After thinking for a while, Jin Bin finally arrived at Luo Feng's residence in a vehicle.

In the manor, Luo Feng is still thinking about which angles Umbrella's new products should be promoted.

After all, this is a cross-age product, and the novel design may not be accepted by everyone.

"Master, have you forgotten that there is still training today?"

After being reminded by the red queen, Luo Feng realized that if he was busy with Umbrella's new product release today, he would have no time to train the heroes.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng felt another headache.

"Is there no compromise?"

"Master, maybe you can let the heroes train independently."

When building a training room, as I said before, there is not just one room.

There are many rooms in which are used to train different Abilities.

Hearing this, Luo Feng instantly had an idea.

"After the red, issue a notice to let these heroes have a day of physical strength enhancement and ability mastering training today.

"Good master."

"Let them go to Room 003."

Yesterday's training was the combat ability in complex terrain in the city. During this training, the shortcomings of the heroes were also clearly displayed in front of Luo Feng.

Now, it's time for them to take control of their Ability.

Speaking of it, it may be easy for the three of Blackwidow Falcon and Hawkeye to complete this training.

After all, the three came out of S.H.I.E.L.D, and they had already gone through a series of harsh training.

To become the Advanced Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, their experience is unimaginable.

"Have Natasha Romanoff Barton and Sam serve as instructors for this training session, and also inform Dr. Banner that he is not required to participate in training today."

"By the way, how is the matter of Otto's transfer laboratory going?"

"Master, he transferred all the experimental equipment to the Avengers alliance base last night."

Alto joined the Avengers alliance, this is definitely one of the craziest things Luo Feng has ever heard.

But who made the Otto of this world not become Doctor Octopus.

With Banner's help, those octopus tentacles did not become Alto in the air, but instead became his powerful tools.

Hearing this, Luo Feng's expression showed a hint of satisfaction.

And at the moment, the Red Queen suddenly sent a message.

"Master, Mr. Bing has arrived at the gate of the manor.

Hearing this, Luo Feng couldn't help being shocked.

Jin Bing had just finished working on Gray's affairs, and now he turned around to look for himself. Could it be that he has something to do?

Putting on his clothes in a hurry, he went downstairs and opened the door.

And when Jin saw the mess in Luo Feng's living room, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Luo Feng, what happened? Why does it look like a mess."

After the previous battle with Deadpool, Luo Feng's living room can be described as horrible.

Definitely, if Jin Bing knows that the person who made Luo Feng's estate like this is Umbrella's current security, I'm afraid Deadpool will lose his job (Li Li's).

"It's okay, it's going to be renovated here, let's talk on the second floor."

Jin Bing definitely copied purposefully when he came here this time.

Thinking about it carefully, the father and son have not communicated properly for some time.

"Do you want some tea? I still have stock here, and it's of good quality."

"You can come a little bit.

"You go upstairs first, I'll make tea."

After saying that, Luo Feng turned his head and went to get some tea, while Jin Bing went upstairs directly along the stairs. .

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