American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 251 What's Going On, Two Green Titans?

On the ground, the deep pit drilled by Luo Feng with Cyclops is constantly emitting smoke.

It's as if someone is warming up in here.

And the fact is true, Luo Feng is grilling green titan?

"There seems to be no movement below."

"Why don't you go over and have a look?"

"Are you kidding me, a green titan popped out of the deep pit?"

As soon as the words fell, a green titan quietly emerged from the deep pit.

Seeing this scene, Natasha Romanoff couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "Look, let me just say, a green titan suddenly emerged from the deep pit."

But as soon as 12 finished speaking, a green titan emerged from the deep pit again!

Everyone was dumbfounded, did they read right just now, two green titans?

"I think I must be so tired that I'm in a trance, how could there be two green titans appearing here."

And in the deep pit, Luo Feng looked at the split green titan, and couldn't help smiling lightly in his heart.

Over there at S.H.I.E.L.D, Nick Fury was shocked when he heard the news that there were two green-eyed men!

Could this guy still be broken up?

And how could they have thought that the two Hulks appearing now are both good and evil!

In an instant, the two Hulks wrestled together.

An angry Hulk was hitting Banner hard under him.

The good-natured Hulk character belongs to Banner, and the angry green titan is Hulk!

Obviously, the Na side does not have the upper hand.

In the deep pit, Luo Feng also got out quietly, and then looked up to the side.

Two green titans are already fighting.

Now the green titan whose Banner character is the main body has the same Ability as the green titan in Avengers alliance 4, completely losing the wildness of the green titan!


Having said that, the power that belongs exclusively to the green titan lies in the bandits of the body!

No matter how Hulk attacks Banner, the body data of the two are exactly the same, and Banner's damage is not a big deal!

In a trance, Banner stretched out his palm and even pushed Hulk away from him!

And in Waffle Square.

Ross, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly received a message and moved his position?

Ross's body trembled suddenly, and he looked back at the huge force he had brought. How easy is it to transfer it?

"This is not the same strategy as we agreed, minister!"

"Yes, I know, but there is no way, after all, there were some accidents in the battle."

One green titan was enough to cause headaches, but now there are two!

"What did you do to the green titan?"

Luo Feng was watching two big guys fighting each other not far away.

But Steve Rogers behind him asked in a questioning tone.

What did you do?

Luo Feng quietly turned his head.

"Yin and Yang, the battle between good and evil?"


In the sky, Iron Man Tony was also wearing a battle armor and slowly fell from the height.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, analyze Spider-man's injury."

"It was detected that there were 227 more abrasions on the body, three ribs were broken in the body, and there was hemorrhage in the chest cavity, which must be treated as soon as possible.

"Damn it..."

Seeing Gwen's bruised corpse, Tony frowned even more.

These are all for the protection of the city!

"Luo Feng, I will leave this to you, I will take Spider-man to the hospital!"

Gwen's injury is urgent, and I'm afraid Gwen will be out of breath due to pleural hemorrhage within a few moments of the night.

Looking at the back of Tony going away, Luo Feng's face darkened.

"As expected of a green titan, who can injure my hero like this..."

Between the words, Luo Feng's expression flashed even more ruthless. .

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