Tony wasn't the only one concerned about the issue.

People around the world who saw Godzilla were extremely shocked.

Especially that kind of power.

Under the breath of the atom, all beings are equal!

The people who were originally clamoring for not as good as King Kong were also dumbfounded.

After all, King Kong is still just hand-to-hand combat, and Godzilla is on high technology!


Xavier Academy for Gifted Talents.


Wolverine Logan looked at the laser eye Scott next to him, with a playful expression: "Who is stronger than your laser eye or that monster?".

Scott, who was wearing laser glasses, smiled helplessly.

"You don't know until you've actually fought it. And..."

That's just Godzilla's ability, or...

Abilities shared by the Titans?

Is there any King Kong on Skull Island?

As the captain of the X-Men, he has experienced big events and has grown, and he has to think too much about growing up as a leader.

After all, the opponent of the King Kong Titan is too weak.

Could it be that because of this, such power is not shown in the video?

S.H.I.E.L.D. is working with them to develop Skull Island, which is a very critical matter, and I can't help but think about it.


In the first video screen of the light curtain, those big monsters glimpsed in the sky.

If each of them has such abilities, then where should humanity go?


Let the professor and Magneto join forces!

These two are considered to be the most powerful mutants at the moment, and they are also the strongest known beings on Earth.

If you want to kill a Titan Behemoth, it should be no problem.

"Hopefully it's just my whims..."

He sighed.

The survival of mutants, the survival of the earth....

What an eventful time!


New York.

Gao Yu grinned.

"This time, it's not just the truth of the past, it's the ongoing tense!"

That's right!

With sufficient influence in hand, his choice is to broadcast live!



"Director, things are wrong!".

The intelligence officer said hurriedly.

Nick Fury had some bad thoughts popping up and said, "Hurry up!".

"Tokyo Bay!".

The intelligence officer took a breath and hurriedly said: "Monitoring satellites, high radiation eruption detected in Tokyo Bay!


Intelligence satellites show that this time the light curtain is not playing from the past, but ..."


Nick Fury's gaze was solemn, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

This directly overturns the speculation of the intelligence services

Previously, it was speculated that parallel time and space overlapped, but now...

At this time, another intelligence officer walked in.

"Director, this is the investigation report!".

He hurriedly said, "Dr. Serizawa doesn't know for the time being. But that Makinoro is indeed a high-ranking talent in Sakura Country!".

Nick Fury snatched the report and scanned it.


It's really Mugoro!

Talents who are registered in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Advanced Talent Pool.

He received a double doctorate in paleontology and nuclear physics, and was once called the "Stark of the East"!

"How could it be..."

He felt a little dazed now.

It seems....

In just one day, the whole world changed.


Kama Taj.

The Ancient One didn't care about Godzilla's atomic breath.

She cares more about the world now.

"It's getting harder and harder. "

Even if it is holding the eye of Agamotto, with the help of the all-seeing power of the Trinity Weishan Emperor.

The Ancient One couldn't see the world thoroughly.

It seems....

The appearance of Skull Island is a signal.

The entire earth, the moment Skull Island appeared, underwent earth-shaking changes.

This is not the Earth she once knew!

"The Creator of the Light Curtain, the One, what is He going to do?"

Gu Yi looked at the light curtain solemnly.


"That's... Dr. Makagoro's research?".

Strange Fish!

Absolute weird fish!

With a body length of more than twenty meters, it is huge, like a giant blue whale.

But that's definitely not a blue whale.

It's a monster that has been transformed into a creature.

"The Titan Bioradiation signal was detected. "

Next to Dr. Serizawa, a researcher was shocked: "Dr. Mugoro, he... Did he really make Titan?".


Is this really something that human biotechnology can make?

Even in the Imperial Organization, there is no such technology!

"Stand back!".

Dr. Serizawa took a deep breath, "Prepare to call for support, let's next..."

It's time to face the Titans. "


It's an unknown Titan!

Bang la-la-

The sea is rippling.

The sea poured in, and countless small fish and shrimp floated to the surface of the water, and then were swallowed by a huge mouth.

The strange fish that Makigoro identified as "Godzilla" is changing.

Like an inflated balloon.

Twenty meters.

Thirty meters.

Forty meters.

Fifty meters.

Sixty meters!

Sixty meters long, thirty meters tall!

Even grew hands and feet!

Rust-colored rough skin like a scab, not fish scales!

A pair of godless fish eyes make people wonder if it exists or not.

In the water, it swam at an exaggerated speed and finally rushed to...

Tokyo Bay!

Dr. Serizawa watched from a distance.

"It's... Is Makigoro so-called reborn from the ashes?".



"Holy, this evolution is too fast!

"What kind of research is this Makigoro doing?".

"Where's Godzilla? I don't look like Godzilla!"

"it, it's landed, it's landed!".

"Godzilla! It's the real Godzilla, not electricity..."


The masses of the earth are crazy.

And the craziest thing is the cherry blossom country.

Prime Minister's Residence.

Prime Minister Sakura received an urgent call.

"Oh no! Tokyo Bay! Tonkin Bay is ruined!".


Prime Minister Abe was stunned.

Could it be ...

"It's Godzilla! Godzilla in the light curtain is landing now!".

Thunder and shook.

This time....

It's not the past, it's not a parallel universe, it's... Now?

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