American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 320: The Humble Peacemaker Steve

And this person is none other than Captain America who just ran out of the bar, Steve Rogers!

"Steve, what are you doing here, these people are going to take you away by force, I'm going to drive them away.

High in the sky, Luo Feng's domineering aura even made Captain America shy away from him.

But thinking of these comrades-in-arms who fought together, Steve still mustered up his courage.

"Luo Feng, this is the end of "Two Five Three"."

After a moment of deliberation, Captain America finally uttered these words.

For a moment, Luo Feng slowly fell from the sky.

He naturally understood Steve's thoughts, these people were his former comrades-in-arms, and seeing them being treated like this by him, the kind-hearted Steve couldn't stand it.

Having said that, what else can Luo Feng say?

"Steve, come back with us, you just saw this guy's tricks, is our upright Captain America going to commit crimes?"

"Do you know that Director Nick has issued an ultimatum that we must take you back to the hospital."

They hadn't seen the protagonist before, but now that Steve walked out of the bar, these people seemed to see hope, and began to persuade them one by one.

But there is no way, in Captain America's heart, he already regards Nick Fury as a liar full of lies.

What's more, Luo Feng is a super criminal, which is just Nick Fury's one-sided statement.

"Crime? At least from the current point of view, Luo Feng has never done anything outrageous."

Steve stood in the middle of the two parties, as if playing the role of old man.

As everyone knows, for these spies in front of him and the stories behind them, Luo Feng knows better than anyone else.

"I won't go back. Regarding the matter of Luo Feng, I think the director should carefully consider it, at least from my point of view."

"It's just that S.H.I.E.L.D came to trouble him again and again."

For such a long time, this is the first time someone has spoken for himself in front of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Looks like Steve can handle it!

Luo Feng heard all this in his ears, and felt even more gratified in his heart.

"If the two camps with the ability to protect the world unite, I believe you will definitely show a stronger combat ability!"

"I'm not going back..."

As Steve said, he had already pulled out the shield from his back, and it seemed that he was going to draw an end to this place and the past.

"If you insist on blocking, although I don't want to do this, it seems that I can only attack you!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience except Luo Feng was in an uproar.

They naturally knew Steve's character, and this was the first time he had expressed his position so firmly, even at the expense of fighting with his former companions!

"Okay Steve, if that's your thing..."

"We won't embarrass you any longer."

"Well, regarding the matter of Luo Feng, I hope that S.H.I.E.L.D will make a new decision after careful consideration.

"Steve 2.1, I don't know if the long sleep has made you forget the sinister human heart. I hope that the next time we meet, we won't be opponents."

"Including Dr. Banner, this is also something that S.H.I.E.L.D is investigating!"

After completing a series of conversations, these S.H.I.E.L.D people slowly stepped onto the vehicle.

After the sound of the engine, the vehicle drove away......

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