American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 79 Nick Fury, Luo Feng And Tony's Plan With A Broken Mind

"Sir, the matching experiment of the new element has been completed.

"It can directly act on the body without producing harmful substances, and its energy release far exceeds that of the second-generation Ark reactor powered by palladium."

Tony's laboratory is now a mess, full of various pipes.

In the middle of the laboratory, Tony was staring at the third-generation Ark reactor that he had just developed.

The biggest difference between the third generation and the second generation is that the center energy of the second generation is circular.

The third generation is a hollow triangle, and the blue light emitted is also softer.

"Carry out armor experiments, with such a large energy base, we can equip more powerful weapons."

Tony will never forget that when he was fighting Obadiah, his own weapon couldn't even break the opponent's defense.

So for the new Mark Armor, he designed a lot of weapons with powerful penetrating power.

The strongest among them is the laser weapon that can only be used once.

"Okay, the new armor matching experiment has started, and the new weapon equipment matching experiment has started."

Finally, Tony's heart that had been hanging all this time finally let go.

As long as it is confirmed that the new element is harmless to the body, it doesn't matter even if its energy is lower than the second-generation reactor powered by palladium.

What's more, according to the experimental results, the current energy is much higher than that of the second-generation reactor.

"Compared with this thing, I really prefer drinking."

After drinking the last sip of leaf green juice, Tony can finally say goodbye to this thing.

Then Tony looked at the future city in the corner.

Although this future city was a reminder from Howard, Tony also knew that his father Howard Stark really wanted to build such a city.

"Dad, I will do this for you..."

"Sir, there is someone at the door asking to see you."


Tony asked curiously.

In the past, for his own safety, Tony knew the address of his home, except for some close people.

And those people, J.A.R.V.I.S will let them go directly.

Will be prompted, must not be Tony's acquaintances.

"I don't know him, I can't find his information, but he said that he came to see you in place of Mr. Howard Stark."

"My dad?"

Now Tony was even more confused, changed his clothes and went upstairs.

At the door, Nick Fury came to the door of Tony's house with a suitcase in hand. If he had been in the past, he would have hacked J.A.R.V.I.S directly and walked in swaggeringly.

Show off your abilities to Tony.

But after what happened last time, Nick Fury didn't dare to hack into the J.A.R.V.I.S system easily.

If the red queen is provoked again, it will be a big trouble.

Soon the glass door opened in front of him: "Come in, Mr. Nick Fury..."

"Thank you, J.A.R.V.I.S."

"you are welcome…………"

Walking into the lobby on the first floor, Nick Fury saw the presumption standing on the bar in a house coat.

"Tony Stark."

"Hey, I really want to say hello to you, but..."

"I do not know you."

"drink wine?"

Nick Fury sat down and said bluntly, "Whiskey, thank you."

Tony walked over with two glasses of wine, and placed one in front of Nick Fury.

This move also made Nick Fury's eyes look a little weird, based on the information he collected.

Tony wasn't going to pour someone a drink and deliver it himself.

Your own intelligence system has gone wrong.

That's right, if it were the old Tony, it really wouldn't be the case, but Tony has experienced too much in the past two days.

Especially in the case of Howard.

So after hearing the news that Nick Fury came with Howard, Tony also respected Nick Fury to a certain extent.

For this kind of trivial matter, Nick Fury didn't bother too much, but asked directly: "First of all, let me introduce myself, I am Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD.


Tony thought for a while, and then remembered that the former Phil Coulson seemed to belong to this organization.

"Have you heard from my father?"

Nick Fury took one look at Tony and continued, "How much do you know about your father, Howard Stark."

"And how much does that Ivan Vanke who wants to kill you know.

"Genius scientist, most successful entrepreneur, one who doesn't..."

When talking about this, Tony paused and continued: "An irresponsible father.

"Ivan Vanke, I think he was jealous that I invented the reactor before him, so he wanted to kill me.

Nick Fury smiled.

Tony's answer was right.

Want to be conceited!

"It seems that your understanding of your father is still very one-sided, and I can tell you something you don't know.

"Your father, Howard Stark, was one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Tony put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Nick Fury in surprise: "what?"

"When he was in S.H.I.E.L.D, he developed the Ark Reactor, and Anton Vanke was also researched with him."

"That is Ivan Vanke's father. Later, when Anton Vanke was expelled from the research team by your father, he took away the blueprint of the Ark reactor."

In this way, Wanni understood why Ivan Vanko said that their father and son were thieves.

Seeing that the emotions were well laid out, Nick Fury continued: "Your father said back then that the Ark reactor was an immature industrial product.

"So the study was abandoned."

While speaking, Nick Fury had been watching Tony's expression.

I found that Tony's expression was very calm, completely different from what I expected.

It's like...

Already know these things like?

As soon as this idea came up, it was immediately rejected by Nick Fury.

This matter is the top secret of S.H.I.E.L.D, and only a few people know about it, and those who know are dead and old.

Tony should be calm on the surface, but in fact, a storm has already set off in his heart.

Nick Fury silently praised him for his cleverness and wit!

For now, what Nick Fury said is the same as the notes left by Howard.

So Tony also believed in the relationship between Nick Fury and Howard.

At the same time, I was also very surprised that the relationship between Howard and the top management of the beautiful country was so close.

"And your father believes that only you, his son Tony Stark, can continue this research.

"No one else."

Hearing this, Tony also replied with a wry smile: "Yes, I did live up to his expectations.

"The new element has been researched."

Nick Fury, immersed in his own narration, continued on his own: "So, today I..."


Suddenly, Nick Fury seemed to realize something.

He turned his head and looked at Tony: "What did you just say, did you research it?"

Tony didn't expect Nick Fury to have such a big reaction, so he said calmly: "Yes, it was just yesterday."

"I successfully discovered a new element that can be used in the Ark reactor."

Nick Fury froze in place, everyone was dumbfounded.

Pointing to the iron box I brought on the ground, I continued to ask: "You mean, you successfully made a new Ark reactor without Howard's research materials.

"My father's research material?"

Tony looked at the big iron box on the ground in surprise.

Nick Fury also opened it immediately. In addition to a few volumes of old video tapes, there was also a notebook in the iron box.

Seeing these, Tony immediately knew what was inside.

No wonder I didn't find these things at home, they were all stored in S.H.I.E.L.D.

And Luo Feng had it, and Tony roughly guessed the reason.

Tony opened the notebook and became more certain of his guess.

But he will not give Luo Feng out.

Instead, he looked at Nick Fury and asked, "Since these are left to me by my father, why didn't they be brought to me earlier."

Nick Fury was at a loss for words.

Do you want to tell Tony that you want to show up and give him a hand when he is most desperate, so as to sell a favor?

"I want to help Howard test you..."

As the king of agents, Nick Fury didn't blush when he said this.

But at the moment Nick Fury already wanted to scold his mother in his heart.

Pretending to be unfathomable!

Wouldn't it be nice to just get the TM's as soon as possible?

However, when things got to this point, it was useless for him to regret it.

He also knew that Tony didn't have to lie to him about this kind of thing.

Nick Fury, who always thought he had the winning hand, felt a sense of defeat again.

The last time I had this sense of frustration was when I forcibly broke through the rear firewall.

Without any further exchange with Tony, Nick Fury left on his own.

After seeing off Nick Fury, Tony looked at the big iron box again, and said with a smile to himself: "It seems that you are the winner."

"Luo Feng..."

"Sir, all the tests of the new armor have ended, and the three-generation Ark reactor is perfectly adapted.

"The energy filling rate is 10 times that of the second generation, and new high-energy-consuming weapons can be designed."

The notification from J.A.R.V.I.S also came at this time.

Tony couldn't wait to run to the underground laboratory, picked up the third-generation Ark reactor on the test bench and put it on his chest.

The moment he put it on, Tony felt a surge of powerful energy.

The lines on the chest due to palladium poisoning also began to show signs of fading at this time.

After getting used to the new Ark reactor, Tony went to the battle suit equipment table.

With the help of J.A.R.V.I.S, he put on the new battle suit and said: "J.A.R.V.I.S, help me ask Potts to have dinner tonight."

"He chooses the location."

"Okay, sir."

After speaking, Tony flew into the sky and began to test the energy output of the new Ark reactor.

A long-lost smile appeared on his face again.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, set course."

"I'm going to Luo Feng's house..."

"Okay, sir."

...asking for flowers...

at the same time.

Pepper, who was busy with Stark Industrial business in the office, saw the text message on the phone.

It was Tony who invited her to dinner tonight.

Pepper saw this message, looked at a bunch of information on the desktop, and finally agreed to Tony.

Then put down the phone and continue working.

At this time, a female employee opened the door and came in with a document in her hand: "Miss Potts, this is the invitation letter for the Hammer Industry conference.

"They invited us from Stark Industries to watch the ceremony.

Little Pepper said without raising his head: "Put

Here it is.

Then, she realized that something was wrong and raised her head. The female employee who sent the invitation letter in was the receptionist outside.

Shouldn't this kind of thing be sent in by Natasha Romanoff?

"How did you send it in, Natasha Romanoff?"

The female employee said bitterly: "Miss Natasha Romanoff didn't come to work today, and I couldn't get in touch even if I called."

"I have tried all the contact methods, but there is no such person.

Little Pepper was immediately puzzled: "How could this be?"

Picking up his mobile phone, he called Natasha Romanoff, and there was an empty number notification on the other end of the phone.

Pepper, who felt that this matter was strange, broadcast another call on the phone.

"Happy, Natasha Romanoff can't be contacted, go and see where she lives."

"Okay, Miss Bobo."

the other side.

Tony, who was flying to Luo Feng's home, also received a letter from Pepper, agreeing to have dinner with him tonight.

Tony also fell into the manor of Luo Feng's family at this time.

A perfect superhero landing, even Tony himself thought it was so cool.


But before he could finish his twittering, the red queen's warning voice came out from his helmet: "Next time, without the master's permission, you will trespass into the master's private space without permission."

"I'll let you fall straight from the sky."

Hearing this, Tony broke out in a cold sweat.

The Red Queen can directly invade the central control system of the Warframe, deprive J.A.R.V.I.S of control, and shut down the kinetic energy output of the Warframe is not too simple for the Red Queen.

"It was just an accident."

"I just want to show Luo Feng my new results in a hurry.

"Master already knows, you come in first."

After getting permission from the Red Queen, Tony walked towards the living room in his battle armor.

It's not that he doesn't want to take off his armor, the main reason is that his current armor hasn't designed a portable function.

Whether it is putting on or taking off, it needs the assistance of the J.A.R.V.I.S console.

But Luo Feng doesn't care about this little detail.

Coming to the living room, Tony saw Luo Feng who was already sitting in the living room.

Seeing Tony, Luo Feng smiled and said, "Congratulations, you got rid of the death threat."

"It's also thanks to my ingenuity, I came to you today to fulfill the promise between us.

"Okay, from now on you are an employee of Umbrella Corporation, and as a matter of sincerity, I will let the Red Queen open up part of the Skynet authority to you.

"Skynet? What's that?"

Tony suddenly asked curiously.

Luo Feng did not explain, but said: "You will know when you go back, I believe you will like it."

"Besides, as my new employee, I have another task to entrust to you."

"This is the first time in my life that I have been assigned a task by my boss, let me tell you."

After Luo Feng finished speaking, Tony also smiled: "I agree, it fits my style very well."

"It's going to be fun that way."

After leaving the gate of the courtyard, Tony was about to fly up, when the voice of the Red Queen immediately came: "Fly outside, don't destroy the grass at home."

"Okay. Listen to you."

Tony didn't want to fall off the moment he took off.

So it happened, the scene of Tony wearing the Mark armor and walking out of the house.

As soon as he walked out of the gate of the manor, Tony immediately rushed to the sky, ready to meet Pepper.

Not long after flying out, I saw a familiar figure coming towards me.

Tony immediately hovered in mid-air: "Hey, Spider-man."

Gwen, who heard Tony's voice, also stopped and stood under a street lamp: "Hey, big tin can."

"My name is Iron Man, please don't call me by nicknames."

Gwen turned her head in embarrassment: "I won't remember it for a while, are you going home for dinner?"

"Yes, I happened to see you, so I said hello to you, and thank you for your help the first two times.

"You're welcome, there will be many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future."

Tony suddenly became curious: "What do you mean?"

Gwen also seemed to realize that she had slipped her tongue, and immediately changed her words: "I mean, if you are in danger in the future, I will still help you."

"That won't happen again, see you later.


When Tony flew high into the sky, he unconsciously glanced back at the direction Spider-man left.

It happened to be Luo Feng's manor.

But Luo Feng wasn't the only one living in that direction, so Tony didn't think too much about it.

just left...


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