American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 92 Phoenix Force With Signs Of Awakening, Atmosphere Group Tony

"Umbrella directly uses Stark Industries' production line?"

Luo Feng immediately understood what Tony meant.

Stark Industry's workshop production lines are all over the world, which can fully meet the needs of Umbrella.

And those production lines are almost the top in the world.

Tony straightened his clothes: "That's right, I plan to have Stark Industries and Umbrella have an in-depth cooperation.

"I hope to become a shareholder of Umbrella Corporation.

In the past two days, apart from studying the Mark X5, Tony also had a thorough understanding of Luo Feng's Umbrella Company with Pepper.

After the analysis of the two, it is believed that Umbrella has a great future prospect.

Especially Luo Feng's ambition has blossomed in almost the entire industry.

In the future, it will inevitably become a behemoth no less than the peak Stark industry.

For Tony's request, Luo Feng definitely didn't have much opinion, and Stark Industries cooperated directly.

Plus Tony's fame.

It is guaranteed that after tomorrow's opening ceremony, Umbrella Company will immediately become the hottest topic in the world.

It is also the hottest emerging company.

After obtaining Luo Feng's consent, Tony also said that he would go home immediately and let Xiaojiao draw up a cooperation contract between the two companies.

In this way, a giant enterprise capable of affecting the entire world in the future began to take shape.

After Tony left, Gwen, who had just made tea, came out. Seeing that Tony was gone, she shared a cup of tea with Luo Feng.

Halfway through the drink, the Red Queen reported the police to Gwen.

Gwen immediately changed into his Ghost 3 and swung the cobweb to New York City.

at the same time.

Xavier's School.

Wolverine also came to Professor X's office.

"Logan, you mean you heard their conversation yesterday? Magneto and Mystique's original plan was to find Kim Bin's son?"

Wolverine nodded: "At first I didn't think too much about it, until you just said that you received Jin Bing's invitation letter.

"I just remembered that."

Professor X operated his wheelchair, came to the floor-to-ceiling windows, thought carefully, and then shook his head.

"I think they should have accidentally discovered that Jin Bing's son lives in Queens, so they wanted to borrow that place by force."

"As their temporary stronghold.

Professor X is worthy of being Magneto's friend, and he can analyze Magneto's true intentions just from Wolverine's few words.

"Then you mean..."

Professor X continued in a deep voice: "It is very likely that he was killed on the way to Jin Bing's son's house."

"No matter what, it's important for us to find out who killed Magneto as soon as possible."

"If possible, try to push the opponent to our opposite.

Professor X has a gloomy face. Now that Magneto is dead, another Mutant villain must be established as soon as possible.

In this way, the people above will continue to acquiesce in the existence of Xavier's School.

Only by myself and these children can I have a place to live.

Wolverine Logan is actually not younger than Professor X at all, and he can clearly use Professor X's approach in this matter.

"I will continue to investigate this matter in Queens."

"You should withdraw the other X-Men first. If you encounter that person, they may not be able to fight."

The meaning is very simple, a guy who can even kill Magneto in seconds, wouldn't it be death for others to investigate him hastily?

"how about you?"

"I don't care, there is no one in this world who can kill me..."

After speaking, Wolverine turned her head and left Professor X's office, leaving Professor X alone in the room thinking about the next countermeasures.

Not long after Wolverine left, Jean walked into Professor X's office.

"Professor, do you need to attend Jin's opening ceremony tomorrow?"

Professor X, whose thoughts were interrupted, nodded: "Let's go, when the time comes, there must be all kinds of celebrities in the world gathered."

"We, Xavier's School, need to grab a life-saving straw now."

Qin also understood the meaning of Professor X, and immediately said: "Then I will go to prepare now."

"By the way, the guy who was rescued from the pier last time is much more peaceful, and he is willing to accept the transformation.

Professor X nodded: "Okay, if he is willing to tell the truth, take him to see Mr. George when you have time."

"It is convenient for Mr. George, and it is also convenient for ourselves."

"Got it, Professor."

Under the instruction of Professor X, Qin came to Xavier's School where Mutant was guarded. One of the small rooms was locked in the same fireball boy who killed Matt at the pier last time.

But now, the killer on his head has been shaved off.

In its place was a fiery red bob.

When he saw Qin coming to the door of his room, the red-headed boy immediately said excitedly: "I said I would never leave Xavier's School`

"How long are you going to keep me here?"

Qin said directly: "Until you don't lie."

The red-headed boy froze, only then did he realize that the female teacher in front of him might be a super-ability like mind.

That's why he was able to see through his lies at once.

"Would you like to cooperate with the police once and explain to them about Norman Osborn."

The red-headed boy turned his head directly: "Come out to mess around, the most important thing to do when you come out to do this kind of thing is loyalty and credit.

"Sell them all out, how can I mess around when I go out in the future?"

Qin glared at him fiercely.

Only then did he realize that he had said the wrong thing. Not long ago, he had just promised Qin that he would not leave Xavier's School, but now he slipped the tongue.

Qin was not in a hurry, but said lightly: "Then when you are willing to explain, I will let you out.

The red-headed boy's temper suddenly came up: "If you don't let it go, you won't let it go."

"I will never do anything without loyalty."

"I really don't understand you guys. You are clearly a powerful Mutant, but you are willing to give people a lesson."

"What is your picture, you have done so much, humans don't hate you, aren't Mutants like street mice..."

These words penetrated deeply into Qin's heart.

Qin, who was just about to leave, turned to look at the red-headed boy. The moment the boy saw Qin's eyes.

The whole person was stunned.

What kind of a pair of glasses are that, filled with the most splendid flame in the world, and in that flame, there seems to be a giant beast waking up.

The red-headed boy was shocked, as if he was pulled into a certain starry sky.

In the middle of that starry sky, there is an incomparably huge amounts of black cage, and there are giant beasts crawling in the cage.

Slowly opened his eyes, just looking at the red-headed boy.

The red-headed boy immediately felt as if his body was burned by fire, and that feeling was even worse than killing him.



The red-headed boy sat down on the ground, swallowed hard, proving that he was still alive.

Even the clothes on his body were soaked with sweat.

"Just now, what the hell is it......"

The red-headed boy didn't understand, he felt as if he was about to be burned to ashes just by being glanced at.

Before, he had always naively thought that he was defeated by Qin only by accident.

If it happens again, it may not be the opponent of this psychic ability mutant if he is on guard.

Today he realized that he was wrong.

How wrong.

But this does not mean that he will immediately compromise and turn around to help humans.

Inside a room at Xavier's School.

Qin was already in the bathroom, allowing the water from the shower head to wash over her body, but the strange thing was that the water coming out of the shower head was cold water.

When it reaches the body of the piano, it becomes hot water and evaporates.

The bath water continued to flow through Qin's whole body, and the tender skin also became more crystal clear under the washing of the bath water.

"This feeling is becoming more and more uncontrollable now..."

"I don't know when the next time it will appear..."

Qin shook her head helplessly, and continued to let the shower head wash over her...


Inside George's office.

Everyone conducted a review of all cases and found that all cases seemed to be missing a key link.

But if this link can be found successfully, the case can be solved.

Looking at the blackboard, George's head grew dizzy with all kinds of intricate clues.

I always feel like I have touched some key information, but there is one that I can't find.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

In the end, George could only say helplessly: "Let's end the meeting first, everyone has worked hard during this time.

"Go home and rest today, and tomorrow you guys will follow me to the opening ceremony of Umbrella.

"You guys continue to investigate according to the directions mentioned today."

"Yes, sir!"

After the meeting, George went straight out of the gate of the New York Police Department, and he hadn't come home for a while.

Just take advantage of this time to go home.

Otherwise, these cases will continue to be investigated tomorrow, and there will be no time to go back.

"It's been a long time since I picked up Gwen from school, I don't know if she misses me."

George dialed Gwen's phone, and Gwen's voice immediately rang on the other end of the phone: "Dad, I'm in the student union office.

Hearing that his daughter was busy, George said without greeting, "Do you need me to pick you up at school at night?"

"No, I shouldn't be that early."

"You go home first."

George nodded: "Then remember to come back early for dinner tonight, I haven't had dinner with you for a long time."

"Good dad~"

After hanging up the phone, George drove away from the NYPD.

On the other end of the phone, Queen Hong looked at the phone on the table, and then glanced at the direction of Luo Feng's room.

His eyes flicked, not knowing what he was thinking.

Soon, the time came early the next morning.

George got up early to enjoy the family breakfast at the dining table, and asked, "Is Gwen up yet?"

Before Helen could speak, Gwen's voice came from the direction of the stairs: "Come on, Dad."

"Mom, morning."

The two also greeted Gwen with a smile.

George continued: "I'm going to attend an opening ceremony later, and I'm not on the same path as your school.

"I won't go with you."

Gwen nodded. When she came back last night, she already knew that George was going to attend Umbrella's opening ceremony.

"What opening ceremony?"

Unaware Helen asked.

In my impression, my husband doesn't seem to be interested in this kind of thing at all, so why would he suddenly want to participate.

In order to prevent Helen from asking too much about her work and worrying too much.

For the most part George didn't say anything, but said, "A new biotech company."

"It's about going to the ceremony, but it's more about maintaining security at the scene."

dot helen, that fits

George's settings.

After eating, George drove to the Umbrella Science and Technology Building, and handed out his invitation letter to the reception at the door.

At the same time, identify yourself.

The hostess at the reception seemed to have been prepared long ago, thinking about George and several of his men issuing badges.

It is convenient for them to walk in it.

And At the moment Jin Bin is inside, receiving friends from various places.

Although Jin Bin does not have much connections in the upper class, he has worked hard in New York for many years.

He also has many bright friends.

Only a few of these people did serious business with Jin Bin, and the rest were more or less unclean.

And the rest are more newspaper reporters and so on.

Although today's news is not very big, but the legs of ants are also meat, you can't get big news, and you can earn money by doing these small news.

As more and more guests came to watch the ceremony.

The opening ceremony is also the time to start the process. It is nothing more than Jin Bin, as the chief executive director, going up to say a few words.

Talk about corporate culture and corporate development.

At this time, a reporter directly asked: ".~Mr. Faith, will you take Osborn Industry as a competitor in the future?"

As soon as this question came out, many people were shocked by the reporter's bold question.

Fortunately, no one from Osborn Industry was found at the scene.

Otherwise, the smell of gunpowder will rise all at once.

Jin Bin replied with a smile: "As I said just now, Umbrella is not just a biotechnology company.

"In the future, we will develop more professional fields."

"Definitely, if one day our business map collides with Osborn Industry, I believe that apart from competition, there will be a mutually beneficial model of win-win cooperation.

Jin is indeed worthy of being a person who has worked hard for many years.

A perfect answer immediately made everyone applaud and applaud involuntarily.

And with the first reporter who provokes, there will be a second reporter who provokes.

The so-called watching the excitement is not a big deal.

Topics are hype and lead out.

If there is no topic, create a topic!

A male reporter stood up and continued to ask: "Mr. Faith, just now you said that you will develop multiple fields in the future.

"Then may I ask if you will be involved in the military industry, and what do you think about Tony Stark giving up military production?"

And among the crowd, there happened to be people from the current Stark Industries.

It is the small pepper and happy.

Everyone at the scene looked at Xiaojiao who was sitting at the front, and Jin Bin who was standing on the stage.

I want to know what these two people are like (Wang Wang Zhao Bendu.

Jin Bin smiled at this question and continued: "This question, I think it would be inappropriate for me to say it."

"So we had a guest at our opening ceremony."

"It's better to let him answer this question for me."


Everyone became curious about what kind of guest could answer this question.

On the invitation letter, there was also this guest, but no one could guess who it was.

As Jin Bing retreated to the side, the lights on the scene also began to dance, which was extremely dynamic.

Below George, he is curiously looking towards the stage.

But the subordinates behind him said: "This Jin Bing is quite good at playing tricks, but I don't know who he can invite.

"Who else is there, probably some kind of entrepreneur."

"Or maybe a beautiful celebrity is the spokesperson. Isn't the appearance the most important thing for a new company?"

Suddenly, a person at the scene exclaimed: "Something flew in from outside!"

Everyone looked at the gate sharply, only to see the steel mech flew in directly through the gate, and hovered over the hall for a while.

All the journalist friends below, do you still remember the question just now?

They all stared at the mechs in the sky, shooting frantically.

At this moment, everyone knows who the mysterious guest Jin Bing mentioned is...

Iron Man Tony Stark lives.

Seeing that his appearance had shocked everyone, Tony smiled with satisfaction and fell directly beside Jin Bing.

A perfect superhero landed, and then stood up slowly.

The atmosphere at the scene was ignited in an instant, and the atmosphere of the opening ceremony also reached a climax in an instant.

Next, the front panel of the mecha was fully opened, and Tony stepped out in a suit.

When I came to the microphone, I introduced myself: "Hi everyone, I am the Chief Scientist of Umbrella Engineering Machinery Engineering Department..."

"Tony Stark......"

"At the same time, Stark Industries and Umbrella are also key partners."

"So please don't ask such stupid questions next time..."

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