Reborn from the ruins!

Completely change the decaying cherry blossom country!

This topic is really exciting enough.

Fortunately, Dr. Serizawa, as one of the founders of the Imperial Organization, has seen the Titan Behemoth, which has also experienced strong winds and waves.

He took a deep breath and asked, "What are you going to do?" What does it have to do with the Imperial Organization?".

"Godzilla. "

A name shook Dr. Serizawa's pupils from his mouth.

"How, how could you..."

Dr. Serizawa will never forget this name and the meaning behind it.

Makigoro has his back to the island of Sakura Country.

He was impassioned: "A politician's son is still a politician, a doctor's son is still a doctor, a poor worker's son is still a poor worker, and the emperor will always be the emperor."

The country has completely decayed, and people have lost hope of rising!".

"What the hell are you going to do?".

Dr. Serizawa's heart began to feel uneasy.

He didn't know where the uneasiness came from, he only knew that it must have something to do with Godzilla.


King of Monsters!


"me, King of the Monsters?".

"That's a pretty good name. "

"King Kong of Skull Island is also known as the god of Skull Island! "

"If you want me to say, this Godzilla may not be useful, and King Kong will fan out with a big pocket. "

"I have to say, this guy is conscious enough!".

"Don't say anything about it without enlightenment, I'll vote for him anyway. I want to see Sakura Country in ruins!".


Makigoro laughed, "Dr. Serizawa, Godzilla is never something you can hide. "

He held out his hand, and it was a pear-shaped container of gems containing something resembling a fetal egg.

"In ancient times, it once appeared in the country of cherry blossoms, and it shed blood.

Although it has been a long time, most of the vitality of life has disappeared, but——

Godzilla is immortal!".

Mugoro's voice rose high.

"Godzilla is the will of the planet! It is the Kami who dominates everything! The king of monsters that the star-devouring dragon of the starry sky cannot kill!"


Teardrop-shaped containers are broken.

The egg-like thing was swallowed directly into his mouth.


Swallowed it straight into my stomach.

"Dr. Serizawa, witness the birth of a new Kami!"



The fishing boat exploded.

The flames are blazing and the waves are rising.

Beneath the seawater, a strange giant shadow more than ten meters long wandered, forming a whirlpool.

"Dr. Serizawa, high-intensity radiation has been detected. "


Dr. Serizawa was shocked.

He walked quickly into the cabin and saw that the radiation detection value on the monitoring device was almost off the table, and he couldn't help but think of that day...

The screen turns.

That's when Dr. Serizawa first encountered the Titan Behemoth.

He started out as a paleontologist.

At the invitation of a friend, he traveled abroad to see a marvelous paleontological remains.

It was a very large biological remains.

It looks like it's wrapped in silk by a spider that is hundreds of times beyond normal.

That paleontology is amazing.

As soon as Dr. Serizawa saw it, he knew that with the slightest discovery, a major earthquake would occur throughout the paleontological community.


The whole biological world will be rewritten!

And that same night, tragedy struck.

A monstrous monster crawled out of the monster's remains.

From tens of thousands of years ago to the present day, there have been living horror monsters.

Just by appearing, hundreds of people were killed, and a single research site was slaughtered, and only a few remained.


Tear it apart with a wave of your claws.


It stretched its wings and smashed the fighter plane directly.

It's a mythical beast that lives in modern times!

And just when Dr. Serizawa thought that he was going to die, life appeared.


It was Godzilla, who came out of the sea.

Like a dinosaur, like a lizard, like some unknown primitive creature...

In front of Godzilla, the monster flinched.


The unstoppable monster flinched.

It spread its wings and flew into the sky, ready to flee into the distance.


It didn't work out!

It was a light, a blue light that lit up the world.

Godzilla spewed atomic breath from his mouth, and powerful rays of light vaporized the monster directly.

Not even dust was left.

There was only a cloud of smoke, which slowly dissipated into the clouds.

And after that, Godzilla returned to the sea.

That was Dr. Serizawa's first encounter with the Titans.

"That guy... What the hell is he going to do!".

Back to the present.

Dr. Serizawa gritted his teeth as he looked at the fishing boat that was about to fall silent.

"Go, we're going to..."


The sound of water resounded.

Through the glass, Dr. Serizawa saw a scarlet, hideous fish leaping up from the water.

It chewed something in its mouth, and blood flew out.



Dr. Serizawa saw it clearly.

Mugoro sent himself directly into the mouth of the strange fish!



Nick Fury was puzzled.

He really couldn't understand people like Makigoro and this kind of behavior.

Although the situation in Sakura Country is very rotten, it is stable!

There are few things that are more stable than the country of cherry blossoms.

And look at the Dahan nation next door, that directly the chaebol ruled, is not more desperate than your cherry blossom country?

The main thing is that you feed the fish yourself!

Aren't you going to change the country?

That's how it changed?

Of course, this is not the main thing.

Dr. Serizawa's recollection of that message was extremely terrifying.

"The monster named Godzilla..."

Nick Fury took a deep breath.


Or the rays of atomic energy?

This reminded him of the kind of energy weapon of Hydra during World War II.

And, even more terrifying.


Stark Building.

"Jarvis. "

"Sir, based on the calculations in the video, Godzilla may have a reactor in his body. "

"What the hell!".

Tony scratches his head and goes crazy.

What the hell is that? a nuclear bomb monster that can go berserk at any time?

Especially that ray!

That's just a concentrated fusion reaction ray!

In these years, can even a monster carry out a nuclear fusion strike?

"Sir. "

Jarvis spoke again.

"That ray was strong enough to destroy a mountain. "


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