Ancient One was so pissed off that he left.

Nick Fury and others left with General Ross naked.

At present, it can only be confirmed that Fang Quan has no hostility towards Blue Star.

As for more?

I dare not ask for extravagance.

Ancient One magician can only turn a blind eye and close one eye, taking Bronski as a victim.

And the Ancient One magician said it very clearly.

If there was a fight, Fang Quan would definitely not die, but the onlookers would definitely die.

Fang Quan watched Ancient One and others go away, smiled and shook his head: "It's really interesting."

Tony asked curiously: "Fang magician, what is your goal?"

Fang Quan yawned: "Become the ultimate dark Mephista."

Tony: "...will human beings be sacrificed in the process of achieving this goal?"

Fang Quan looked at him like a fool: "I'm not Thanos, don't blackmail me."

I am the king of darkness, I am not the king of madmen.

Darkness also has dark rules.

Tony breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm just afraid that if you stand on the opposite side of all mankind, I will have a bad conscience."

Fang Quan rolled his eyes: "Get out, I am the king of darkness supported by the human race, I am not a foreign Mephista!"

Tony understood and smiled awkwardly.

Fang Quan is a dark king rooted in the human race. He is one with the human race and has two sides, and will not stand against the human race.

Fang Quan looked at Banner and David who were kneeling in front of them: "Tell me your wishes, and I will grant them."

Banner knelt down on one knee and hurriedly said: "Please give my father free will, he can't stand being imprisoned, it will drive him crazy."

David looked at his son in surprise and emotion.

Such a precious wish, the son is willing to use it on himself.

What a... What a good son!

Fang Quan snapped his fingers and waved his hands indifferently: "Okay, I have lifted the prison and he is free."

The absorber David hurriedly thanked: "Thank you sir for giving me freedom, but I don't want to leave, I want to stay with my son."

Fang Quan looked impatient: "Tell me your wish."

Absorber David bite the bullet and said: "My lord, please give my son eternal life, I'm afraid of me..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Quan injected the power of immortality into Banner's body.

Fang Quan felt bored, got up, and said indifferently: "Next time, I will tell you directly, I don't like inkblots."

Fun things are gone.

I have to return to the fallen life again.

Fang Quan didn't want to pay any more attention to these people, and walked straight into the darkness and returned to the back garden of the villa.

Banner was dumbfounded: "Huh? Am I going to live forever?"

Tony pressed the tactical eyepiece: "Indeed, look up."

Banner raised his head subconsciously, and saw Tony aiming the palm of the steel armor at his head: "Damn it!"


Banner's head exploded in an instant, and the fragments solidified in mid-air again, and quickly returned the same way.

Banner's head recovered perfectly, he rolled his eyes and passed out directly.

Tony smiled contentedly: "Ah...take a deep breath, don't panic, coma is normal."

Ah, this kind of suffering, finally there is a second person to suffer.

Tony, who had been drenched in the rain, was inclined to tear other people's umbrellas apart at this moment.


The Ancient One magician was sitting in the car, frowning slightly, the dark green power of time shone in his eyes.

Nick Fury smiled wryly: "Master Sorcerer Supreme, what should we do now?"

Ancient One magician's face was slightly strange: "You can try to cooperate with him, his dark power is rooted in the human world. In the overall situation, he is one of us."

Nick Fury: "What's the King's position?"

Ancient One magician's eyes were filled with dark green light: "Chaos and order... is very principled, but it is also a Mephista who can do anything as long as it feels interesting. Hey, such a troublesome matter should be handed over to the next Sorcerer Supreme."

To put it simply, this is a fun Mephista.

He is in a good mood and will bestow eternal life on some people.

And these people who have obtained eternal life have good conduct and some have bad conduct.

Tony, a playboy with a strong sense of justice, has gained eternal life, Banner, a man with a sense of justice, has gained eternal life, and the twisted soul that absorbs people like a madman has also gained eternal life.

This kind of principle is strong, but people who are only for fun are the most troublesome.

Nick Fury also got a headache when he heard it: "I'll go back to him now, will he kill me? I don't think I can offer a bargaining chip to make amends."

Ancient One stopped prophesying, rubbing between his brows: "No, you have."

Nick Fury was startled: "Yes? Where?"

He is immortal, the king of darkness, what else is missing?

Ancient One said the result of the prophecy speechlessly: "Hate him, hate him, and do everything possible to kill him."

Nick Fury was shocked: "Do I think I have a long life?"

Ancient One raised his forehead: "He will find it very interesting if you do this. As long as you can satisfy his need for fun, he will give you the gift of eternal life if he is in a good mood."

That's why I hate this messy Mephista with no firm stand!

This Mephista will do anything for fun!

Nick Fury was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

Ancient One said helplessly: "I didn't lie to you, his greatest interest is fun. As long as you can bring him fun, even if you want to kill him, he will find it very interesting...

You can't measure the idea of ​​an immortal Mephista by the idea of ​​an ephemeral.

For eternity, this Mephista will do anything for fun. "

His eternal life is to protect the Blue Star civilization.

Thanos is immortal in order to pursue the goddess of death and wipe out half of the life in the universe.

Dormammu seeks endless dominion after immortality.

And this Fang Quan, immortalized, is after the damn messy fun!

Righteous way, he does not stand. Mo Dao, he doesn't stand either.

He stands for his own fun!

Damn the ultimate shit stick Mephista!

Nick Fury looked confused: "Then what I need to do now is to seek cooperation with him while establishing an anti-dark alliance?"

Is it so aboveboard?

Ancient One nodded: "Yes, correct answer."

Nick Fury was a little nervous: "Really want to do this? He won't kill me?"

Are you fooling me into a pawn?

Bronski is already dead.

Ancient One glared at him: "If Fang Quan wanted to kill you, would you still be alive?"

You really don't know anything about power.

Phil Coulson volunteered to pick up the phone: "Director, let me ask instead of you?"

The corner of Nick Fury's mouth twitched: "Ask."

Phil Coulson dialed Tony's number and was connected within two seconds.

Phil Coulson swallowed: "Is Mr. Fang there?"

"I'm right next to him, let it go."

Phil Coulson looked at Ancient One, and Ancient One nodded helplessly.

Phil Coulson took a deep breath and said seriously: "We want to set up an Avengers, while protecting the Eagle Kingdom and human beings, and at the same time possibly killing Mr. Fang Quan, what do you think?"

Tony's gasped voice came out: "Damn it, are you crazy?"

Finding death is not such a way!

Fang Quan's hearty laugh came from the microphone: "It's interesting, then you have to do everything possible to kill me, otherwise it will be too boring."

Phil Coulson responded with twitching corners of his mouth, and waited for Fang Quan to finish laughing before silently hanging up the phone.

Nick Fury lit a cigarette, smoked, and murmured with slightly dull eyes: "How does this make sense?"

The idea of ​​your immortal species, I, a short-lived species, is somewhat incomprehensible.

Ancient One's face was full of helplessness: "Maybe, being too invincible is also a kind of loneliness."

In terms of immortality, I am not as good as this Mephista.

My soul will rot.

His soul is eternally young.

I'm so envious!

Avengers, also known as the Anti-Dark Alliance, was established after the encouragement of the big villain laughed.

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