American Comics Agency: Starting with rescuing Iron Man

Chapter 459: Final Battle 1: The Dark Knights Attack


Now the Earth is dead silent, because all humans, including the creatures in the zoo, except for the superheroes, have been transferred to the new Earth through the interstellar portal.

All the people who stayed on Earth came to the office. The upgraded office became very large, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, so they did not seem crowded when they entered here.

"When do you think they will arrive?"

"Soon." Jill said solemnly, his eyes staring at the sky.

"By the way, Rocket, if we notify them now, how long will it take for them to arrive?"

"It will take about one or two hours."

"Then notify them now." Tony said.

"Are you sure? If they don't come, they may not come next time."

"Call them, Thor, where are your helpers?" Tony asked Thor who was standing aside.

"Don't worry, Heimdall has been watching the Earth. As long as there is any abnormality on the Earth, the Rainbow Bridge will be activated immediately to teleport all the soldiers to the Earth."

After hearing Thor's words, Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where are Boss Li and Clark?" Captain America asked, and the others also looked at Jill. After all, the two of them could be said to be their mainstays and the pillars of stability for everyone.

"Don't worry, they will come when they really show up." Jill said softly.

At this moment, Dr. Banner stood up suddenly, looked at the door and said, "Look!"

Everyone looked at the door, and saw that the sky, which was supposed to be sunny, became cloudy. Everyone ran outside, and saw a black portal appeared in the sky.

Everyone held their breath, and then six people came out of the door, and they were the Laughing Bat, the Dawn Trickster, the Merciless Iron Fist, the Killing Machine, the Drowned Wrath and the Red Death.

Hela also stared at the six people in the sky, and felt an unprecedented sense of oppression from them, and you know, these are the six people who have converged.

At this time, the Rainbow Bridge appeared. As the Rainbow Bridge fell, the Frost Giants, Vanir, Aesir, the Undead Legion, etc. all descended on Earth, led by Odin.

Odin rode an eight-legged Pegasus, holding the Spear of Eternity and staring at the six people in the air.

Next came the Nova Corps, the Kree Corps, the Plunderers, and the miscellaneous civilization legions, who also descended on Earth. On the way here, the Nova Corps had explained to them that their target was actually a group of people who could destroy the universe, which made them feel incredible. However, when they really descended on Earth and saw the six people, they were a little surprised.

Dawn Ghost Lantern looked at the densely packed spaceships in the air, frowned slightly, raised his hand and clenched his fist, and then pulled it down suddenly. All the spaceships were pulled to the ground by him, until there were no spaceships in the air, and creatures could be taller than them.

"Are these the only ones you have?" The Laughing Bat said lightly.

"Isn't this enough?" Li Qingyue and Clark slowly fell from the sky. The sun shone down from the clouds they broke through. At that moment, the two seemed like gods.

The Laughing Bat sneered, and the sky was covered by dark clouds again. At this time, everyone realized that something seemed wrong with Li Qingyue and Clark's bodies, because they were all shining with golden light, as if a layer of gold was applied on their bodies.

But if you look closely, the gold did not completely cover their whole bodies. This is because their time in the sun was still too short. Even with the help of the time gem, they still did not reach the point where they could truly become Jin Chao.

But it was strong enough. Didn't you see that the six people looked at Li Qingyue and Clark with fearful eyes?

"Have you summoned all your legions? Then let's take a look at our legion!"

As the Laughing Bat finished speaking, the black portal surged again, and then a large number of monsters appeared. The first to appear was the Laughing Legion that belonged to the Laughing Bat. His legion was basically composed of children, but they wore Robin's battle clothes and had clown makeup on their faces. Everyone looked very crazy.

Seeing the laughing army composed of these children, Marvel didn't know what to say. They had never thought that someone would be so crazy that they could transform these children.

Then came the Seven Colors Army of the Dawn Ghost Lantern. They landed from the black portal with different looks in their eyes. Everyone exuded a powerful aura and landed on the ground silently.

Then came the Merciless Iron-fisted God of War Army, the Killing Machine's Machine Army, the Drowned Ghost Army and the Red Death's Speed ​​Army.

Watching them coming, Li Qingyue's expression became solemn, because their strength was really not weak, even stronger than Marvel's current strength.

But now Marvel's other high-end combat forces have been tied up, the Beyond Gods, the Celestial Gods, the Life Tribunal, the Five Great Gods, etc., they are all involved, so now they can only rely on themselves.

"Do you think this is the end? No, this is just the beginning!"

As the Laughing Bat laughed, countless portals appeared in the sky, and a red cloak fell from the sky. A figure appeared vaguely in the cloak that covered the sky and the sun, and he was the Spawn.

Then came a large number of Zergs. Under the leadership of the Queen, the Zergs began to change the environment of the earth, forming dense nests and producing various Zergs.

Next came the giant python in Anaconda. With their help, the giant python successfully evolved into the Titan Python, which was not inferior to Godzilla in size, and even far exceeded Godzilla.

However, this was not the most surprising thing for them. The most surprising thing for them was the Demon King Yurizen, who was the demon incarnation separated from Virgil in "Devil May Cry 5". He had no human emotions and represented the demon blood in Virgil's body.

At this time, Yurizen was holding the Yama Blade in one hand and the Sword of Dante in the other hand. This means that under the interference of the Dark Knights, Yurizen in "Devil May Cry 5" killed Dante and obtained the Sword of Dante, which was a fusion of the Sword of Sparta and the Sword of Rebellion. It is estimated that even Nero is in danger.

Then came the villains from other worlds, such as Naruto - Uchiha Madara, the Godly General - the Leader of the World, the Terminator - Skynet, etc. There were so many of them, and with the help of the Dark Knights, their strength far exceeded their former selves.

"You are not the only one who has reinforcements." Li Qingyue said lightly.

After that, a large number of portals appeared on Li Qingyue's side, and then everyone heard the sound of neat footsteps. Under the leadership of Guilliman, the Ultramarines and the Redemption Wolf appeared one after another.

Godzilla, King Kong, and the Snow Demon fell from the sky, and the huge weight directly made the ground shake.

Then came Hellboy and their other helpers, and the two sides had assembled.

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