American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 110 Warm-Up Begins, Overwhelming Advertisements!

"Advertisement? Whether it's a big-screen promotion or an online promotion, it is essential. This is Umbrella's first battle, and we must give it a shot!"

At the desk, Tony Stark was talking about his plans in a serious manner.

Jin Bing heard it in his ears, this is probably a career that he could not complete in his poor life, but now it is easily accomplished by his son!

"This is truly an honor for our family!"

"Hey, hello, are you listening to me from the "440"? As for the big screen promotion, I have already found a location, which is in Times Square, New York."


In a word, it was almost lost.

"Do you know how much the advertising costs there?"

"Before Stark Industries advertised on it for three days and spent more than 10 million U.S. dollars."

There was no way, after all, there was a lot of traffic there, Tony picked up a donut on the side and put it in his mouth, then looked up at Jin Bin's reaction.

This guy is still in hesitation.

"Sure enough, Luo Feng is the only one with insight."

"Then advertise here!"

"People like you who are struggling in society, naturally don't know the price here..."

"Wait, what did you say?"

Tony thought that Jin was not the kind of hard-headed iron cock, but the other party agreed so readily!

"Let's promote it here until the day the press conference starts. I believe in your vision, Mr. Tony, and I hope you won't let me down."

Jin Bin squinted at Tony, at the moment he seemed to have regained the aura of an underground emperor!

And Tony wasn't afraid of that.

"Then let's put it this way, leave the Internet promotion to Stark Industries, and besides... I won't let Luo Feng down, not you."

After saying these words, Tony walked out of the office swaggeringly, leaving only a gold and annoyed.

Although Tony Stark's speech is very poor, but his Ability is unquestionable!

In New York at night, after the sprinkler cleans the ground, it seems to have a cyberpunk flavor, which is very imaginative.

And on the big screen above the head of Times Square in New York, with Tony as the publisher and Umbrella as the sales and development party, "Ten new home robot advertisements instantly attracted the attention of passers-by!

Umbrella Corporation? What is that?

Ordinary people will definitely not know, they only know that the publisher is Tony, the director of Stark Industries!

But it is an advertisement that ordinary people don't take seriously, which makes all walks of life fearful!

Umbrella made a move! The whole industry will be shaken!

Although it appears that Umbrella is in charge of Jin Bin, the bigwigs who have been in the industry for many years will not believe it, how can Jin Bin win over the Buddha of Tony Stark!

There is another person behind it! Although they don't know who it is, many entrepreneurs have reached a consensus that they can't afford to mess with this person behind it!

Not only is Times Square in New York the most crowded place, even the Internet is full of advertisements for home robots!

Almost monopolized half of the Internet advertising market!

And thanks to Tony!

Beside the cliff villa, Tony looked at his work proudly..4.9...

"J.A.R.V.I.S, how high is the ad coverage?"

"Sir, because it covers 53% of Internet advertising."

This statistic is already very scary, and others can see that Umbrella has done enough publicity for this first wave of press conferences!

"Not enough, increase coverage to 70%!"

I am afraid that by tomorrow, the advertisements of Umbrella home machinery will be overwhelming on the Internet!.

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