Ancient One magician clarified the strategic goal of Nick Fury S.H.I.E.L.D in this area: "On a local level, you have to form a confrontational relationship with Fang Quan, so that you can improve your competitiveness. But in the overall situation, you have to know that he may not necessarily is our enemy."

Nick Fury kept this in mind and said that he would definitely follow the guidance of Sorcerer Supreme.

The guidance of the boss is more valuable than Jinshan.

After Ancient One solved the tedious matters, his brows furrowed unconsciously.

Nick Fury asked cautiously: "Master Sorcerer Supreme, do you have any troubles?"

Ancient One's eyes flickered slightly: "I'm just not sure if I want to change the future...Forget it, help me find a surgeon named Stephen Strange."

Nick Fury: "Bring someone here?"

Ancient One said in an affirmative tone: "You just tie him up. He won't be willing to come here on his own initiative."

Nick Fury looked confused, but accepted the order anyway.

Ten days later, at the S.H.I.E.L.D ground base.

Ancient One was meditating with her eyes closed, when a man with his hands tied behind his back and a black cloth bag over his head was pressed in front of her.

Ancient One opened his eyes, looked at the "hostage" in front of him, waved his hand slightly, and motioned for the two agents to release him.

Two agents tore off the black cloth bag from Strange's head.

Unable to adapt, Strange hastily closed his eyes, and then opened them twice before gradually getting used to the light here, and said in a joking tone: "Kidnapping me as a surgeon? I think you can use a more polite way." , such as a consulting fee of 200,000 yuan."

The handsome and tough Strange is confident and arrogant, and doesn't care about being a hostage at all.

Ancient One went straight to the point: "I need you to learn magic."

Strange laughed loudly: "What are you kidding?"

Ancient One stood up immediately and shook his sleeves.

The two agents behind Strange saw their faces tense, and they couldn't stop stepping back.

Whenever this intellectual and beautiful woman flicks her sleeves, someone will be unlucky.

Last time, the six-meter-tall Red Abomination was slapped into a mosaic by the 1.7-meter-tall intellectual Yujie, and then he was rescued with healing magic and continued to be beaten—until the Red Abomination "actively" learned to control his temper until.

Ancient One didn't talk nonsense, and directly slapped Strange on the face, directly slapping his soul out, and his body fell directly to the ground.

The two agents quickly caught his body with quick eyes and hands, and looked dumbfounded at the bewildered soul body in mid-air.

Ancient One said seriously: "Time is short, I will throw you to the edge of the multi-universe to experience it first."

Strange's soul in mid-air turned pale with fright, and hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, no! I think I can..."


Strange's soul disappeared in mid-air and was thrown into the multi-universe.

The two agents looked at Ancient One tremblingly, their whole bodies trembling slightly.

This little man who is seven meters tall is so strong that he can turn the entire base upside down with a wave of his hand.

Ancient One's face was calm, and he tapped the palm of his left hand with his right hand, counting the numbers, estimating how many cosmic spaces this future Sorcerer Supreme has passed through.

Ancient One even paid attention to his body leisurely, calculating whether he had reached the upper limit of his endurance.

When Ancient One silently counted to one hundred and six, Strange's body began to smoke.

Ancient One's face was slightly joyful, and he recalled his soul with a wave of his hand: "Good potential."

It is rare for ordinary people to even have the potential to travel through space, but Strange was able to withstand one hundred and six space shuttles at the stage of ordinary people. This kind of potential is already rare in the world.

No wonder he can be my successor.

Strange's soul was recalled with smoke all over his body, and he was pressed into the body by Ancient One with his hands in panic.

Ancient One nodded very satisfied: "Yes, you can be my disciple."

Strange was covered in smoke, knelt on the ground, looked at Ancient One in horror, and said in a trembling voice, "What did you do to me? Psychedelic? Psychedelic?"

Ancient One smiled and comforted: "Don't panic, I just opened your real eyes."

Strange yelled with a nervous breakdown: "Do you know what I just experienced!? I personally passed through a Fixed Star! A galaxy cloud! There is also a large dark and strange universe!"

Ancient One listened patiently, and asked seriously: "So you want to study?"

"No, I won't study! Let me go back, I want to be a doctor!"

Strange growled hysterically, his hair standing on end.

Ancient One sighed in a voice full of charm, stretched out his hand and pressed his eyebrows: "Strange, in front of life, none of us are ready."


This time, Strange travels through the universe with his body.

Ancient One left a little source of mana on him, enough to protect the source of body and mind of this weak mortal.

This time, Ancient One waited patiently for ten minutes, and then calmly recalled Strange.

Facts have proved that Strange's ability is very powerful, giving a little mana source protection, and it hasn't completely collapsed after ten minutes.

Strange was covered in hellfire, and his expression was extremely broken. He knelt on the ground and yelled loudly: "I'll do it! I'll do it! I'll do it!"

Ancient One waved his hand, and a space bookcase appeared beside him, with a calm expression: "Very good, now we will start learning from the basics of spells, and you must familiarize yourself with the new general outline guide I recently wrote for the universe within the next eight hours."

Strange watched in despair as Ancient One extinguished the flames on his body, and then wept bitterly: "I learned, I learned, I have a photographic memory, I am definitely the best student!"

I was eating hot pot and singing at home, and a group of agents broke in and kidnapped me.

I, Strange, the best surgeon in Eagle Country, was kidnapped by a group of lunatics to learn some kind of magic.

sky! The world is crazy!

Not only the super mutant that slaughtered the military, but also this terrifying magic!

Ancient One was very satisfied with Strange's performance.

If it wasn't for the time constraints, she would really like to teach this disciple to take over her responsibilities step by step.

But now, my time may not be as rich as expected, and I need to make preparations in advance to protect the Blue Star civilization from the magical forces.

While calculating the future, Ancient One estimated the dangers that would be encountered in the future.

The mysterious The God's Telekinesis came into her mind, making her feel that the dark hand she left in the library was triggered.

Ancient One's eyes changed slightly: "Damn it, Kaecilius!"

My arrogant disciple finally made a move against the taboo spell after he left the Holy Land.

Kaecilius, did you finally choose to betray me?

Ancient One immediately opened the portal to Holy Place, she stopped when she was about to pass through, and said to the two agents: "Go and tell Fang Quan that Dormammu, the Dark Lord, is about to invade Blue Star. No need to say anything, just need Just tell him."

After saying this, Ancient One walked into the portal and disappeared.

Strange hugged the two books in horror and confusion. Seeing that Ancient One disappeared, he turned his head tremblingly and asked the two agents, "Who is she?"

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