Moto Faith's face was shrouded in golden energy waves of the light system, the world in front of him was shrouded in brilliant Firework, the buildings on the ground were flattened by him, and several Shockwaves were collapsed by him, rushing to the surroundings.

But Mo Faith's heart suddenly rose to the top of his throat, feeling something bad and restless.


There is a conspiracy!

Is King Mephista going to make a move!

Faith's subconscious vigilance reached the highest point, and his mental power swept around, for fear that the shameless King Mephista would rush out from a certain corner.

and many more.

what is this!

Mo Faith turned pale with fright, and the pupil of the earthquake looked at the Angel knight on the roof below, holding the holy sword and cutting out the holy crescent moon. A crescent-shaped holy sword aura has rushed to a distance of not more than 30 meters from his crotch. Arrived at:

"Do not!!!"


The amount of bleeding was huge, and two huge amounts of devil balls were flying in mid-air, their shapes fluctuating as they rolled.

A stick with huge amounts of sticks, falling from the crotch of the Hell Lord, is surprisingly long.

A holy crescent moon sword aura flew out from behind the crotch of the devil king of hell, and the sword aura was still slightly mixed with some black blood of the devil king.

The blood essence of the devil king even has silk attached to the body, it looks extremely...

Egg hurts.

Faith, the demon king of hell, felt the sharp pain of drilling his roots, his pupils shrunk into needles, his brain went blank, he knelt down with huge amounts of body, opened his mouth to the maximum, shouted silently, and stared at the largest shape in his life.


Between the crotch of Hell Demon King Mo Faith, there was a huge amount of bleeding, which flooded the street in a few seconds, and even engulfed those dark believers who hadn't run far, turning them into pure dark power and drowning in the blood of the devil king. inside.

Johnny Blazer didn't even have the slightest hesitation, turned around and ran, with a panicked expression, and shouted with the greatest strength in his life: "Fang Quan! Help!!!"

Ran Dekiel also panicked, and shouted desperately: "King Mephista! Save me! My brother will pay you like a cow or a horse!"

Angel Wang Raphael covered his face in Johnny Blazer's soul sea: "It can be seen that since my death, few people can fight with Moto.

Look, Mo Faith's combat experience has become so unfamiliar.

Eggy is such an important part, it is not strictly guarded.

The Hell Demon King's pupils were shaken, kneeling on the ground of Revenge Town, his sanity was completely overwhelmed by the severe pain, everything turned into clouds of smoke, and the Hellfire around him shrank violently, constantly tearing the surrounding darkness to repair the damage to the body.

Strange was dumbfounded, he didn't care about the fight, and while flying wildly retreated, he pinched the teleportation spell.

Superman Clark 430 flew upside down with its legs between its legs, sucking in air-conditioning wildly.

Depend on!

Worked a miracle!

Johnny Blazer and Rand Keir almost used the fastest speed in their lives to fly in front of Fang Quan, and a staggered shovel fell down. Regardless of the embarrassment, they crawled towards Fang Quan with hands and feet, rolling and crawling Hid behind Fang Quan.

Strange was so flustered that his hands trembled so much that he didn't pinch the space teleportation well, and was directly thrown in front of Fang Quan by the force of space.

Fang Quan tilted his head slightly, and Strange continued to fly silkily, hitting a tree beside him before stopping.

Strange didn't care about the pain in his back, got up and hid behind Fang Quan, and panickedly began to pinch the space to send the spell: "King Mephista, my teacher is your wife, you have to save me!

Superman Clark is the only decent person left, who touched the ground with his feet, and then used supersonic speed to dye Wanxi behind him.

Superman Clark's voice was steady, and he poked his head out from behind Fang Quan, madly expressing: "I think Strange has given up his plan to consume the devil king of hell, and now no one bothers you to watch the fun."

Come on! Come on! Now the Lord of Hell is having fun!

It's time for you!

I beg you!

Fang Quan's mouth was wide open, with a shocked expression on his face: "You guys are so fucking awesome!"

The phantom of Angel King Raphael emerged, with a strange tone: "Let me correct one point, a big body is also a bad thing for Hell Demon King Faith.

The larger the body size, the more painful the ga egg.

For Angel King Rafael, when he saw such a large body, it was almost instinctive to make this battle plan.

Especially when he realized that Faith Moto was in a state of carelessness, he was obviously a little distracted.

There is no doubt that he is definitely worried about Mephista King Fang Quan who did not appear in front of him.

Angel King Raphael is even more sure of this battle plan.

It's just that I didn't expect that after thousands of years, my vision is still vicious, and the process of executing the plan is also very smooth and perfect.

The gap of thousands of years ago, thousands of years later, Moto Faith has not made up.

Fang Quan gasped as he watched, and praised in passing: "Made, it's no wonder Mo Faith can only be trapped in hell for the rest of his life, and you still have a chance to recover your real body."

Look, what is professionalism and what is precision.

It's very lively for the layman, but it's also confusing for the insider!

Angel King Rafael really deserves to be a professional accountant of the devil king. Look, he sterilized him when he went up.

This is the gap!

Thousands of years ago, Mo Faith did not win.

Now, thousands of years later, Mo Faith is still losing badly.

"Johnny Blaze!!!"

The crazy roar of the devil king of hell turned into a Shockwave and exploded, shattering all the buildings in Vengeance Town, the ground trembled, the sky was shaken, and the elemental environment boiled up. The power of this terrifying demon king twisted.

Fang Quan laughed, and turned to look at the pale Johnny Blazer: "Look, his name is all wrong, Ze is called Zi."

There is no doubt that Mo Faith, the demon king of the toe prison, has already lost his temper.

It’s wrong to call names, and it’s right to be delirious.

Johnny Blazer was about to cry: "You have to save me! If you don't save me, I'm going to die!"

The energy saved by the seniors was only once, and I have used up all of it.

Now it is possible to change from a good spirit knight to an angel knight, thanks to the strong support of Rand Keir.

Ran Dejier was so frightened that he didn't even dare to cancel the integration, a phantom appeared, and burst into tears: "You save me! My brother can perform a handstand and wash your hair for you!"

Randekil was kicked out by Angel King Raphael directly, and hit the stone beside him, smashing the stone to pieces.

Angel Wang Rafael was expressionless: "I can't."

Can you use yourself when bragging?

Why do you always use me as an arrow shield?

You worthless bastard.

Fang Quan laughed: "Okay, okay, don't panic, you guys let me see very satisfying fun, I will protect you."

Revenge Town was empty, and all the dark believers were shocked to death by the uncontrollable demon king.

The ancient ruins have now turned into a plain of ruins, and all the buildings have been smashed into fly ash by the roar of the demon king. With the demon king Mo Faith as the center, they exploded in a smashed and diffused shape, circles, circles, and see It seems very regular.

Moto Faith also finally found Fang Quan, King Mephista, who was watching a theater far away from the town.

But at this moment, his eyes passed Mephista King Fang Quan directly, and his eyes with mad killing intent fixed on Nibreze.

Moto Faith was born in destruction, and the original attribute is also the end of all things, constantly pushing the end of the world, waiting for the embrace of eternal destruction, singing and dancing in the eternal destruction.

So far, Moto Faith has suffered two losses in the true sense.

The first loss was against Angel King Raphael, who was slightly disadvantaged, lost the right to freedom, and was imprisoned in hell for eternal life and could not escape.

However, Faith is not an idler, as long as he accumulates enough energy, as long as the end of the world comes, he will be reborn.

The second loss, this time, came to Blue Star, but was kicked.

Mo Faith's spiritual power was extremely concentrated, and he saw the remnant soul of Angel King Raphael at a glance, and his deep-seated hatred exploded: "It's you! You ordered it!"

This kind of operation of controlling one's own fighting rhythm and habits, and getting stuck outside one's fighting field of vision at every step, can only be done by being extremely familiar with oneself and understanding one's enemy Angel King Raphael.

Rage quickly ignited all Faith's sanity, turning all remaining sanity into fuel for revenge.

I want to kill you all!

Moto Faith didn't want to be rational this time, he was burned by hysterical hatred!

I am the demon king of hell! Lord of hell!

Eternal (acfd) Immortal, I have nothing to fear!

No matter what the price is, I will kill you all!

Kill kill kill! kill you all!

I'm gonna fuck all your balls!

Mo Faith barely healed the wound, but the lost balls and sticks were gone forever, and the fighting ability barely returned.

Mo Faith held the sword of hell, Rage stood up, accidentally pulled the wound, tore the scar, and spurted some blood again.

Moto Faith's movements were out of shape due to the severe pain, his expression was distorted, he gritted his teeth and concentrated his strength on his crotch again, healed the scar completely, the energy in his body was reduced by more than 10%, but he recovered quickly between breaths.

mer Faith Rage's hand charged with the sword of hell: "Death to me!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Huge amounts of Faith charged hundreds of meters away, every step made the ground tremble, the terrifying power of the demon king distorted the air, and the flames on the sword of hell exploded, "slashing down in anger.

A huge amount of hellfire sword energy struck towards Fang Quan's position.

Before the sword energy arrived, the elemental environment boiled because of coercion.

Johnny Blazer terrified soul astral: "Save me save me save me save me save me!"

Strange watched helplessly as the spell in his hand broke, and a feeling of wanting to vomit blood rose up: "Save me, save me, save me, save me!"

Superman Clark's feeling is the deepest, his face is solemn, this sword has slightly distorted time, and has locked all of their auras, this sword can only resist

There is no escape.

Absorber David's face was slightly pale. Although he had spent time absorbing Ghost Rider, at this moment, he realized that compared with the real Demon King, there was a gap between him and him.

Time slowly slowed down, and everything slowed down.

Johnny Blazer looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, he had the illusion that the time of the whole world was slowed down... No, this is not an illusion.

The Time Gem on Strange's chest emitted a slightly emerald green light, protecting the timelines of everyone nearby, Strange looked at Fang Quan in surprise.


King Mephista has warped the time of the whole world again!

Fang Quan flew up and appeared in the midair at a speed that seemed slow but actually extremely fast. His palm lightly wiped the sword energy of hellfire hundreds of meters high.

Fang Quan admired the hellfire sword aura with interest: "Interesting sword aura."

This sword seems simple, but in fact it simplifies the complex, and integrates Mo Faith's lifelong understanding of combat into it, which is the most reasonable sword.

The purpose of the sword is to strike the opponent, isn't it?

Therefore, this sword distorts time, locks the source, and penetrates space.


At last, the coercion has boiled the elemental environment where the enemy is located, making them lose their ability to cast spells.

What a perfect sword.

Fang Quan tapped the Hellfire Sword Qi lightly, and a distorted vortex black hole appeared at the point where the finger pointed, quickly swallowing the Hellfire Sword Qi into it.

"Hoo hoo!"

The vortex black hole absorbed and swallowed the entire hellfire sword energy in the blink of an eye, and also swallowed the surrounding elements that could not escape.

The vortex black hole that devoured a huge amount of elements and power turned into a purple-black ball the size of a thumb file, suspended in Fang Quan's palm, like a good boy.

Moto's Rage came to an abrupt end, and the habit he had developed since his birth returned to his brain and his expression became extremely calm: "You have a strong control over the essence of all things.

If this sword falls, Faith firmly believes that at least it can split a grand canyon of more than 100 kilometers, and go deep into the ground until all the power is exhausted.

However, Fang Quan did it better.

He perfectly devoured the hellfire sword energy with the power of darkness, and by the way, he also swallowed a wave of surrounding elements [finally, he compressed all the power into ten purple-black balls and put them in the palm of his hand to play with.

King Mephista has a stronger control over the darkness than himself.

Mo Faith felt the pressure, a pressure that he would only have when he faced Angel King Raphael.

It is this kind of pressure to be slightly better than oneself, finely control energy, so that one cannot fight to the fullest, and is finally forced to lose.

Fang Quan looked at Mo Faith and smiled: "You are really strong and excellent."

Never get distracted by emotions, always stay calm - just put aside those brief minutes when your balls are smacked.

In critical moments, the infallible Faith Wang.

Moto Faith felt even more pressure, it didn't look like a compliment between his peers, and his eyes were more dignified.

This is more like a compliment given to a playful pet.

The blood of the devil king in Mo Faith's body began to boil, and his breathing became rapid: "I have to admit, you are the second one besides Angel King Raphael who makes me need to fight to the death.

target enemy. "

Fang Quan was curious: "Who else is there besides me?"

"Ancient One."

Fang Quan curiously asked: "What is the greatest pressure on you from Ancient One?"

Mo Faith's eyes were cold: "Ancient One is alive, so I don't dare to go down to the lower realm... However, since I couldn't feel the breath of Ancient One a few months ago, I thought I could dominate the blue world."

Star, I didn't expect you to pop up again. "

Fang Quan understood, nodded, and said lightly: "You can't feel it, because my woman stays in my palace, lives in my dark domain, and is affected by my shadow empire."

shelter. "

Moto Faith felt a slight numbness in his back, and the illusion of electric shock flowed all over his body.


Ancient One actually slept with you!

Mo Faith knew Ancient One too well, that human beauty who was so arrogant that she would only be with her like-minded people who fit her heart.

Moto Faith felt that it was impossible for her to find a partner in her life.

Because the requirements of Ancient One are too high.

But, now, Faith Murto had a worse scenario in mind.

King Mephista used brutal means instead of conquering the heart of Ancient One.

Oh Fark!


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