American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 458 The real decisive battle begins

On Earth, in the Avengers base, Thor fell from the sky, followed by Loki and Hela.

That's right, because he didn't want to see Odin, Hela used the eternal fire to resurrect his land machine Fenrir and his army of death. It was just because Odin was afraid that Hela's army of death would scare humans. Therefore, he did not allow Hela to bring her army to the earth, but still allowed her mount and pet Fenrir to accompany her to the earth.

"Saul, you are back, who is this?"

"She is my sister, the goddess of death, Hela, that is her pet, Fenrir, and this is the boss of the Avengers, Tony Stark."

"Hello, Ms. Hela, do Sol and the others agree?"

"They have all agreed, and now they are waiting for the Dark Knights to arrive, but where is Boss Li? Why haven't you seen him for so long?"

"I heard from Jill that Boss Li and Clark entered the sun. They will not come out of the sun until the Dark Knights appear. I hope they can become strong enough by then." Tony sighed.

"Is the Dark Knights you call really that powerful?" Hela on the side couldn't help but asked.

Thor and Tony looked at each other, then shook their heads with a wry smile and said, "You haven't seen it, but we have. Their strength is really very powerful. In front of him, I am even as small as an ant."

Hela frowned immediately after hearing what Thor said, because she knew Thor's strength. Now Thor not only has the Storm Axe, but also fully awakened the power of the God of Thunder. Although he is too young, his strength is It can be said that he is ranked third in Asgard. If he has the same characteristics as himself and Odin, and has unlimited energy and unlimited power in the territory of Asgard, then his strength Will be no weaker than Hela herself.

Therefore, Hela had a vague understanding of the strength of the upcoming Dark Knights, but after all, she had never really seen it, so she didn't know it clearly.

"By the way, Thor, since you are here, please go to the New Earth. A strange creature has appeared on the New Earth. This creature has very good defense and cannot be harmed by ordinary heavy weapons. Him, and the fact that this kind of creature can travel freely underground has slowed down the infrastructure construction in various countries, so you can go over and help them deal with it. "

"Okay, then Hela will be left to you." Thor nodded and said.

"Then Ms. Hela, please come with us, and Loki too." When it came to Loki again, Tony still didn't have a good look on him.

Loki was not angry, and shrugged helplessly. The two siblings followed Tony to the base, where Hela saw everyone who was training, and among these people, they were basically training telekinesis. After all, This stuff is really similar to Tiger Balm.

"They are training. Do you want me to come and play with them?" Hela looked at them, her warlike genes being awakened.

Tony looked at Loki, but Loki stood behind Hela, shaking his head at Tony, still saying something, but Hela seemed to notice Loki's little move, and turned her hand lightly, and the black substance immediately Loki was sealed, leaving only his head, but his mouth was also sealed, but his nose was not sealed. After all, he still needed to breathe.

Seeing Loki's miserable state, Tony swallowed the words he wanted to refuse.

"You can do whatever you want, but try not to cause any harm to anyone, just leave them breathing." In the end, Tony chose to be a poor Taoist and not a Taoist friend.

"One breath?"

"Yes, we have a kind of golden apple here. As long as there is still energy, they will be able to resurrect with full blood in a short time after eating it."


Then Hela walked towards the training people with elegant steps, while Tony quickly came to Loki's side and wiped off the black substance from his mouth.

"What do you think of the result?"

"They will definitely lose. You have no idea how powerful Hela is. In Asgard, she can even compare to Odin. I just hope they won't lose too miserably." Loki said with a "tsk tsk tsk" sound. .

"Everyone look at me." Hela came to the center of them and shouted.

After attracting everyone's attention, Hela continued: "Everyone, I was invited here by Tony Stark to test your training results, so next you only need to attack me with all your strength. , I will not show mercy."

After hearing what Hela said, everyone looked at Tony and Loki not far away.

"Well, she's right. Attack her with all your strength. If you lose, it will be miserable."

After receiving Tony's approval, everyone immediately surrounded Hela. Following Captain America's order, everyone immediately took action. Those with telekinesis directly used their immature telekinesis to restrain Hela, while the others moved towards Hela rushed over.

But Hela's power was even stronger than Thor's, so she broke free from their telekinesis with just a slight movement, and flipped her hand over and the Sword of the Night Sky appeared in her hand, watching as they rushed over She refused to advance but retreated from the Avengers, and soon she was fighting with them.

But the powerful force plus various magics made everyone overwhelmed, and soon they were defeated. They were nailed to the ground by Hela using the Night Sky Sword. Vision was even worse. Even with the Mind Stone, he was still her opponent. She cut off two arms and threw them on the ground like garbage.

Others were not much better. With the final defeat of Captain America, it can be said that half of the Avengers lost.

"Your strength is actually not bad." Hela said in front of them. This was not to mock them, but to praise them. You must know that Hela slaughtered the Valkyrie Legion. You must know that the Valkyrie Legion is also the leading legion in the universe, but Hela killed only one person. You can imagine how strong Hela is.

Tony saw that the winner was decided, so he quickly took out the golden apple and fed it to them. Soon they recovered completely.

Then everyone continued to train, and they also found that they were indeed a little weak now.

At the same time, in the dark space, the Laughing Bat had fully recovered, and he called Dawn Ghost Lantern and others.

"Are you sure he still has the recruitment order?"

"We can't be sure, because he is now hiding in the sun, and unless we take action, I think no one can force him to use the recruitment order."

"No matter, we don't have much time left, gather the army!" As the Laughing Bat gave the order, all the dark knights stood up. They all had their own legions, and now was the time for them to really appear in the public eye.

At this time, Jill on Earth had also felt something, and immediately notified all countries to start migrating. She could feel that the war was coming.

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