American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 441 Clark's method of improving protection

Marvel Studios

"Boss, did you hear that? Huck has been killed!" Clark rushed in and shouted excitedly.

"Who is Huck?" Li Qingyue looked at Clark in confusion and asked.

"That's the one who controls me."

"Oh, tell me about him, are you sure? He is quite powerful. To be honest, I don't really believe that he is dead."

"Well, boss, he's really dead. There's nothing left. Tony and the others are still checking carefully in Africa. It seems that there's really no trace. Huck is really dead!"

"If you die, just die. Why are you so excited? By the way, have you found a way?"

"Found it, but we need Constantine's help."

"You need his help, what can I do for you?"

"It was very painful to have a protective spell on my soul, and it took a very trusting person to do it."

"Understood, go find him, and then go to the basement of the castle. I will notify them all." Li Qingyue looked at Clark and said.

Clark nodded solemnly, and then found Constantine. After learning Clark's thoughts, Constantine frowned slightly. He did not expect Clark to actually want to do this.

"Clarke, are you sure you want to do this? Do you know the consequences of doing this?" Constantine said seriously.

"I know, but I have found many ways. Only this method can truly protect my spirit and soul."

"Now that you've decided, come on, where to go?"

"In the basement of the castle, the boss will notify everyone and no one will disturb us."

"Okay, let's go."

The two appeared in the basement of the castle, and for safety, Constantine also used magic to block all entrances and exits. Then Clark lay in the basement. Seeing this, Constantine held a carving knife, and his eyes were illuminated by purple and green light. Filled, in his eyes, Clark's body gradually disappeared, replaced by Clark's soul.

He held the carving knife and slowly exhaled. Magic power was injected into the carving knife. The carving knife began to light up one rune after another. He stabilized his trembling hand and gently placed the carving knife on Clark's soul.

In the eyes of the outside world, Constantine's carving knife was integrated into Clark's body. As the carving knife came into contact with Clark's soul, Clark's whole body tensed up because of the excruciating pain. If Constantine hadn't arranged it in advance, Binding magic, Clark is probably already tumbling.

"Clark, hold back!" Constantine said softly, while continuing to carve seals. Clark could only grit his teeth when he heard Constantine's words, and the veins on his neck popped out. No one knew what kind of pain Clark was suffering now. pain.

Seeing this, Constantine spoke again: "Clark, hold back, I will speed up, but it will hurt more, if you agree, just nod.

Clark endured the pain and nodded. Seeing Clark nod, Constantine immediately increased his speed. In a short while, a rune was carved, and Clark was already numb from the pain. He could feel the feeling that penetrated deep into his bones. He was in pain, but he just couldn't react, and his whole body fell into a sluggish state.

He knew it would hurt, but he never thought it would hurt this much.

As runes appeared one after another, Clark had adapted to the pain. As the carving of the last rune ended, Clark let out a roar, and a powerful wave of air directly lifted Constantine away.

Constantine flew backwards and was about to hit the wall. He kicked his legs and landed easily on the ground.

"How's it going, Clark?"

"I feel really good."

"That's okay. From now on, all means of attacking your soul and spirit will be transferred to your body. As long as your body is stronger, basically your spirit and soul will not be controlled."

"Thank you, Constantine." Clark said as he moved his body.

"You're welcome. By the way, I think you should increase your magic resistance."

"I know, I'm also thinking of a way."

"Okay, let's go, Louise is already waiting for you."

The two came to the office. Louise, who was chatting with Jill, immediately rushed over and hugged him. Clark gently touched her hair and said softly: "What's wrong?"

"I heard."

Clark's expression was stagnant. Of course he understood what he meant, and then he said, "It's okay. This is all over, isn't it?"

"I know, but I just can't help but worry about you."

Listening to her crying voice, Clark hugged her and left.

"What does it feel like?" Jill looked at Constantine and asked.

"If a person is not strong-willed, he may be crushed on the spot, and his soul will dissipate as a result. Therefore, this magic is called forbidden magic. Even though this magic can greatly improve the protection of the soul and spirit, no Supreme Mage has received permission. , we don’t even clear this magic.”

"Does it hurt?"

"It's very, very painful, even pain you can't imagine. If humans divide physical pain into ten levels, then the pain involving the soul has exceeded a hundred levels, even just putting something on the soul. , it will also make people lose their fighting ability, which is why the soul is so important."

After listening to Constantine's explanation, everyone was silent. They couldn't imagine what Clark had experienced, and Li Qingyue began to regret forcing Clark.

But what they didn't know was that Clark didn't regret it, because he was afraid that he would be controlled again and then kill Louise, which he would never allow. For this reason, even if it was painful, he would do it.

Clark brought Louise to the beach. Looking at such a beautiful scene in front of her, Louise's restless heart gradually calmed down.

"I'm sorry Louise, I made you worry, but this is what I must do. I can't stand being controlled by others again, controlling me to kill my companions and kill you. I will never allow it!"

"I know, I know, but I really, really..."

Before Louise finished speaking, Clark kissed her directly, blocking what she wanted to say. Louise wanted to struggle, but she finally sank into it.

Li Qingyue and Jill saw this scene and smiled like aunts. At the same time, Li Qingyue's hands began to become restless, but they were all slapped away by Jill.

"Be serious!"

"Isn't this serious? I'm very serious."

Jill rolled his eyes at Li Qingyue, distanced himself from him, and sat between Tom and Jerry. He stroked Tom's head with one hand and Jerry's head with the other. It must be said that the touch was really great.

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