With Ancient One's temperament, it's a strange thing to find someone who matches his heart!

King Mephista must have "conquered" Ancient One by brutal means.

Moto Faith wanted to run away a little bit, but stopped the thought.

My own body is in hell, this is also an excellent opportunity to fight, if I fail, the most serious consequence is to lose my strength and fall into a short sleep.

I have to find out the strength of King Mephista before I can determine the future strategic direction.

Moto Faith resolutely chose to provoke Fang Quan: "King Mephista, you are too arrogant, Blue Star - it is not yours!"

Fang Quan was slightly surprised by Mo Faith's sudden abnormal words and deeds, but he also cared about what his plans were.

after all.

Mo Faith couldn't escape the beating.

"Well, go to hell."

Fang Quan said lightly, with a flick of his finger, the purple-black ball pierced through the space in an instant, and appeared in Mo Faith's chest like a flash.

Mo Faith had already made preparations, but was still shocked by this powerful control of space, and hurriedly put the sword of hell in front of him to resist this outbreak of terrorist attack.

how is this possible!

It's so easy to send out such a powerful energy with space teleportation!

Made! This product is so strong!


When the purple-black ball was about to hit the sword of hell, it disappeared again, leaving a pierced circular space gap in place.

Inside the circular rift, Moto Faith's extremely powerful dynamic vision has captured the scenery in his eyes.

It was his own chest covered with dark red fine scales.

"Depend on!"

The scales on Mo Faith's chest were pierced without any suspense. Countless dark red scales exploded, and the purple-black ball sank into the chest very silky. After a short silence,

Instantly exploded.


Mo Faith's chest exploded, countless flesh and blood flew together, and dark red scales flew all over the sky, as beautiful as red spar sprinkled all over the sky.

The corrosive flesh and blood of the demon king splashed in front of Fang Quan, and was wiped out by invisible's darkest force. The rest of the flesh and blood of the demon king flew out of Fang Quan's side, and fell on the ground of the entire Vengeance Town, covering the blood-black earth A large pit was corroded.

Fang Quan folded his hands, smiled lightly, and admired the picturesque scenery.

This scene full of absolute power crushing, extreme tyranny and cruelty satisfied Fang Quan's pleasure to a great extent.

Mo Faith stretched out a hand on his chest panting, the strong power of the devil continued to heal the wound, and looked at Mephista king Fang Quan with horror in his eyes: "Are you proficient in the space god system?"

You teleport once, I admit it.

Who doesn't have two brushes yet.

You have teleported for the second time with a dead end, I can't stand it.

You have this ability, why don't you just do it directly, and still need such fancy things?

Moto Faith knew he couldn't win.

A single proficient in the space god system is an ability that I can't stand.

Fang Quan smiled lightly: "Is it a surprise, or is it a surprise?"

While healing his wounds, Faith Tor recalled the scene just now, and squinted his eyes slightly: "No, it's not just space, there should be the power of time just now, the Time Gem on Strange's chest is shining brightly, it's protecting them The timeline is not attacked by time aftermath."



Gotta figure out a way to get a Time gem or a Space gem.

It was useless to despise these things before.

When I met King Mephista today, Faith felt that it was not necessary to use these artifacts.

Otherwise, I would just be beaten up!

Fang Quan nodded in agreement: "The analysis is very good, then you choose a way to die."

Mo Faith remained vigilant, his eyes calm: "Does it have to be so stiff? There is no need for me to conflict with you, you rule your blue star, I will return to my hell and give me ten faces." 1

Fang Quan smiled contemptuously: "You deserve it too?"

It's just a fun toy, are you qualified to negotiate terms with me?

Mo Faith turned his face decisively, the sword of hell cut through the space, and appeared in front of Fang Quan in an instant: "Do you really think I can't beat you!"

Mere space law, do you really think I don't understand!

Fang Quan stretched out his index finger and lightly stood in front of him: "Oh, really?"

"Empty! Dang! Boom!"

The air exploded, and the sword of hell stopped at Fang Quan's side, and was easily held down by his fingers. The aftermath of the collision between the sword and the index finger exploded, splitting a fault in the air in mid-air, and a demon king's sword energy escaped from the sword body It went out and split into the air.


The black-red hellfire sword energy was divided into upper and lower sections, and flew into the sky.

Moto Faith Pupil Earthquake: "Hardwire!"


how can that be!

This is impossible!

Fang Quan's fingers moved slightly to move the huge sword of hell, so that he could easily see Mo Faith's expression: "Is this your strength?"

There has been some improvement, but not enough.

Moto Faith was shocked: "No! Why don't you have any injuries!"

Fang Quan smiled faintly: "Because I have already become a god king.

Mo Faith always felt that there was a difference between the god-king Fang Quan said and the god-lord he understood.

After being shocked, he quickly figured out what Fang Quan meant by the God King.

Not the king of gods in a world, but the gods who have been cultivated to the king level.

Moto Faith broke out in a cold sweat, only feeling that he still thought things too simply.

Fang Quan felt a little bored: "If this is your strength, then you can die."

Moto Faith didn't have any hesitation, turned around decisively and ran desperately, his huge body began to shrink rapidly, trying to improve his defense ability and movement ability.

Fang Quan chuckled, and a golden light wheel formed by twelve mysterious cipher texts appeared behind his head. His whole body began to exude a powerful divine brilliance, and the entire divine body began to build a deep inner law connection with everything around it.

The pitch-black night began to turn into day, and a scorching sun emitting a golden halo appeared in the very center of the sky, quietly exuding the brilliance of the sun.

Mo Faith's body has shrunk to a file size of tens of meters, and his intestines have already turned green.

I didn't prepare enough, or I was too rash.

What is the most powerful ability of the God-King family? It is not omnipotent, but that they can establish a deep law connection with all things, and they can deal the most deadly damage.

Fang Quan stretched out his index finger, pointing at the sky slightly indifferently, the endless divine power of the sun rushed towards his index finger like ocean waves, countless pillars of radiance rushed towards his index finger, and countless rays of sunlight converged into streams of light rushing towards his index finger .

A small, less dazzling sun formed on Fang Quan's index finger.

Mo Faith's Qi machine has been firmly locked by Fang Quan, no matter where he escapes, this little sun will faithfully penetrate time and space and reach him.

Mo Faith stopped in his tracks, turned around with a wry smile, raised his head, and looked at Fang Quan in midair: "I didn't run away after all..."

Maybe I should have run earlier, maybe in time.

Fang Quan didn't want to talk nonsense anymore, and moved his index finger indifferently: "It's nothing, just pay more attention in the next life."


No one saw how Fang Quan did it, not even Faith, who felt that the world in front of him was bright white, and the whole world turned into pure white.

A semi-circular solar sphere emerged in Revenge Town, swallowing everything in it. The scorching sun power ignited and purified everything into the purest energy state, and swallowed all energy into the core layer for energy reaction.

The space around it bends violently, with the sun photosphere as the center, and places farther away begin to be affected by a strong gravitational force, rolling towards here.

Fang Quan's eyes were calm, watching the figure in the sun light ball being gradually erased, he snorted slightly with disdain, and snapped his fingers.

During Setsuna, the sun's light ball disappeared, leaving only a huge pothole filled with the power of the sun, a pothole that swallowed the entire town.

Fang Quan stopped looking at the potholes, turned around and walked, and appeared directly in the distance of Revenge Town, before the crowd huddled together and staying under Strange's protective magic.

Sorcerer Supreme looked at the sun in the sky in shock: "You summoned a sun!?"

We know that you are powerful, but isn't your strength a little too much?

How can you summon the sun?

Fang Quan raised his eyebrows: "Is it difficult?"

Sorcerer Supreme Strange:

Guess if I want to talk to you right now.

[The task is completed, congratulations to the host for getting 1 lottery draw

Fang Quan glanced at it and directly used the number of lottery draws.

[Congratulations to the host for gaining control of the Alien Legion]

Fang Quan raised his eyebrows with interest.

Alien Legion, a very interesting and unique shadow unit of Ability. It is immune to physical attacks and has the ability of shapeshifting. At the same time, its strength should not be underestimated.

If applied properly, this will be an invincible army—for example, when facing ice giants, this army will have extremely high combat ability.

Superman Clark saw his expression and was curious: "What sparked your interest?"

Fang Quan clicked his tongue: "It's nothing, do you have anything else to do?"

0...asking for flowers...

Sorcerer Supreme Strange expressionless: "I have to deal with the magical environment here...I don't want this place to become a new base of demon believers.

Superman Clark: "I'm fine, I'll continue to go back to eat. By the way, I owe you, I'm on call."

King Mephista saved his race, and this kindness is enough for Superman Clark to live on forever.

Johnny Blazer breathed a sigh of relief: "Mer Faith won't appear in Blue Star again, right? Seriously, I'm the part that is most likely to be retaliated against.

The phantom of Angel King Raphael emerged, with a calm expression: "King Mephista's attack has affected the origin of Faith, and within a short period of time, he can't even create an incarnation."

Fang Quan said curiously: "To be honest, Mo Faithto's combat ability is really not weak. With a single strike, he can reach a high-heat hellfire of more than 100 kilometers. How did you defeat him back then? Your strength is also very good what."

It's quite easy to fight by yourself, but with Mo Faith's strength, you have to rely on divine weapons to fight by yourself.

But if Mo Faith hit on other people, the other people would have been lying down long ago.

The name of the devil king of hell is not blown out.

Angel King Rafael shrugged: "His origin was not pure enough back then, so I threw the dark fetishes I collected into his body to help him go one step further and reach ten levels of strength.

Fang Quan: "?"

Sorcerer Supreme Strange: "?"

Superman Clark: "?"

Absorber David: "?"

Angel Wang Raphael: "What? Is there any problem? His dark origin is not pure enough. I will purify it for him. Wouldn't I restrain him and make him more productive?"

Isn't it common sense that light overcomes darkness?

Fang Quan was startled: "Made, your way of thinking is a bit outrageous!"

But, it's so reasonable!

Angel King Raphael smiled: "Improving strength is not free, his upper limit is also limited, and after he is fatally injured, it is more difficult to heal than other eternal levels. Unless he gives up his current strength and regains Go back to the former great demon, and re-cultivate to the realm of the devil king.

Otherwise, he could only be like this for the rest of his life. "

Let Moto give up the eternal strength, which is more uncomfortable than killing him.

But if he doesn't give up the eternal level, he must bear the hidden wound left by Angel King Raphael, and stay in hell for eternity to heal his wounds.

The throne he once pursued has become his strongest cage.

This is the punishment given to him by Angel King Raphael.

"Hoo hoo..."

In the sky, fighter jets and armed helicopters flew over.

Fang Quan lazily stretched his waist: "You guys deal with these things."

Absorber David bowed his head respectfully: "Take orders."

Sorcerer Supreme Strange sighed helplessly: "I hate dealing with these officials the most."

Johnny Blazer: "Look, I'm already wanted by the police. Trust me, you don't want to know why I'm wanted.

Fang Quan didn't bother to pay attention to these chores, and was going to leave directly.

The Time Gem on Strange's chest flickered suddenly, emitting time fluctuations.

Fang Quan stopped raising his feet, raised his eyebrows, and looked over at Time Gem.

Strange's expression turned ugly in an instant: "Someone is tampering with time."

Fang Quan was surprised: "Aimed at me?"

Strange shook his head: "I don't know, but this time ripple has a wide range, enough to reverse the fate of mankind to a certain extent.

Fang Quan stretched out his hand directly: "Give it to me."

Strange directly took Eye of Agamotto and threw it to Fang Quan.

Fang Quan caught it with divine power, and carefully examined the time ripples involved in the Time Gem: "Huh? Someone is changing Mutant's past?"

[Time Traveler: Go back to the past, find important moments, obliterate people who should not have been born, and bring time back on track]

[Task Reward: Number of Draws +1]

Fang Quan showed a playful smile: "It seems that someone is eyeing the Mutant cake, trying to control the human world through this.

Strange frowned: "Mutant? Is that possible?"

The birth of Mutant is too random, it is not as stable as our magic side, and it can be regarded as changing space.

How could an unstable ethnic group grow stronger.

Fang Quan threw the Time Gem back, and said flatly: "In Mutant, there are a few people who can destroy the universe."

Strange: "...I take my words back.

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