American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 78 Chaotic Queens, Conflict Between Father And Son

beautiful country.

An unknown place.

A middle-aged man in a suit, holding a briefcase and looking around, made sure no one was following him, then dodged into a small alley.

After passing through the alley, there is a small villa built on the lawn

The man in the suit came to the gate of the villa, and after scanning his irises against the doorbell above, the gate of the villa automatically opened with a click.

In the villa, an old man with gray hair is drinking the coffee in his hand gracefully...

He still held a book in his hand and read it carefully.

When the man in the suit came behind him, the old man said: "The next time you enter the door, remember to use your original appearance."

"If I accidentally fail to recognize you, I will kill you."

When the man in the suit heard this threat, his skin and clothes seemed to flip, turning into blue scales.

Even the gender has changed.

Among the Mutants, the one with such an ability and appearance is undoubtedly Mystique, a follower of Magneto.

And the old man in front of her who made her so respectful was naturally the boss of Mutant Brotherhood, Magneto Max Eisen Hart.

Seeing that Mystique had returned to its original state, Magneto asked: "Did you find out the reason for the abnormal gravity of the earth today?"

Magneto's variant Ability is to control magnetism, and he is extremely sensitive to the perception of magnetism.

And the Earth was originally a huge amounts of magnetic field.

Therefore, the gravitational anomaly that appears today has also caused changes in the earth's magnetic field to a certain extent.

It was perceived by Magneto.

Out of curiosity, Mystique was sent to investigate.

Mystique handed out the briefcase in his hand: "These are NASA Space Agency's report analysis on this gravitational anomaly."

"According to their judgment, there is a high probability that it is man-made, and the location should be in Queens, New York City.


Magneto also seemed a little unexpected about this result.

At first, he thought that it was the result of the powerful weapon developed by the beautiful country.

Didn't expect it wasn't...

After looking at the report brought back by Mystique, Magneto Chinatsu raised a piercing smile slightly on his old face.

"Looks like Awakening a new Mutant..."

"Come on, let's go to Queens too, we can't let that guy Xavier get there first.

Mystique looked at Magneto in surprise: "Is this new Mutant's ability very strong?"

Just because Ability has just Awakened, Magneto can go to recruit in person. Mystique, who has been with Magneto for so many years, has never seen Magneto so anxious.

Mutant's Ability617 was the weakest when it was just Awakening.

Only through training and the cooperation of some special means can the later enhancement be achieved.

For example, Wolverine in X-Men, his original Super Ability has nothing powerful except super recovery and wolf claws.

But after the bones were injected with Adamantium, the strength increased by more than a little.

There are also two levels of combat power for Magneto wearing a helmet and not wearing a helmet.

Magneto stood up, took a look at Mystique, and then just judged lightly: "This kind of Ability, if developed, can be close to the Omega level..."

Hearing this, Mystique, who was a little disdainful at first, suddenly became serious.

"But, we want to get out of here now..."

When Mystique said this, she looked around.

Although it is night now, a few strange figures can still be seen in the surrounding grass.

These people were specially sent to monitor Magneto.

Since the last incident, although Magneto has not been arrested, he has lived a life that is almost no different from house arrest.

Definitely, this is also Magneto's voluntary, otherwise, except for some specially built prisons, there is almost no place to trap Magneto.

Magneto smiled softly and moved his fingers lightly.

Suddenly several small iron balls flew out of the grass on the ground, and then Magneto swung his hand vigorously.

The iron balls flew towards the grass of the villa like bullets fired from the chamber.

After several abnormal noises, those iron balls flew back in front of Magneto.

The difference from just now is that the surface of the black iron ball is stained with bright red blood, dripping on the grass.

"In this way, won't the people watching us disappear?"

After confirming that all the agents around were dead, Mystique returned to Wanci.

"Let's go..."

In order not to attract too much attention, Mystique also transformed into a blonde woman, and left the villa after Magneto.

in the grass.

On the wrist of a dead body, wearing a vital sign detection system, when his heartbeat completely dropped to zero.

A logo in the shape of an eagle appeared on the screen, and after a few flashes, the screen went completely black

at the same time.......

On board the S.H.I.E.L.D mothership.

At his post, Hill, who was operating the display in front of him, suddenly heard the watch on his wrist beeping.

Quickly raise your hand to check.

After confirming the above information, Hill's face instantly became ugly.

Immediately drop all work at hand and head straight to Nick Fury's office. …

It was an emergency, and this time she pushed the door open without even knocking.

"Sir, something serious happened..."

"Several agents monitoring Magneto were killed by Magneto."

In the room, Nick Fury was looking at some of the latest information, and there was no emotion on his face after hearing Hill's report.

Because of these agents, when he sent them out, they were doomed to die.

"It's not surprising that Magneto will know about such a big event today, and he should be in Queens soon."

"He is not something we can solve..."

"Then what do you mean?"

Hill looked at Nick Fury's strategizing, as if everything was expected.

"Give this news to the people of Xavier's School, they and the Mutant Brotherhood are deadly enemies."

"Hasn't Xavier always expressed his loyalty to the high-level? The opportunity will not be in front of him..."

Hill instantly understood Nick Fury's opportunity.

Let the Mutants fight among themselves.

"Understood, I'll go down and do it right away."

When Hill was about to leave, Nick Fury stopped him again: "Since Queens is such a mess, don't let Phil Coulson pass."

"Let the Romanov agent go."

"But isn't she on Tony Stark's side now, ready to hand over to us anytime?"

"Tony has been at home for two days, and Romanov can't get in touch with him..."

"Looks like I'm going to go there myself."

Hill suddenly felt that Nick Fury didn't seem to be that amazing, at least in terms of the plan against Tony, he had been defeated repeatedly.

"Hill agent, what are you thinking?"

"No, sir..."

"I'll give you your order right away!"

After Hill left, Nick Fury looked at the box Howard left behind in the corner again.

The reason why I chose to contact Tony in person was because Nick Fury was getting more and more uncertain during the two days that Tony didn't go out.

If Tony develops a new element to replace the palladium element, won't the favor situation that he has planned for so long be gone?

Thinking of this, Nick Fury shook his head: "It should be impossible. Howard was inspired by Tesseract at the beginning."

"The whereabouts of the Tesseract are unknown now, and it is impossible for Tony to research it."

The more he comforted himself, the more Nick Fury felt that he had no idea: he had to find the pick up in person...

And Hill also conveyed Nick Fury's order.

late at night.

In a room full of books.

Professor X sat at the desk, looking at the report just sent by S.H.I.E.L.D, his face became a little ugly.

"Marx, you are coming to New York at this time...

"Is the purpose also for the Mutant who just Awakened the mutant Ability?"

Professor X also received news about this matter today, and sent people from X-Men to investigate.

He didn't expect that even Magneto would step in.

"Nick Fury, your calculations are really good."

"S.H.I.E.L.D and the high-level of the beautiful country are not used for anything [just watch us X-Men and Mutant Brotherhood kill each other..."

How could Professor X fail to see why Nick Fury sent this report, and his purpose was to make Mutant and humans live in peace.

To do this, you must make connections and deals with those in high positions.

Therefore, Professor X has always adopted a flattering attitude towards the upper class of the beautiful country, including Nick Fury.

(befj) Although he saw Nick Fury's purpose, Professor X could only sigh helplessly, and pushed the wheelchair to the window.

Looking at the bustling night scene of New York City in the distance.

No matter how prosperous the night scene is, it does not belong to them.

"What should I do to promote the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans..."

After thinking by the window for a long time, Professor X still did not think of the answer to this question as before.

Then Professor X pressed his temples with both hands, and sent a new order to the X-Men.

Early the next morning.

State University campus entrance.

Luo Feng was already waiting here, watching Gwen in the distance go into the grove with the cobweb.

Then he changed into his clothes and walked out.

"Luo Feng, how long have you been waiting?"

"I just came."

Gwen put her arms around Luo Feng's arm and walked into the school, but the sharp-eyed Gwen noticed a lost figure in the crowd.

As a good friend, Gwen immediately stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "Good morning, Harry!"

Harry turned around, without the usual vigor, but replied flatly: "Morning, Gwen."

"Morning, Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also said hello.

Gwen asked curiously: "What's wrong with you? Harry..."

"It's nothing, it's just that some unpleasant things happened at home."

"By the way, have you seen Peter these days? I haven't seen him for a long time..."

Seeing that Harry changed the subject, Gwen didn't ask any more questions, but said: "Peter has gone to work in a new company, and he is doing several researches recently."

"The school also approved his application, and he can graduate while working and earning credits."

"Sure enough, for a genius like Peter, no matter what, he will not delay his studies.

"No wonder my father admired him so much."

Luo Feng can be regarded as hearing something, Harry and Norman probably had a quarrel at home.

After a few more pleasantries, Harry turned and left


Gwen watched Harry's leaving back, shook her head and said, "Mr. Norman is so strong and a genius."

"Harry is really stressed sometimes."

"From the time I know Harry to the present, I have never seen him chat with Mr. Norman happily.

Luo Feng said: "Norman Osborn originally has such a personality, he can't accept that his son is a mediocrity."

"Let's go, our class is about to start."

Outside the state university, in a luxury private car, Norman said to the old housekeeper who was driving: "Let's go to the company."

The old butler started the car, thought for a while and said, "Master, there is something I want to tell you."

Norman's eyes kept staring at the rearview mirror.

Indifferently said: "Just tell me."

"Master Harry was very happy to hear that he was able to have dinner with you yesterday. I believe that what happened later was not what he wanted."

Last night, when the old butler called Norman to the dinner table, Harry shared some things about himself at school with Norman while eating.

But what Norman wanted to hear was how Harry was studying at school, how he was doing experimental research.

Turns out Harry was talking about this kind of fraternity with some people at school.

Norman, who was already in a bad mood, instantly ignited his temper.

Scolded Harry at the dinner table, and said something like Peter Parker at the same time.

In the end, in Harry's silence, the whole meal ended badly.

Norman didn't bother to say too much about the old housekeeper's persuasion: "Let's talk about this kind of thing later.

"When I finish my work during this time, there will be time for dinner."

In the rearview mirror, George's car was still following Norman.

Soon at the gate of Osborn Industry, George also asked his colleagues to find a hidden place to stop.

After the police officer stopped, he yawned and said, "Boss, I, Norman, live a simple daily commute to and from get off work."

"Could it be that Professor X is really lying to us?"

George looked at the entrance of Osborn Industry, and Norman who got out of the car and entered Osborn Industry: "How do you explain the car marks that night?"

"Maybe it's really because I'm too sleepy, and I've lost my sight?"

George glanced at him angrily: "Let's keep an eye on it for another day, if there is no result today.

"Human trafficking cases can only start from other places."

"Are you hungry, let me buy you some breakfast.

George waved his hand, and the policeman got out of the car immediately to buy breakfast.

Norman, who returned to his office, couldn't wait to put on his research clothes and took the elevator down to the experiment.

Before the elevator door was fully opened, Nuo Fu couldn't wait to rush out.

Seeing Norman coming, the researcher on shift immediately came over: "Dr. Norman, the vital signs of subject No. 7 are still stable."

"Experiment No. 3 has been confirmed dead."

"Although the vital signs of the other experimental subjects have slowed down, the situation is still not optimistic.

"Take me to see Subject No. 7."

"This way!"

Under the lead of the researcher, Norman came to a brand-new biological cabin, and the No. 7 subject lay in it as if he had fallen asleep.

The nearly perfect muscle lines on the body, coupled with steady breathing.

Norman looked at him as if admiring a perfect work of art, a work of art he had created.

"Any signs of waking up?"

"Not for the time being, the effect of the strengthening agent is still continuing, and it seems to have affected the original anesthetic.

"From the current level of anesthetics in the blood, it is expected to sleep for 7-8 hours."

Norman waved his hand: "Don't worry, don't worry."

"I don't need to worry about the remaining five experimental subjects for the time being. If they die, just throw them away."

"Now just focus on Subject No. 7."

"Once there is any abnormality, you must notify me as soon as possible, understand?"

"Understood, Dr. Norman."

After reading all the experimental data, Norman returned to his office again, still constantly reminiscing about the success of No. 7 experimental body in his mind.

"As long as there is no problem after waking up, people from the military can be invited to watch the ceremony tomorrow."

Norman has already begun to imagine how the military people treated him as a guest after seeing the results of his experiments.

Just like Howard back then.

Compared to Norman's groveling in front of the military, Howard is like an uncle in front of the military.

This is what he Norman wants to be treated...

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