The energy source of the green titan has never been stronger because of its own mutation, but the more angry it is, the stronger its power will be.

In this regard, Hulk has achieved the ultimate.

After all, all the angry emotions are piled up on it. Compared with it, Banner is somewhat inferior.

After all, Banner's character was relatively cowardly from the beginning.

For a moment, I saw two green titans, one big and one small, wrestling together!

This evil guy in front of me is the reason for my current embarrassing situation!

Thinking of this, Na couldn't help punching the strong green titan in front of him.

In an instant, the two fists collided together.


There was only a loud noise, and Banner was instantly knocked several meters away!

Flipping several times on the ground, finally Banner's body crashed heavily into the building!

The world only needs one green titan, and that green titan is called Hulk!

Hulk walked straight towards Banner, with a bit of ruthlessness in his expression, as if he wanted to drive Banner to death!

"I'm sorry, I'll release this person on bail." "

At the moment, Luo Feng quietly appeared in front of Banner.

In this guy's stunned expression, Luo Feng suddenly stretched out his palm, making Hulk stop!

Is there any mistake, this is the green titan Hulk! Banner's face was filled with astonishment, what is the identity of this man in front of him, he dared to order the green titan to stop?

And when they saw this scene, Captain America and others were even more shocked.

Even if this guy has a strong ability, what he's facing alone is a green titan!

What's more, from the surface, this green titan is much stronger than before!

"Is this guy really an opponent?"

"Whether he is or not, we need to know that he is now a major force against the green titan, the more he does, the easier it will be for us to deal with master Yuan!"

Facing Captain America's doubts, Natasha Romanoff seemed very accommodating.

What she said is not unreasonable, now that Luo Feng and the green titan are fighting, they are completely consuming the opponent's physical strength, and the more physical strength he consumes, in the eyes of those who don't understand the green titan's attributes, he is consuming physical strength!

As everyone knows, there is no upper limit to Hulk's physical strength, the more angry he is, the more physical strength he will grow!

"By the way, what are these two green titans, magic?"

"I don't know. Anyway, it's quite exciting to watch two big guys fight back and forth. You punch each other. It's a pity that these two big guys don't have the same abilities."

As for the green titan changing from one to two, everyone's attitude remained the same, all of them were full of confusion.

After all, no one knows what was discovered in the deep pit just now, but they were surprised that the green titan was split into two!

High in the sky, Falcon slowly flew into the crowd.

Captain America is the general commander of this operation, without his order, no one would dare to do it!

Seeing that the crowd at the side was unmoved, Luo Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"It seems that they are not going to help (Zhao Lizhao). "

"But it doesn't matter anymore, it's just the number one green titan.

"Let me show my full strength!"

After Luo Feng finished speaking, he clenched his fists immediately.

At the same time, a tyrannical force burst out from Luo Feng's body, and this power emperor seemed to want to sweep everything in front of him!

Even if they were tens of meters apart, the people in the distance couldn't help but feel intimidated by the aura exuded by Luo Feng!

Is this guy really human!.

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