American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 26 Next prediction, the beast of imitating voices

After containing Huo Ren, many barrages crossed the screen.

Luffy: "You're so handsome! Your ninja's moves are so cool! You even summoned such a big animal to help, you're so strong!"

Nobita: "Yes, I really want to be like you!"

In the world of One Piece, the more Luffy thought about it, the more interesting it became.

I started playing psychic skills with Chopper.

"Psychic art! Chopper, come out!"


After Luffy imitated Jiraiya and slapped the ground, Chopper immediately transformed into a human form and held up Luffy, and the two of them had a great time playing like this.

The crew members nearby looked at it and just wanted to say that they had long been used to it.

Warring States: "Can even our cosmic domineering power be used as a reward? This screen is amazing, isn't it?"

Ancient One: "Haha, the handiwork of such an existence is beyond our imagination. The abilities we are proud of may be nothing in front of the existence behind this screen."

Sun Wukong: "Are you so strong? Haha, I also want to fight against some contained object. I wonder if there will be a very powerful one."

Piccolo: "Goku, we have a headache just dealing with the Saiyans now, and we have no time to worry about the containment objects!"

Vegeta: "Haha, the contained object is just a weakling who deceives the people on earth."

Thor: "Although I don't like invaders like you, I also think these containment objects are nothing special. If it were me, I could solve them with one hammer."

Leo's world.

Fengyuan looked behind the barrage and then at Tsunade and Jiraiya on the screen.

Although these two people were human beings, he admired their abilities just now and even felt threatened.

Tsunade's large-area treatment and protection would definitely be very useful in this world. I don't know how many people die every day because of monsters and aliens. If she had Tsunade's ability, many people would definitely be able to survive.

Next is Jiraiya.

The power of the compound ninjutsu he just used made Leo feel threatened. If he was hit by such a powerful water cannon, he would probably be injured.

"Human beings in other universes are so strong, so I can't be left behind! I must become stronger!"

Fengyuan is full of fighting spirit again, eager to become stronger.

At this time, Xie Yun's side.

After Pyro was successfully contained, he received a new reward.

"The Pyro was successfully contained, and the host gained the power to set fire and devour flames."

After the sound of the system sounded, Xie Yun felt extremely hot all over his body, and then he opened his mouth and spit out flames.

Before Xie Yun could be happy, flames fell on the sofa, which scared him so much that he was about to put out the fire.

As soon as the thought came out, the flame flew directly into Xie Yun's mouth and was automatically inhaled.

This process was so fast that he didn't even react.

At this time, the screen image has been switched.

"Now predict the next contained object, the beast that mimics the sound."

When the sound on the screen sounded, a picture appeared, which was a creature with a red body.

This creature has a large mouth, exposing countless fangs, but has no other facial features. It has a large head and has a bunch of red feather-like things on the back of its head.

The body is like a human, but stronger and taller, and the limbs are long and covered with sharp claws.

It makes me feel sick just looking at it.

Seeing a new containment object appear, everyone immediately focused their attention on the screen to see what it was.

"The sound-imitating beast is a monster that can imitate any human speech and likes to hunt humans. They lurk in the darkness and move around. When they encounter a target, they will imitate the sound to seduce the target, or even imitate the exact same voice. Scared to the point of collapse.”

When the explanation ended, a picture appeared on the screen.

In the picture, I don’t know which country, there is a woman looking for her child.

"Child, where are you? Where did you go to play?"

This seems to be the son running around and not knowing where to play and getting separated from his mother. It seems very normal.

But how could anyone who has seen all kinds of containment objects think that it is that simple?

"Mom, I'm here."

While the mother was searching anxiously, a childish voice came from around the corner.

"Oh, there it is."

After the mother heard her son's voice, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and ran over.

"Son, you can't do this again."

When my mother turned a corner to preach, her expression suddenly changed as if she had seen something terrifying.

There was no child in front of the mother. Instead, it was a monster that had appeared on the screen before.

This monster was chewing something, and blood was constantly flowing out from the gaps between its teeth.

Looking down, you can see the head of a child.

This mother's son had long been eaten by the creature in front of him.


The mother couldn't help but scream when she saw her son's head plus the monster.

Just when she screamed, the sound-mimicking beast immediately opened its mouth and bit her.


Only a sound of a broken neck was heard.

The mother's head was bitten off by the sound-mimicking beast, and then she was devoured.


Just then, a man ran out anxiously from a side road.

"Little brother, don't run away, don't you want to play?"

A sweet voice came from behind, but the owner of this sweet voice was not a cute girl.

Rather, it is a particularly terrifying beast that mimics sounds.

The voice of a cute girl comes from the mouth of such a monster, which looks particularly weird.

Then the man was overtaken by the beast that imitated the sound, his chest was pierced by sharp claws, and he lost his life instantly.

Then the beast of imitation sound threw the man into its mouth and chewed it up.

Then the screen rose, and I saw the same situation happening on the nearby streets.

In the corners of different locations, there were some humans who were led to other places by the voices of the imitating beasts, and then were turned into food when they saw their true appearance.

When all the humans nearby were eaten, all the sound-imitating beasts left one after another.

I don’t know whether to wait quietly for the next batch of prey to arrive, or to move to search elsewhere.

"Although the mimicking beasts are very strong, they can only be solved with human weapons. The problem is that they are not just one, but a group, distributed all over the world. The foundation has spent a lot of energy and it is difficult to completely contain and kill them, but we cannot Will give up because of this.”

After the sound sounded again, the scene ended completely.

When the audience saw this, they were all surprised.

Mimicking the sound makes the prey lower its guard, attracting it and killing it secretly. In a way, this is more terrifying than the directly visible fire and carnivorous vines.

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