American Comics: Fill Money Can Become Infinitely Stronger

Chapter 7; I Welcome All Of You (Seeking Flowers, 7 More)

After arriving outside the city.

Moore and the others soon discovered that Xu Hong and his convoy stopped in front.

It seems to be waiting for them.

And there seemed to be more people on the other side than them.

Moore and the others stopped 20 meters away from Xu Hong and the others.

Then Moore got out of the car first.

Rick followed.

After Glenn hesitated for a while, he also got out of the car.

Andrea and T-boy in the back also got out of the car.

Although Moore had just done something stupid that made them angry.

But now is not the time to care about those. The primary problem now is the sudden appearance of Xu Hong and his group with heavy weapons in their hands.

In this world, it is undoubtedly the best choice for survivors to gather together to keep warm.

Whether they join each other or the other joins them, the necessary contact is still necessary.

This can greatly enhance their chances of survival.

Moore and they did not get out of the car with weapons.

Xu Hong and the others had an automatic rifle at worst.

As far as their small guns and short guns are concerned, even if they hold them in their hands, they can't increase their sense of security too much.

Moreover, facing Xu Hong and the others with those things is obviously much more dangerous than not holding them.

At least Xu Hong and the others wouldn't act aggressively towards them after seeing that they weren't holding weapons.

Although More is arrogant and has a bad temper, he is not stupid.

He still has the basic thinking of normal people.

"Gentlemen, we are undoubtedly offended."

"We just want to thank you for saving us just now." Moore raised his hands, indicating that he was not malicious, and at the same time walked towards Xu Hong and the others.

But before he could fully walk in, he was stopped by two big white men holding automatic rifles.

Because they followed Xu Hong, they didn't have to worry about food and clothing, they also got enough sleep, and their complexion was better, which was much better than Moore's.

"Let him come over." Xu Hong's voice sounded.

The two big white men were not stopping Moore either.

This scene surprised the people on Moore's side.

Xu Hong is more than 1.8 meters tall. Because of the strength potion and endurance potion, his body has become stronger and stronger during this period of time, and he has grown two centimeters taller.

The whole person looks more and more burly and strong.

But among them, he was the only Asian.

So Moore and the others never thought that the head of this group would be Xu Hong, the only Asian.

In their view, Chris or Brian is more like the leader of their gang.

But the current situation clearly represents that they are wrong.

And it was ridiculously wrong.

Moore was also a little taken aback.

After the two big white men stopped him, he didn't even come back to his senses for the first time and make a move.

But he stood there without moving, but Xu Hong took the initiative to walk towards him.

To be honest, Xu Hong was quite surprised to see Rick and his group of protagonists here.

But it was just an accident.

"What's your name?"

"Mo... Moore, sir." Moore has a bad personality and looks quite strong, but in the final analysis, he is just a punk.

And the punks have a common problem, that is, they are afraid of the strong.

Standing in front of Xu Hong at 1.75 meters tall, he was almost ten centimeters shorter.

In terms of momentum, he lost to Xu Hong.

In terms of identity, Xu Hong is the boss of Brian and his group of white people.

And he, Moore, is not yet the boss of their side, at most he is one of the leaders.

In terms of prestige, just a little bit.

When Xu Hong walked in front of him, he immediately felt the pressure of the pavement.

Although Xu Hong hasn't killed anyone yet, he has solved quite a few walking corpses.

This also gave him an aura.

The closer you are, the clearer the feeling.

"Moore, you are following us, do you want to join us?"

Hearing Xu Hong's words, Morton was overjoyed.

The slight tension on his face was gone.

Didn't he just want to join Xu Hong and the others?

Just their current temporary survivor camp, a bunch of loose sand, few guns, and a lot of uncles.

Every time I go to the city to search for supplies, I have to rely on a few of them.

Others just sit back and enjoy it, each time they wait for them to bring food and living supplies out of the city for them to use.

The most important thing is that Moore feels that with those people, the safety of him and his brother Darryl is not guaranteed at all, and something will happen sooner or later.

So after hearing the sound of Xu Hong's machine guns.

He chased after him immediately.

The purpose is to join Xu Hong and the others.

With machine guns, you can also use machine guns to shoot the walking corpses in the city.

This meant that Xu Hong and the others definitely had no shortage of bullets.

This is a symbol of strength.

And in such an apocalypse, following Xu Hong and the others will undoubtedly live longer.

"Definitely, sir, I actually think so, I just don't know..." Moore's tone was a little nervous, he was afraid that Xu Hong would reject them, no, it should be him to join.

Because he's had enough of living in a survivor camp over there.

The kind of days where you can't see the future and live in fear every day.

"I welcome you to join us. In fact, I welcome anyone to join us." Xu Hong opened his hands and said loudly.

Obviously, he said this not only to Moore, but also to Rick and the others behind him.

Xu Hong needs manpower, he needs a lot of manpower.

But so far, he hasn't found too many survivors.

Xu Hong wanted to go to the radio station in the city and set up the radio again, so as to attract the living survivors and let them gather towards him by themselves.

But he doesn't have any professionals in this area.

He can't do this kind of thing by himself.

Items he can buy from the system and give to others.

But for things like skills, he can only use them after purchasing them.

Therefore, this plan was temporarily shelved.

As for the survivors, Xu Hong is welcome in every way.

As for these survivors who came over and made trouble under his hands, he was not worried at all.

Because he controls absolute power.

Also controls the weapons, and the most precious... food resource of the end.

As long as he controls these things, no one can resist him.

After those survivors came to his territory, they could only become his little brothers and work for him.

Otherwise, they will not survive.

Therefore, Xu Hong wasn't worried that there would be too many survivors in their territory, and there would be chaos or something.

Now he is worried that there are too few people under his command.

not enough.

Otherwise, he could have formed a private army and directly recovered the city of Carls.

Isn't a city as a base better than a small town?

At that time, the city of Carls will radiate the entire United States, and even the whole world.

All the wealth of this world will belong to him.

And as long as he has money, he can keep getting stronger.

He is very greedy for those powerful bloodlines in the system, but unfortunately he has no money to buy them.

Because of the powerful bloodline, the price of each one is an astronomical sum.

Even if he collected all the wealth in the walking dead world, he might not be able to afford one of them.

Even a movie version (Man of Steel) of Superman's blood can cost as much as $10 trillion.

Is it expensive? expensive

Is it a good deal? It also pays off, because even in the movie version of Superman, his power is beyond doubt.

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