American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 321 Come To Be The Security Captain!

For a while, only Luo Feng and Captain America: The Winter Soldier were left in the open space.

The two looked at each other, and Luo Feng's expression was full of emotion.

"You know, this is the first time someone has spoken for me in front of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Because I can see that you are not the heinous villain they say.

Facing Luo Feng's words, Captain America expressed his thoughts on the spot.

Luo Feng is not bad, and there are two superheroes under him, so why can't Luo Feng form a huge organization like S.H.I.E.L.D?

"Luo Feng, there are many people in the world who vote against you, but I can see that you are not a criminal.

"Okay, no need to say more, I already know what you want to say, but what if I become a criminal in the future?"

Captain America's 06 mind is probably to express his own point of view, but Luo Feng has a unique definition of himself, and he naturally does not want to listen to others' evaluations.

For a moment, what Captain America wanted to say could only be swallowed back in his stomach.

"If you become a criminal, I think I should kill you."

The moon is in the sky.

Even though Steve drank several glasses of wine in a row, he had no intention of getting drunk.

As said before, Super Serum makes his blood break down alcohol faster.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng smiled even more bitterly, thinking that Captain America's words were spoken in an extremely sober state.

"It's time for us to leave."

"I don't know where I should go."

"Let's go, I will find you a place that can accommodate you, and in this world, you should need a stable job."

"Exactly, there is a company here, maybe you can be the security captain in it."

If others know that Umbrella's security guard is actually the famous Captain America, maybe they will think that the world has begun to go crazy.

And the fact is true, the world is spinning in madness all the time.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng smiled helplessly.

Not long after, a taxi seemed to be stopped by Luo Feng.

As for where Steve will go tonight, Luo Feng already has an idea in his heart.

That was the residence previously arranged for the green titan Banner.

Remember that there is another vacant room next door to that room.

It couldn't be better to have Captain America here.

At least someone can notify Luo Feng and respond immediately when Banner is out of control.

Not long after, the taxi arrived at the apartment building.

When the landlord learned that Luo Feng was going to rent another room, his face was full of uproar.

"Are you serious?"

The other party asked seriously.

After all, Luo Feng's weird behavior has aroused the suspicion of the landlord, whether they are using their room to do some illegal and criminal things.

"Do you have proof of residency?"

The landlord immediately turned his eyes and asked these 480 questions.

For a moment, Captain America and Luo Feng were stunned at the same time.

You know, Luo Feng's resident certificate has long been used to cover up the identity of Banner's wanted criminal.

Where did he find the second certificate of residency now?

Luo Feng turned to look at the captain.

Steve can be said to have a bitter face, his resident certificate is still under review and has not been approved.

After much deliberation, in the end Luo Feng simply threw money at him.

In this world, there is nothing money can't do!

In this way, Steve ended up staying in the apartment building next door to Banner.

Luo Feng went straight back to the manor. .

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