About two hours ago, Smallwell Town, among Kent Farms.

Martha sat on the doorstep with a beer, raised her bottle toward the moon in the sky, and then patted Clark next to her on the shoulder.


Just listen to her whispering with a smile.

“Jonathan and I actually had a lot of conflicts back then.

Especially the time after we both checked ourselves out and found out we might not be having kids.

Although we know that we love each other deeply, our tempers are often out of control in life.

We always argued and then always made up. "

Having said this, Martha raised her finger to point to the moon in the sky and continued.

“When we were arguing during the day, Jonathan would trim the cow’s hooves by himself while I cooked a big pot of food for him.

Of course I don’t want to strangle him to death, but when I’m angry, I like to chop vegetables, splitting them very hard.

So when I get angry, I will chop the vegetables all over the house. Not only do we eat them all, but we also feed them to the animals on the farm, haha.

Then at night, the two of us wanted to make up.

At that time, we sat on the current steps, raised our heads and looked at the moon in the sky, and prayed to God. "

I saw Martha picking up the beer bottle, raising the bottle to the moon nostalgically, and said.

"God, please give us a child.

Even if that child comes from the moon!

See, that's what Jonathan said, because he understands me best, and I'm a very, very fond of children.

In this way, after two months of continuous quarreling and reconciliation, we decided to adopt a destined child from an orphanage. "

"Then what?"

After hearing this, Clark took a sip of beer and then asked.

Hearing Clark's question, Martha smiled slightly, took another sip of beer and said.

"Then you appeared, my child. It was like God responding to our expectations. You really appeared from the moon we had been staring at!"

Speaking of this, Martha couldn't help but smile brightly.

While laughing, she continued.

“Jonathan and I knew you from the first time we met.

God must have known that the two of us would cherish this child with everything we have, so He was confident in sending you into our hands.

But that's not the point of me buying you a drink, Clark. "

At this point, Martha patted Clark's head gently.

Clark lowered his head slightly, not knowing what to say.

He knew his mother so well that he knew what she would say next.

Just listen to Martha continue.

“The key to today’s drink is that I can see where Jonathan is thinking and Jonathan understands me.

Just like even to this day, I can see what you are thinking.

Clark, your heart is agitated. The appearance of that young man from Downton has made you completely unable to sit still, right?

You are not the only special person in this world, there is also Downton, there is the Greek woman on TV, there is... Dr. Fate in the Justice Society of America, and there is the mysterious magician in the story.

Each of them is so extraordinary, and the intersection of their destinies seems to be particularly gorgeous and wonderful!

And the most important thing is that they can bloom as much as they want!

I know, I know, my child.

What kind of cruel mother would choose to let her child cover up her brilliance and wallow in a farm full of mud?

It's just that you haven't grown up in the past, but you now make me feel at ease, my child. "

Speaking of this, Martha couldn't help but clutch her heart.

She was just too worried about Clark.

Even people like Dr. Fate were killed by Downton's child who had a bright smile and was very cheerful.

My son, although the world of superhuman beings is wonderful, it is really too dangerous.

How should I feel relieved?

But even if I am so worried, how can I let my worries ruthlessly restrain the brilliance you are destined to bloom?

Thinking of this, Martha gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then patted Clark's arm hard.

"Clark, my son, it's time for you to get out of the farm, and out of Smallville, a town only for old people.

If you feel tired out there, come home and I'll make you a beef stew.

It's definitely not as good as the Michelin dishes, but it must be your favorite taste. "

"It goes without saying, Martha, I can't..."


Just when Clark shook his head quickly and wanted to reject Martha, Martha suddenly interrupted Clark.

Martha pointed to Clark's heart, then smiled.

“I can feel your care, and that’s enough.

But I also hope you accept my concern for you.

Seeds should always fall to the ground when they are mature, or they should be blown away by the wind at the right time and travel further to take root in soil that is more suitable for them!

Clark, you are stunning, my son.

Then promise me, go shine and make me proud of you, okay? "

After the words fell, Martha hugged Clark tightly in her arms.

Feeling his mother's embrace, Clark gently patted his mother's back and took a tangled breath.

Hearing her son's inhalation, Martha smiled and let go of Clark, then gently kicked Clark's calf.

"I'm not old enough for you to take care of me. Don't treat me like an old man who can't walk. I'm still young.

If one day, I can see my son on TV, believe me, Clark, I will be so happy.

And you, silly boy, you work on the farm every day, and your heart has already flown outside the farm.

But no matter what, you must protect yourself.

The world of superhumans is really dangerous. Even if I know that my son must be the best, you must protect yourself!"

"I know, and I'm still far away, Mom!"

Listening to his mother's words, Clark rubbed his nose a little embarrassedly.

Then, he continued to speak to Martha with longing.

"Everything that happened in Gotham a few days ago really made me see the world of superhumans!

Wonder Woman, the Master of Magic, and Doctor Fate, they are all so strong!

And that... that... woman with an S-shaped mark on her chest, she... is even stronger than I can describe!

They can all fly, and I just run a little faster and have a little more strength."

Speaking of this, Clark looked up at the sky with envy.

But just as they were looking at the sky, the lights on the farm next door suddenly lit up.

At this time, Clark didn't care, but continued to chat with his mother about superpowers, especially about Downton.

Even if he just thought about Downton now, Clark felt terrible.

What kind of speed and strength, Clark couldn't imagine.

Although he was getting stronger every day, he couldn't even fly, but Downton could easily travel through the universe!

Yes, Clark would occasionally secretly take a look or listen to Downton Abbey.

He had seen Downton flash to other universes with his own eyes!

In this way, Clark and Martha continued to talk about Downton, and the contrast between Downton's cheerful appearance and terrifying personality.

While they were chatting, the old pickup truck from the farm next door suddenly started!

Clark does have super senses, but he is not a voyeur who peeks at everyone all day long.

He only peeks at some people occasionally.

At this moment, looking at the car driving towards their farm, Clark and Martha stood up and walked towards the car parked at their door in surprise.

"Hey, Martha, and Clark, you guys hurry up and come with us!"

As soon as they approached the pickup truck, the old George family in the car shouted to Clark and the others.

"Washington has been invaded by aliens. Oh my God, you must not have watched the news!

The whole of Washington has fallen, even the vice president is dead. If it weren't for Old Deng visiting London, even President Old Deng would be finished!

Don't be dazed, you two. My son works at the Luther Group in Metropolis. The boss of my son's group is Alexander Luther who is always on TV.

He sent a notice to excellent employees like my son, saying that my son can go to Gotham Downton Abbey for refuge, and my son told us!

Downton Abbey, you know, it's the former manor of the Wayne family, which is the territory of the dead soul!

You have heard of that bastard, the dead soul, that guy is much scarier than the aliens, and the aliens will take a detour when they see him!

So come with us quickly, I'm telling you because of our neighbors for so many years. If we don't hurry to the manor, I'm afraid there will be no place!"

I'll stay up late to write a few more chapters today, and I can play Black Myth for a while after getting up, hehe.

I want to bloom~~~

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