American Comics: Invincible Starting With Lord Of The Shadow Kingdom!

Chapter 26: The Upheaval That Shocked Eagle Country

The fact is as Tony said, the pictures of David Banner and Bruce Banner are put on the front page of all TV channels.

The entire TV screen, only these two photos are in color, and the background is blood gray, giving people a depressing feeling.

The wanted notice for these two people is still playing in a loop.

Fang Quan pointed at the big screen and laughed: "You are more famous than me!"

Banner covered his head with a broken face, not wanting to say a word.

Tony couldn't hold it back, and laughed too: "Hahahahaha! I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back, you are too miserable!"

"Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell..."

Tony's phone rang, he glanced at Fang Quan, connected the phone, and turned on the speaker.

Roddy's voice was very tired and broken, and it sounded like a painful mask on his face: "God, Tony, you never know what I went through last night, take all the air forces to find a man who can change into any shape The monster... Now that the president has issued a death order, this monster must be killed."

Tony's tone was light: "Hey, brother without money, do you need an intelligence service? I have a clue for Bruce Banner here."

"What!? You want to share such a good thing with me? Fuck, tell me quickly!"

Tony smirked: "Fang Magician just took Bruce Banner under his wing yesterday... So, do you have any reliable clues?"

When Luo Di heard this, he wished to wring Tony's head off. How dare I touch Fang Quan's people? I think I have a long life?

After being speechless for a while, Rody hurriedly said: "However, I heard some rumors. The military said that they will find this Banner. It is estimated that they will reach Mr. Fang soon. You must report to Mr. Fang immediately."

Tony rolled his eyes: "Such a good opportunity, why don't you go by yourself?"

Roddy's voice was frantic: "He doesn't have a mobile phone! How can I report it!"

Tony looked at Fang Quan in shock: "You don't have a communication method?"

Fang Quan played with the beautiful woman on his lap, with a calm expression: "If you find a clue to attract someone, tell me."

When Luo Di heard Fang Quan's voice, he became obedient in seconds: "Follow Mr. Fang, I will report to you as soon as I have new clues!"

Luo Di's voice was very happy, what he was brushing in front of Mr. Fang was not his face, but his own life!

The phone hangs up.

Tony put the phone away, with a pained face: "Fang magician, the second most handsome man in the world, can you keep Banner? I'm willing to pay any price."

Banners are what changed my life, and they are worth more than anything.

Fang Quan smiled contemptuously: "I would like to see the person who dared to touch me."

A ghost soldier came out from the shadows, knelt in front of Fang Quan, and sent him the picture of the villa gate.

Looking at the picture in front of him, Fang Quan was a little surprised: "S.H.I.E.L.D and Ross are fighting at the door?"

Tony leaned forward with a face full of melons: "Oh~ Dear Mr. Fang, please let me see! How did you see it? Perspective or Acute eyes?"

Fang Quan nodded slightly.

The ghost soldier turned around and sent the picture to Tony.

Tony opened his mouth wide in shock: "Oh! Teleportation!? What a high-end technology!"

At this moment, in front of the gate of the villa.

Nick Fury with the agent team is confronting Ross' special operations team.

Two groups of people stood facing each other on both sides of the gate. Each of the two sides invited more than 60 people, and each of them standing here was the best of the best, full of fighting spirit.

Rose's complexion was not good: "Nick Fury, what do you mean? Do you really think that you, the king of agents, are qualified to challenge me?"

If you insist on qualifications and confidence, I am tougher than you.

Nick Fury sneered: "You want to touch Fang Quan? Don't blame me for not reminding you, he is the highest special advisor of our S.H.I.E.L.D."

Ross laughed angrily: "When did he become your S.H.I.E.L.D's top special advisor? Two seconds ago?"

This grandson is really not a good guy. When did Lao Tzu say he was going to move King Fang? I'm here to interrogate the Hulk!

Nick Fury sneered confidently: "That definitely."

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

The agent team and the special operations team took out their guns almost at the same time and pointed them at the leader and the front row of the opponent, with fierce eyes.

The clues to the massacre that shocked the whole country can be found in this big villa, and this kind of credit cannot be given away casually.

Nick Fury looked at the more than thirty red spots on the vital parts of his body, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Rose looked at the red circles on his forehead that were so densely packed between his brows, his face was expressionless.

The two made eye contact and reached an agreement at the same time.

Let's just say, scolding is scolding, insulting is insulting, there is no need to gamble with your life.

The atmosphere is subtle, from intense to relaxed.

Nick Fury pressed his hand slightly: "Put the gun down, we are all colleagues, there is no need."

Ross snorted coldly, followed by pressing his hand, and asked the special forces team members to put down their guns.

The rivers and lakes are people's way of life, not to fight and kill - especially not to kill yourself first.

Nick Fury showed a formulaic smile: "General Ross, then you go first?"

General Ross snorted coldly, but the strength of the snort was very subtle, so that the other party would not point the gun at his eyebrows again: "Hmph."

Rose took the lead and walked in with his bodyguard, while the rest of the special forces were stopped by the ghosts.

Nick Fury walked in with Phil Coulson and several high level agents, and asked the others to wait outside.

In the hall of the villa.

Fang Quan sighed slightly regretfully: "Why didn't we fight, what a pity.

Tony also nodded unsatisfactorily: "That's right."

Banner came back to his senses: "Wait a minute, people from S.H.I.E.L.D and the military are here?"

Tony smirked: "You can just sit here and sit here. With Fang's status as a magician, if they dare to touch you, they will definitely seek death."

Banner looked anxious, but in the end he could only let out a long sigh, and sat still on the chair.

Right now, this is the only place I can take refuge.

Soon, two groups of people came to the hall and asked to meet.

The leader, Ghost Shadow, led them in, glanced over and saw that there were not enough chairs in the hall, so he stretched out his hand and patted it twice.


"Shut up!"

From the surrounding shadows, more than a dozen ghost soldiers flew out like lightning, and appeared in the hall as if they were sprinting ten times faster. Then they arranged the chairs in a uniform manner, and then kept their figures unchanged and disappeared into the surrounding shadows Among them, pairs of blood eyes gradually faded away.

The aura of Nick Fury and General Ross suddenly weakened, and everyone became obedient unconsciously.

Nick Fury's pupils became needles, and only then did he realize that he still underestimated the Dark King.

The speed of these soldiers is so fast that it has broken through the limit of human beings. In just over a second, they completed the operation of moving the chair, placing the chair, and returning to the shadow.

Most importantly, their movements are in unison, which represents the pinnacle of discipline.

This is a perfect undead army.

Rose's tough face softened three points unconsciously: "King Fang, good morning."

The shock on the faces of the other special forces members could hardly be suppressed, their pupils trembled, and they looked at the man sitting in the first place in shock.

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