American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 442: Lure the tiger away from the mountain

Dimensional space belonging to the Dark Knights

The Laughing Bat sat in his seat, and in front of him there was an illusory figure, which was looming.

"Are you sure you want to cooperate with us? Even if it costs your life?"

The illusory figure moved, and then it began to change its form.

"Since you agree, that's fine, we will release you, and what you have to do is to make the entire universe fall into chaos."

The illusory figure nodded, and then disappeared.

"How is it, did he agree?" Dawn Ghost Lantern came in and asked.

"He agreed, and then we need to unseal it."

"Too difficult, their strength is growing too fast now." Dawn Ghost Lantern shook his head and said.

"Too fast?"

"Yes, unless we use those Doomsdays, there is no way to lure them away."

"Then use those Doomsdays!" The Laughing Bat stood up and said.

"Okay, how many people are going?"

"I'll let Ruthless Iron Fist and Killing Machine go."

"I'll notify them."

"No need, we're here." Ruthless Iron Fist and Killing Machine walked in, and then the Laughing Bat handed them the task. They nodded and accepted the task, and then they came to a barracks, where Doomsday from various DC multiverses were stored.

There are TV version Doomsday, movie version Doomsday, animation version Doomsday, comic version Doomsday, and even the most original Doomsday. They are all here, standing here quietly, with a miniature sun above their heads, and it is this sun that maintains the nutrients they need during their hibernation.

Then Ruthless Iron Fist and Killing Machine woke them up, and then took out a machine to open the passage to the Marvel Universe, and then all the Doomsdays rushed into the passage.

At the same time, a large number of Doomsdays suddenly appeared on the earth of the Marvel Universe. The moment they appeared, Clark, Li Qingyue and Jill arrived at the first time.

"It's Doomsday!" Li Qingyue shouted loudly.

Jill and Clark also looked at the scene in disbelief, because they had no idea why so many Doomsdays suddenly appeared.

But they knew it was not the time to be in a daze, and the three of them immediately went to stop these Doomsdays, but there were too many of them and they were relatively powerful.

At this time, other superheroes also came. Li Qingyue quickly told them some of the characteristics of Doomsday, asking them to be careful, and at the same time asked Constantine to contact Doctor Strange to guard the seal of the strange creature. He suspected that these Doomsdays were just to attract their attention, and their real goal was the seal.

After hearing this, Constantine immediately contacted Doctor Strange, and the two led a group of wizards to the original seal site and waited here.

As for the other superheroes, they were trying to stop Doomsday, but these Doomsdays were basically equivalent to an enhanced version of Superman, and there were only a few who could be compared to Superman in the Marvel Universe.

Sentinel, Captain Marvel and others rushed over, looking at the city that had become a mess, they quickly joined the battle.

In order to quickly clean up these Doomsdays, Li Qingyue directly transformed into a magic swordsman, holding the magic gun of hope and quickly solved a large number of ordinary Doomsdays. However, just when Li Qingyue solved these ordinary Doomsdays and thought they were killed, they were completely restored in just a few seconds.

"This is impossible!" Li Qingyue was a little surprised, because he clearly felt that these Doomsdays were dead, but now they were restored again. He didn't understand what was going on.

"What's going on?" Li Qingyue murmured.

"Boss, all their lives are connected together. Unless all Doomsdays are killed at the same time, they will always be resurrected!" Walter noticed something and shouted loudly.

After hearing these words, these Doomsdays seemed to turn on some switches. These Doomsdays immediately attacked in all directions, and some even fled to the universe. Li Qingyue cursed and was about to rush over, but someone was faster than him.

That was Clark. He immediately rushed into space and intercepted these Doomsdays at a very fast speed. All the Doomsdays who wanted to escape from the earth were beaten back by Clark.

"You go gather these Doomsdays, can you do it?"

Everyone looked at each other, they also knew how powerful these Doomsdays were, and then nodded in agreement.

"We will deal with the most powerful Doomsdays, you only need to take care of the weaker ones, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, we understand."

Then Li Qingyue found the original Doomsday, this Doomsday is the most powerful and the most difficult to kill, even if only one atom is left, it can be restored.

This is the powerful self-healing ability of the original Doomsday, and he has evolved to an extremely powerful level. Basically, rare means can no longer kill him. You must know that the original Doomsday has a strong evolutionary ability.

And the original Doomsday is also very powerful, not weaker than the peak period of Silver Superman, and even exceeds Silver Superman.

For this reason, the original Doomsday was even able to fight Li Qingyue back and forth, but in fact it was very simple for Li Qingyue to kill him, just because the original Doomsday could resurrect him after killing him. In order to prevent him from being resurrected, Li Qingyue kept Evolve, so the only thing you can do is hold him back, wait for others to gather the remaining Doomsdays together, and then kill them all in one blow.

On the other side, at the Sealed Land, Iron Fist and the Killing Machine came here. As soon as they entered, they found that they had fallen into a trap.

"The boss said this was to lure the tiger away from the mountain. I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect you to actually come." Constantine walked out of the darkness.

When Iron Fist and Killing Machine saw Constantine, they knew that they had understood that their plan had failed, but it didn't matter, they believed that their strength was enough to crush the two of them.

Constantine then pulled the two of them into the mirror space, and then other mages also entered the mirror space. They wanted to stop the ruthless iron fist and the killing machine.

But the two of them are very powerful. Almost only Constantine can resist them. The remaining mages are no match at all. Even if Doctor Strange, Wang and Mordo cooperate, the same is true. After a while, they are defeated, and only Kang is left. Standing was struggling to hold on.

Upon seeing this, Doctor Strange quickly went to find Li Qingyue, but now Li Qingyue was not free. He had no choice but to go to Connor, and Connor immediately followed Doctor Strange into the mirror space after hearing this.

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