of course, the more people, the better."

"That's it. Then I'll call all the mutants who can enter consciousness to help."

"Is it really possible?" Tony shouted excitedly.

"Of course it's no problem, but after we help you, you also need to do me a favor."

"What's the deal?"

Professor X did not speak, but showed a mysterious smile.

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