Nick Fury took a deep breath, understood Fang Quan's temperament of being straightforward, and directly took out the information: "We have found clues to attract people, please take a look."

The leader Ghost came over to pick up the documents, turned around and walked towards Fang Quan, knelt down on one knee, and opened the documents with both hands for Fang Quan to look at.

Rose felt that he was ignored and dared not complain at all.

This one is an invincible human being in the true sense.

According to the calculations of the intelligence department, this man was just an ordinary human a month ago, but he became the Dark King in that cave.

reincarnation? The soul of the dark king occupying the body? Or the awakened soul of the dark king?

do not know.

But one thing is certain.

As time goes by, the power of this dark king is "recovering" at a speed that ordinary people cannot understand.

Who dares to offend a dark king who "controls" an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers with a snap of his fingers.

Fang Quan looked at the extremely simple information and raised his eyebrows: "Interesting."

On the first piece of information, there is only one line: If you catch Rose, you will definitely catch the absorber.

The king of agents still has two brushes, and he actually sent Ross to his door.

If the absorber doesn't show up, Fang Quan will have to spend a lot of effort to get the ghost soldiers to kidnap Ross.

Fang Quan snapped his fingers playfully: "Grab him."

In the shadows all around, a pair of bloody eyes opened, and ghostly soldiers with weapons appeared in the hall like flashes, staring at Ross with indifferent eyes.

Rose's face became tense: "Wait a minute, King Fang, there must be some misunderstanding between us!"

Fang Quan snorted coldly, too lazy to say more.

There is no misunderstanding, you are my mission prop.

Rose's secretary hurriedly picked up the box: "Please wait a moment, we are here to deliver the super soldier serum! Ten, this is the maximum amount that the general can embezzle!"

The ghost soldiers around stopped suddenly, but still maintained the siege formation.

"bring here."

Fang Quan's voice sounded.

A ghost soldier stepped forward, took the box, turned around and walked up to Fang Quan, and opened it.

Fang Quan looked at the ten super soldier serums inside and nodded slightly: "The quality is good."

This contains powerful life gene power, and it is indeed ten genuine super soldier serums.

Fang Quan looked at Rose with indifferent eyes: "What do you mean by having two more?"

Rose's eyes were full of deep hatred: "We want to know David Banner, the clue that the wanted criminal is absorbing people."

Absorbers slaughtered the entire base in order to find him, and he had to avenge his dead colleagues.

Fang Quan clicked his tongue and raised his head slightly.

The ghost soldier holding the document immediately got up and presented the document in front of Rose.

Ross looked at the content on the information and smiled bitterly: "This is the answer? He will definitely come?"

This information was given to Fang Quan by Nick Fury.

Then it means that my schedule is controlled by Nick Fury.

The king of agents deserves to be the king of agents.

The leader Ghosting's blood eyes flashed fiercely, he raised his head, his eyes seemed to look into the distance through countless obstacles, and then turned to report to Fang Quan.

During these days, as Fang Quan's power became stronger and stronger, the ghost army gradually came to the world, and a defense structure was formed centering on Fang Quan's position.

Just now, the ghost army operating in the dark country noticed that the powerful abnormal energy magnetic field of the main world was approaching here, and spread the picture to the leader ghost.

Listening to the report, Fang Quan couldn't help laughing out loud: "Absorbers are rushing here a hundred kilometers away from the south."

Ross didn't have the slightest hesitation, and directly picked up the phone: "Preparing to attack, the absorber is heading towards my coordinates a hundred kilometers away to the south."

Since the base was attacked, Ross has been preparing every second for how to kill the Absorber, and he has done a lot of preparations for this.

Most combat troops also remain on standby.

Nick Fury's complexion is also ugly, absorbing his top combat ability, ordinary weapons are useless at all.

Fang Quan admired the negative energy emanating from Rose in front of him with interest: "Interesting."

[Challenge task: Ross (let the negative progress bar reach 100%)]

[Task Reward: Number of Draws +1]

[Ross progress bar: 84%]

Fang Quan's eyes lit up, and he decided to keep this weak mortal temporarily.

The sky in the distance suddenly shone brightly, followed by a deafening explosion sound from the sky, bringing a burst of powerful Shockwave across the ground.

A terrified voice came from the walkie-talkie at the secretary's waist:

"No, he's immune to missile attacks! Gamma missiles don't work!"

"The enemy's speed has broken the sound barrier, the energy is special, it cannot be locked! It cannot be locked!"

"Damn! Black Hawk II has been destroyed! Black Hawk II has been destroyed!"

All kinds of "good news" came out in just a few seconds, and the face of the combat secretary also turned pale in a few seconds.

The restraint they prepared did not have the desired effect.

General Ross' eyes turned red, and he clenched his fists and let out a low growl of deep hatred: "David Banner!!!"

He rushed out of the villa angrily, drew a pistol from his waist and pointed it at the sky: "David Banner, I'm here, get out!"

General Ross roared furiously, and cursed at the sky hoarsely.

Fang Quan clicked his tongue and saw the progress bar slowly increasing: "This is the easiest task I have ever encountered."

This is already a mature progress bar, you can work hard on your own.

In less than 4 minutes, all the arrangements made by General Ross for one night failed, and the losses were heavy. All fighter planes and soldiers blocking the road were killed.

Eighty kilometers away.

Absorber turned into the body of Thunder, and quickly shuttled through the sky, tearing up all the fighters intercepted in front of him.

All the various missiles fired over were also intercepted by the anti-attack position.

The face made of lightning was full of deep-seated hatred, and his eyes were fixed on a certain reaction wave a hundred kilometers away—this was the result he obtained after spending one night, locking on to Rose's genetic aura fluctuations.

For this day of revenge, he has waited for thirty years!

Soon, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and dark clouds covered the sky. An old face made of lightning emerged from the dark clouds, roaring at the ground: "Ross!!!"

Rose was holding a pistol on the ground, his face flushed red with anger, and the guards around him stopped him, General Rage.

"General, go! His target is you!"

"General, retreat quickly! All our frontline arrangements have failed!"

"General, let's go!"

Ross pushed the guards away angrily: "I, Ross, have fought for my country all my life and have never escaped! David Banner! Don't you want my life! Come down, I'll give it to you!"

The grievances and grievances of our generation should be ended by you and me! "

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