American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 27 The man who killed the beast of imitating sound

Chopper: "This mimicry beast doesn't seem as powerful as the vines and firemen in front of it. At most, it's just hard enough to block bullets."

Sun Wuhan: "It certainly doesn't look like much."

Bruce Wayne: "The problem lies in his concealment. This beast of imitating sounds lurks in the dark like a killer. Moreover, it is a scattered group. It is quite difficult to clean up and may be plotted at any time."

Natasha: "It's really troublesome. Just imitating the voice of an acquaintance can easily make people relax their vigilance."

Zoro: "Really? It doesn't feel very good. This so-called beast that imitates sounds doesn't seem to have much ability."

Tony Stark: "Indeed, as long as I wear the Mark suit, it will never hurt me."

Vegeta: "Huh, this kind of rubbish, only trash would have a headache, it's nothing in front of a truly strong person."

Diana: "Although I don't like you, it's true. As long as you are strong enough, you are not afraid of this kind of monster."

Everyone has completely different opinions on the beast of mimicry.

Some feel it is a threat, while others are indifferent and easy to deal with.

DC Universe, Batman Base

Bruce Wayne frowned as he watched Diana's speech.

"This Diana is indeed not simple. Could it be that she is a person with super powers?"

Bruce Wayne is no stranger to people with super powers. There are many super-powered criminals in Gotham City where he lives.

It's just that most of them are not very strong, and there are ways to deal with them.

"But this beast of mimicry."

Bruce Wayne felt particularly unhappy when he looked at the mimicry beast on the screen.

This reminded him of the tragedy of his parents being killed in an alley when he was young.

"You actually imitate your relatives and deceive others into a trap, you bastard!"

Bruce Wayne clenched his fists angrily. He couldn't accept this kind of thing. If this kind of monster appeared in his place, he would definitely try his best to destroy it!

Nick Fury: "Strange, the content on the screen is still going on. Is there any problem with this beast of mimicry?"

At this time Nick Fury's words attracted everyone's attention

Oh, right, the content on the screen hasn't ended yet. What's going on?

Generally speaking, after introducing the contained object, isn’t it necessary to predict where it will appear?

Why does it continue to play?

"However, there is more than one contained object present this time."

Just then the electronic voice sounded again.

It immediately shocked everyone!

What! There is more than one predicted containment object this time! What kind of scary monsters are there!

Everyone was staring at the screen, not wanting to miss any detail.

At this time, on the screen, there was a man walking down the street holding a kitchen knife, mumbling constantly.

"Come out, you monsters. If you have the guts to come out and eat my wife and children, do you think that's all? I'm not afraid of you coming out!"

The man was waving his kitchen knife while shouting, as if he was looking for the beast that imitated the sound.

Most people would avoid this kind of monster.

However, this man was greatly stimulated by the fact that his wife and children were eaten, so he came to this street regardless of his own life and death to fight the beast that imitated the voice.

"Hehe, I'm here, honey."

At this moment, a female voice came to the man's ear. It was the voice of the woman who was looking for her child at the beginning of the screen.

The man immediately turned around and saw the sound-mimicking beast. He was actually standing under the ceiling, hanging upside down in front of the man.

It showed a particularly human taunt, then opened its mouth and bit down on the man.

Seeing this scene, all the audience couldn't help but sigh, and some even laughed.

They all thought this man was dead.

Faced with such a terrifying monster, he just dared to come to the door with a kitchen knife.

This is not bravery at all, but recklessness!

However, what happened next shocked everyone completely.

The mouth of the beast that was about to close suddenly stopped, with a look of pain on its face.

You can see that its throat is working hard, but the problem is that no matter how hard it tries, it can't close its mouth.

It seemed like something invisible was opening its mouth.

"go to hell!"

The man was not afraid of the beast of imitating voices. Instead, he turned fiercely, raised the kitchen knife in the book and stabbed the beast of imitations in the throat!

Logically speaking, this knife should be useless.

But the strange thing is that the kitchen knife cut open the throat of the sound-imitating beast very, very easily.

A lot of blood spurted out.

The beast of imitation sound lay on the ground in pain and trembled continuously.

"Go to hell! Go to hell!"

The man had no intention of just letting the beast of imitation sound go. Instead, he waved his kitchen knife wildly, slashing at it and mincing it into countless pieces of meat before he stopped.

This bloody scene made some timid people have to cover their eyes.

But it was more of a shock.

Tony Stark: "What's going on! Why can this ordinary person kill such a monster!"

Nick Fury: "I remember in the previous scene, someone shot and attacked, but it was naturally deflected. Why can a knife pierce it!"

Frankie: "But this man is so brave! He dares to face this thing, he is so manly!"

Bruce Wayne: "That's not the point, okay!"

Ancient One: "Could it be that this seemingly inconspicuous man has something special?"

Doraemon: "Hey, this is very strange. Isn't it about this mimicking beast? Why is the protagonist now this man?"

Seeing Doraemon's words, everyone realized that something was wrong.

At this time, on the screen, the man finally stopped venting his anger, gasping for breath, looking at the meat paste in front of him, tears could not help but flow down.

He finally avenged his wife and children!


Just then the man received a call, and when he answered it, he heard a scolding from the other side.

"Where the hell have you been! Do you think you can be absent from work because someone in your family died? I tell you to come back and work overtime immediately, otherwise all your salary for this month will be deducted. Anyway, you don't have a family, so what's wrong with working more!"

The other end of the phone was the man's boss.

Usually, this boss likes to exploit his subordinates and deduct wages in various ways.

In the past, men could endure for the sake of their families, but now they don't have to endure anymore.

After the man hung up the phone silently, he took the kitchen knife and left here.

The scene changes to a company, which is now in chaos.

The man is waving a kitchen knife and chasing the boss.

The boss, who was arrogant on the phone before, is now crying and screaming as he is chased by this man, and can only run desperately.

The man has gone crazy and chased the boss madly, waving the kitchen knife and trying to chop him.

During this period, some people tried to stop the man, but all failed. They were either knocked away or missed, which seemed to be accidental.

It was not until the police showed up with guns that things took a turn for the better.

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