American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 93: Ascension Of Flesh And Mechanism

The appearance of Tony driving the Mark X5 undoubtedly pushed the normal opening ceremony to its climax.

Especially when Tony said that the two parties are close partners.

The reporters at the scene raised their hands frantically to ask questions after catching some hot topic.

It is a completely different concept from Jin Bin's enthusiasm when he spoke just now.

Now, they were so glad that they were able to attend the opening ceremony. They thought it was just a new company.

In the end, I didn't expect to have a relationship with Tony Stark, and even the entire Stark enterprise.

You know, from the establishment of Stark Industries to the present, others have been looking for him to cooperate with him in an endless stream.

They never took the initiative to find someone to cooperate with.

I have never worked with any company before.

It is definitely the first time to express cooperation in public like this.

It is also the biggest news in the next period of time. Can this group of reporters not be excited?

It was also the first time for Tony to patiently answer questions from reporters.

Although it is very official, everyone can see Tony's determination to cooperate with this new company.

Even Happy and Pepper below were a little surprised by Tony's enthusiasm today.

Not only that, but there was also a beautiful woman with a hot body and curly red hair in the crowd.

It was Black widow who was sent by Nick Fury to approach Jinbin.

Black widow also looked at Tony who was standing with Jin on the stage in astonishment.

This picture, no matter how you look at it, is full of discord.

Black widow also pressed his earphone immediately, and quickly dialed Nick Fury's phone number.

Nick Fury in S.H.I.E.L.D couldn't sleep well because of the various emergencies in the past two days.

They already have dark circles.

Definitely, with his complexion, there are dark circles under his eyes.

Nick Fury saw the call from Black Widow, and answered it with a normal expression. Black Widow over there said very directly: "You may not believe something if you tell it."

Nick Fury said that this period of time has experienced too much.

There was nothing he didn't believe in.

Black Widow continued: "I'm at the opening ceremony of Jinbin's new company, and Tony appeared.

"And he is now Umbrella's chief scientist and also Umbrella's partner."

"Are you sure you really don't need to check this new company called Umbrella?"

Nick Fury, who heard the news, felt sleepy all of a sudden, and confirmed again: "Are you sure that person is Tony Stark?"

"If he didn't come with a steel armor, maybe I would still doubt it, but it's a pity..."

Nick Fury people have been completely stupid.

How long have I been planning for a 707% cooperation with Tony? It is also his father's relic and the identity of SHIELD Director.

In the end, it was all in vain to fetch water from a bamboo basket.

Why does he have money?

Besides, as Tony, would he be able to see someone like Jin Bing?

Therefore, there must be some ulterior tricks in it.

"Romanov, be sure to film me every move on the scene, including every word Tony said.

"Make every move!"

Nick Fury even wondered if Tony might be controlled by some mind-controlling ability.

Otherwise, it would be so abnormal.

It doesn't matter if you join the Umbrella company yourself, and you will also pull the entire Stark industry together.

After hanging up Black widow's phone, Nick Fury lay on the sofa with his head up: "I must not have woken up yet."

"I'm sure I'm still dreaming."

Not to mention Nick Fury, even George at the scene wondered if he was dreaming.

The little brother behind him also asked unrealistically: "Boss, is that person really Iron Manny Stark?"

"How do I remember that he was a very proud person, why does he seem to be very approachable now?"

"Yeah, it seems to be a little different from the rumors..."

George also squeezed his hand, making sure he wasn't dreaming after feeling the pain.

Others don't know about Tony Stark, but he is very clear in previous contacts, this person is just one word!


The kind that is so proud.

Don't talk about cooperating with him, even if you want to talk to him, it all depends on his mood, or you are a super beautiful woman.

But it was such a person who stood on the stage and talked about the matter of cooperation, as if he had proposed it himself.

In fact, it was actually brought up by one of Tony's own people.

With Tony's joining, the question on the scene has changed from an insignificant question at the beginning to a view on Umbrella's future development.

And what's next for Umbrella.

Tony explained everything with ease.

Jin Bin on the side was almost smiling, the more beautiful Tony is now, the greater the benefit to Umbrella.

So he didn't mind at all that Tony's appearance took away his speaking position.

Sure enough, to deal with this group of reporters, a professional like Tony is still needed to deal with it.

At least Jin Bing asked himself, he couldn't be as smooth as Tony.

And since Tony appeared, he didn't need money to find out what to do with those TV stations, and those reporters directly contacted the main station.

The live broadcast right for this time period is coming.

(bebi) It was almost effortless, the Umbrella company was not well-known at first, and not many people came to the opening ceremony after the invitation letter was sent out.

At this moment, the live broadcast was inserted in a historic way.

Tony spoke freely in front of the camera, releasing a message to New York and the world.

Umbrella & Co. Opens Today!

Norman Osborn's office.

After Norman's short policy reform, there is now a backlog of documents on the desktop of Norman's office.

He basically asked for his signature, and Norman happily wrote his name on it.

At this time, the secretary anxiously knocked on the door of Norman's office.

Seeing someone walk in without speaking, Norman looked at the secretary.

The secretary, who was still in a hurry, stopped her steps abruptly and looked at Norman.

"Boss, something happened."

Hearing this, Norman lowered his gaze and said, "Say!"

The female secretary immediately took out a tablet and handed it to Norman: "The opening ceremony of Umbrella Company..."

"I'm not talking about this kind of crap..."

Just when Norman was about to get angry, he saw the live broadcast on the tablet, and it was Tony responding to the reporter's question.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Isn't Umbrella's chairman Kim Bin? Why is Tony in..."

Lost Woman thought of Norman and explained the ins and outs of the whole thing, and Norman picked up the tablet.

He frowned and looked at it carefully.

"The Chief Scientist is Tony Stark, with the collaboration of Stark Industries..."

"How did Jin Bin do it?"

For some reason, Norman felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

But soon Norman shook his head, throwing this ridiculous idea out of his mind: "No matter how smart Tony is, it's also in physics."

"This is the field of biotechnology, and I am king!"

Due to poor emotional control, Norman pinched his hand hard, and the tablet in his hand broke in two.

The female lost was also suddenly taken aback after watching the big picture.

George didn't care about it: "Go to the financial side to get a new one, and pay attention to the Umbrella company for me."

"As long as there is any new situation, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

"Understood, BOSS!"

Norman waved his hand, signaling her to go down.

After the secretary went down, Norman said to himself: "If my status is threatened, it doesn't matter if it's Kim Bin or Tony Stark.

"I'll make them all Human Firework!"

As soon as the voice fell, the landline in front of Norman rang, and after a glance, he found that it was the front desk.

Generally speaking, unless it is a very important guest, otherwise the front desk will not directly call Norman's office.

Norman answered the phone as if he had guessed something.

On the other end of the phone, a timid voice from the receptionist came: "Mr. Norman Osborn, some gentlemen from the military have requested to see you.

"Let them meet in the living room and wait, I'll go there now."

"It came so fast..."

Norman sneered.

Ever since he cut off his cooperation with the military yesterday, Norman knew that this group of people would find him sooner or later.

I just didn't expect them to come so fast.

Norman put down his work and went to the living room.

Sitting in the living room were the military representatives who had come to inspect the strengthening potion last time.

Seeing Norman coming in, the oldest soldier stood up immediately, and looked at Norman with a look of asking questions.

"Norman Osborn, what do you mean?"

"what do you mean?"

Norman asked very directly, and stopped the other party directly.

The man immediately reacted: "You suddenly stopped all the cooperative research with the military, what do you mean?"

"You didn't even notify us of this?"

Norman from At the moment sneered: "Notify you?"

"First of all, I want to clarify one thing, the joint research between the military and us has always been unilaterally contributed by Osborn Industry.

"What did your military bring here, a few mouths or a few eyes?"


Norman ignored the man and continued: "Secondly, the cooperation between the military and Osborn Industries has never signed any written documents.

"I can stop if I want to. That rule says I have to notify you?"

"For a long time, Osborn Industries has contributed to the military's research, but the military didn't even pay a dime."

Norman's piercing eyes glanced at everyone.

Everyone suddenly tensed up. Norman in front of him and the Norman he saw not long ago, both in terms of momentum and verbal attack power.

Both sentenced two people.

"You don't really think I, Norman Osborn, is a bully, do you?"

A group of military figures were immediately stunned speechless. They have always been making big cakes for Osborn industry.

As long as Osborn Industries can research what they want, then Osborn Industries will become a close partner of the military.

In the past, Norman was too confident in himself, thinking that he could meet the requirements of the military.

So I have been nodding and bowing in front of these people in the military, acting as a licking dog.

But now Norman is a completely different person, and he doesn't want to continue to study the strengthening medicine map.

He is the only strengthening human being in the world.

So now Norman's attitude towards the military is completely different from before.

At this time, a representative of the military stood up, continued to draw cakes and said, "Mr. Norman, we agreed before."

As long as you can surpass Howard Stark and successfully research the strengthening potion, Osborn

Industry is the military's best partner.

"I'm sure Mr. Norman Osborn doesn't want to go beyond that mountain of science."

The man bewitched with confidence.

He knew that Norman Osborn was also an arrogant person, and he had used this method to successfully pua Norman before.

But Norman from At the moment sneered: "I'm not interested, I just want to use Osborn's biotechnology technology to make money."

"As for your talk of surpassing Howard Stark, I'm not interested at all."

"I don't want to be instructed by your military like a dog, but in the end I get into a car accident and die for no reason.


The military representative was suddenly at a loss for words.


Howard Stark's death was unknown to others, but they knew it all too well.

It's just too weird.

Well, he died in a car accident.

Both the military and S.H.I.E.L.D have been investigating the truth of this incident for a long time, but in the end they all ended hastily.

It seems that there has always been a force in the dark, preventing others from approaching the truth.

Several people in the military finally understood Norman's determination.

This is seeing through their PUA.

Not to mention continuing to cooperate, now that Norman didn't drive them away, he already gave them enough face.

However, due to the identity of the military on the opposite side, the current Norman will not do so absolutely.

These guys wouldn't even need him to kick them out if he'd reached Tony's height now.

Even the gates of Osborn Industries...

They can't get in!

"Okay, a few."

"I won't leave you guys for lunch at Osborn Industries, please..."

Norman issued an order to evict the guests, and one of them wanted to continue to fight for opportunities, and continued: "Mr. Norman, we can continue to discuss the details of the cooperation."

"As long as you can..."

Norman directly refused: "Don't talk about it, I have nothing to talk about with the military, unless you are willing to share with me all the research materials of Howard back then..."


The faces of the military figures suddenly changed.

Isn't Norman embarrassing them?

You must know that the military of the beautiful country is divided into many factions, which check and balance each other, and Howard's research on Captain America.

It has always been the top secret of the military.

It is not within the reach of these few ordinary representatives.

Even if it can be obtained, it is only some relatively public information, the real core information.

Only the Security Council is in control.

And the Security Council of the beautiful country is, to some extent, the highest collection of power in the beautiful country.

Even Nick Fury, the mighty king of agents in S.H.I.E.L.D, can only nod in front of the Security Council.

"Since you can't show the sincerity of cooperation."

"Then please..."

Seeing that Norman issued the order to evict the guests, they could only give Norman a hard look, then turned and left.

They thought that this time, Norman would still be able to give them free white jobs.

Apparently they underestimated Norman's resolve this time.


Norman's change was not anticipated.

After returning to the car.

The oldest military representative said: "If the strengthening potion continues to be unavailable."

"Several other factions will soon overtake us in power."

"What does Hanmer Industries say?"

A secretary-like officer said: "Hammer Industries still keeps secrets, saying everything is waiting for his press conference.

"Guaranteed to be a big surprise for the military."

The white-haired old man took a deep breath, and said with sharp eyes: "I hope it is true as he said.

"Developed the same technology as Tony."

"At that time, we will be the first to contact him and take all the orders. At that time, the military will be completely dominated by our family."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Since the evolution of flesh and blood is not going to work.

Then I can only try the mechanical ascension. If Hammer really succeeds, maybe he can kill Tony's spirit.

So that Tony is also willing to share his technology.

At that time, I will continue to cooperate with Tony......

Everyone's abacus is not silent.

And Tony from At the moment has already answered all the questions, and finally stepped off the stage with a smile and shook hands with Jin.

He smiled and said: "Although I didn't have much contact with you before, and I don't think highly of you."

Jin Bing's face turned black.

I know your words are annoying, but I didn't expect to be so annoying......

"But you have a good son..."

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