American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 109 Entering The Market, Warming Up For The New Product Launch!

Just like his character, when there is nothing to do at a party, Luo Feng can't help but give Tony a blank look, "Steady your emotions first, don't be too anxious.

"Prepare to warm up, the new product launch is just a few days away."


Tony, who had just taken a sip of water, spit it out after hearing this.

"Only these two days? Although the company has just gone public and it is true that it needs to hit hard to hit its own market, but this is a bit too fast.-"

Soon? Luo Feng didn't think so.

Apparently Tony was the same, he saw a hint of excitement in Tony's eyes, this guy was also eager to try.

"I'm kind enough not to release a new product on the opening day of the company. The matter is decided in this way. Come and warm up in these two days."

As the director of Stark Industries, Tony's voice in the industry is obviously much higher than that of Luo Feng, and if he is entrusted with preheating, it will naturally cause an uproar in the industry.

"Let's make things even crazier! It's so exciting."

Tony is more and more convinced that he made the right decision to join Umbrella!

Meanwhile, Osborn Industries is holding a board meeting.

Having just finished his cooperation with the military, Norman Osborn can be described as relaxed.

"Everyone, I called this temporary meeting for no other reason. Our company's new product should be launched, and I have read all your opinions."

Norman gave a speech with a high-ranking appearance, and his normal expression one second turned crazy in the next second.

"A few proposals are simply rotten. I really don't know how you pig brains came up with it. Do you usually eat pig food?"

After becoming Green Goblin, his emotions became more and more unstable. In other words, Green Goblin is Norman Osborn, but Green Goblin is not Norman Osborn!

In a maddened mood, Norman's mood spawns the Green Goblin!

"In two days' time, I will present the new biomedical technology that Osborn has achieved to this short-sighted world!"

"They're going to be crazy about all this technology!"

The man in front of me entertaining himself is so strange in front of the directors, but this is his job, and if he wants to keep it, he can only follow the trend.

In the meeting room, the applause was sensational, so loud!

...asking for flowers...

And Luo Feng's side.

Tony· Stark was just asking for opinions, but now after receiving clear instructions from Luo Feng, he has already formed a plan in his mind for what to do next!

"Well... I'm going to talk to your dad about advertising. On the other hand, I think I can talk to Pepper after finishing all this."

"I've been busy doing superheroes for the past two days, but heroes also need emotional lines, don't they?"

Tony swayed out of the gate, at first glance, he was still a cynical playboy.

Luo Feng couldn't help but think of the phrase "I love you three thousand times" from the Avengers alliance. What kind of awareness did Tony have at that time?

"Anyway, I want you to grow too."

A lot of things in this world have changed because of Luo Feng, maybe it won't pay a heavy price like the Avengers alliance.

Downstairs at Umbrella's company, Tony slowly walked out of the car. Before that, he had notified Jin Bing, and the security guard let him go directly. Jin Bing's secretary led Tony to the top floor.

Although Kim doesn't like Tony's mouth, but for the sake of his son's career, what are these mountains?

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