American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 753 Frankly Tell Each Other, Father And Son Talk Heart To Heart

In New York today, the weather is pretty good, and there is still a big sun hanging high in the sky in the morning.

It looks a bit hot, but fortunately, Luo Feng's manor is warm in winter and cool in summer, even if the climate changes, Luo Feng's side will not have much reaction.

Inside the house, Luo Feng dug out a coffee table from a corner, because generally no one visits Luo Feng's house, even if they do, how would they dare to drink tea under the same roof as Luo Feng?

If you want to say who among the many people Luo Feng knows has the most qualifications, it is definitely only Jin Bing, Luo Feng's father!

"I'm sorry, I haven't had guests at home for a long time, this coffee table is a bit dirty, I'll clean it.

The hot water was smoking thickly, but Luo Feng was busy inside and out.

All of this is seen by Jin Jue. 003 struggled in his heart for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth, "Luo Feng, we are both father and son, there is no need for this between us, as long as we deal with each other casually."

Luo Feng seemed to want to make this reception very formal, but to Jin Bin, this was just a redundant etiquette.

Luo Feng's body paused suddenly, and he turned to look at his father.

Jin Bing At the moment is smiling at Luo Feng.

It's just that this superficial smile looks a little scary.

"Well, this seems to be the first visit from my father in such a long time."

Perhaps it was also because of this that (ahei) Luo Feng seemed so nervous.

Jin Bing knew in his heart that he hadn't given Luo Feng any substantial care since he was a child, and most of them were financial support. For this, Jin Bing was very ashamed.

But in Luo Feng's view, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that he can stand out thanks to Jin Bing's care.

Seeing that his son has become so obedient from the previous arrogant and unreasonable gangster, Jin Bing was very relieved.

But Jin didn't know that the Luo Feng of At the moment was not the Luo Feng he knew before.

Before the coffee table, according to Jin Bing's request, Luo Feng simply tidied up and did not waste too long.

The two remained silent, and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while.

It wasn't until a moment later that Jin Bin said, "The mastermind behind the attack on Umbrella last night has been found.

"One of the most popular gangs in New York right now."

"I have already solved this gang just now."

"Luo Feng, I'm sorry, maybe I only have this way to protect everything I cherish."

Beside Jin Bing, Luo Feng who was pouring tea suddenly paused.

Rao Luo Feng never expected that Jin Bin would be able to confide his heart by his side.

In fact, Luo Feng knew about this a long time ago, and even knew about Jin Bing's personality, but he didn't expose it.

I saw that in front of him, the underground emperor of New York in the eyes of others, beside Luo Feng, was actually doting on his face.

"Though I don't know how many times I've said that."

"You are my pride, Luo Feng!"

If it wasn't for Luo Feng, Jinpin wouldn't be where he is today.

It can even be said that everything that Jin Bing owns now is due to Luo Feng!

"Really? But I don't think it's unreasonable to do whatever it takes to protect something you hold dear.

"On the contrary, I am really touched that you can give so much for Umbrella."

At that time, I established Umbrella Jean King and served as a director, nothing more than that my side was not suitable for the public.

But Luo Feng did not expect that Jin Pin really regarded Umbrella as his own rather than a simple money-making tool.

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