American Comics: Fill Money Can Become Infinitely Stronger

Chapter 8; Sean (Asking For Flowers, 8 More)

More than 20 kilometers away from the city of Carls, there is a group of hills.

The environment here is average, but there are few people here. Before the disaster, few people came here.

But after the disaster, this place where almost no one came to before has become a place of fragrant steamed buns.

Because no one came, it meant that the walking corpses would not come here either.

So it's safe enough here.

It is precisely because of this that nearly a hundred survivors gathered here to form a temporary survivor camp.

There is a small lake not far from the camp. If there is no water, you can go to the small lake to get water.

It can be said that in the last days where walking corpses are everywhere, this is an excellent temporary camp.

Sean stepped out of a makeshift tent.

Organized my clothes.

Not far away, Jonathan saw Sean coming out of the tent.

He patted Carl, who was playing with his daughter Bellis.

"Carl, your mother is fine, you can go back to your mother." Jonathan smiled gently.

After speaking, he looked at Sean who was looking over.

Their gazes intertwined in mid-air, and Sean nodded to Jonathan.

Carl was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he ran over immediately when he saw Sean approaching.

"Sean Uncle, is my mom okay?" Carl asked, looking up at Sean.

Yesterday, Sean dismissed Carl by saying that Carl's mom, Lori, was not feeling well and that he needed to check on her.

It turned out that this inspection lasted all night.

Look at the innocent Carl.

A smile spread across Sean's face.

He smiled and patted Carl's head.

"Yes, Carl, your mother is fine. Go ahead and be with her. I have something to do now and I can't play with you. I'll bring you something delicious later."

"Okay, Sean Uncle." Carl smiled happily when he heard that.

Because of the end times, being hungry has become the norm.

Snacks are even more extravagant.

For Carl, it has become something to look forward to every time Sean comes back to bring him delicious snacks.

Sean smiled as Carl walked into the tent.

Everything in front of him satisfied him.

Although compared to his good brother Rick, Rick is probably dead long ago.

It's not that he didn't save Rick, but the situation at the time didn't allow it.

The conditions did not allow him to take Rick, an unconscious person, to escape.

What's more, Rick's condition was very bad at that time, and leaving the hospital would make him die faster.

Although Rick may have died long ago.

But I am not sorry for Rick.

At least he made sure his wife Lori and son Carl were alive.

Although he has Lori, he also regards Carl as his son.

It's not because Carl is Rick's son that he doesn't like him.

So I am worthy of Rick, I believe that if he watched all this in heaven, he would not blame him, but would be grateful to him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

But soon, he stopped smiling.

Because he saw in the camp, Daryl was arguing with someone.

As a former sheriff, he is now the leader of this makeshift camp.

Compared with Moore, he has a greater right to speak.

After all, he was a sheriff before the disaster.

His identity is undoubtedly more convincing and trustworthy than Moore's previous identity as a gangster.

"Darryl, Kazile, what are you arguing about?" Sean walked up to the two of them, pushing them aside.

"It's not a quarrel." Kazir shook his head and explained.

"It's just that Darryl was going to Carlstown on his Harley, but I stopped him."

Darryl didn't speak, but his face was slightly gloomy.

Sean heard the words, looked around, and immediately understood the reason.

"Moore and the others haven't come back yet?" Sean's face was also a little ugly.

Although there were quite a few people in the camp, there were not many people who had the courage and the ability to enter the city to search for supplies.

They've already lost men in Carlstown.

Now they can't afford any loss of manpower.

This is not good news.

"Yes, Moore and the others didn't come back all night, and they couldn't be reached by radio," Kazir said.

Sean immediately understood why Daryl was going to Carlstown.

Obviously, he was going into town to find Moore.

But driving a Harley into town isn't a good option.

There are too many walking corpses in the city, although Harley's movement is not too loud, but there are still some voices.

It would be dangerous for Darryl to enter the city alone.

That's why Kazir stopped Darryl.

Darryl also understands that Kazil stopped him for his safety.

But the problem is that Moore has no news now, he is just such a relative, such a big brother, and he will not allow Moore to have an accident while he is still there.

Even though Moore has a bad personality, most people in the camp don't like him.

But the relationship between the two brothers has always been good.

As long as Darryl is around, it's hard for Moore to mess around.

Because the two brothers care about each other very much and are willing to listen to each other.

"If there is still no news from their radio before noon, I will accompany you to the city."

"Maybe Moore and the others are just delayed by something, and they will come back soon. The weapons in their hands are not bad, and the possibility of accidents is not high." Sean looked at Darryl and comforted him.

As for why it is noon.

Naturally, it was to prevent Moore and the others from coming back in the morning, and then their trip was in vain.

After all, although they have no shortage of cars to drive now, they don't have much gasoline.

The gasoline in most gas stations has been used by the survivors in the past few months after the disaster.

Looking for gasoline now is not as easy as it was when the disaster first started.

Gasoline needs to be saved.

And it is dangerous for them to go to the city.

If it is not necessary, naturally try not to go.

Daryl was in a hurry though.

But Sean was right.

Maybe Moore and the others just delayed for a while.

After all, there are quite a few Moore and the others, and they also have weapons in their hands.

Even if the supplies are not available, An Ran should not come back.

They stayed in the city all night, maybe something happened and it was delayed.

And that guy Moore is not a skinny guy, so the possibility of accidents is not high.

That's all Darryl could do to comfort himself.

"Well, if Moore doesn't come back at noon, I must go to the city." Darryl agreed to Sean's proposal, and then said seriously.

Sean nodded.

Satisfied with Darryl selling his face like this.

As for Darryl's words, he didn't care.

Replace him with Darryl, if any accident might happen to his big brother, he will definitely go to save him, he will see the dead if he is alive.

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