Chapter 210 Two years.

When Dark Jean returned to the academy, she almost had a fight with Professor X and almost wiped out the entire X-Men. Fortunately, Jean negotiated with Dark Jean and let Dark Jean give Professor X an unknown punishment. This punishment was very severe, and Professor X experienced the darkest and most painful reincarnation in the world in the spiritual world at that moment.

Professor X did not say what kind of experience it was, but when he broke free from the spiritual world, Professor X almost died on the spot, and his spiritual world shattered.

For this reason, he took a long time to recover. During that time, Professor X was in a decadent and world-weary state. He avoided people when he saw them, which was completely different from the once elegant, gentle and wise old man.

This state almost caused Jean and Dark Jean to fight.

Fortunately, Professor X persisted himself. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise. After this punishment, Professor X’s spiritual power was strengthened to a certain extent.

However, Professor X did not say that he had finally survived the punishment and stabilized Dark Jean. If she knew this, she would have to go crazy again.

Gretchen Phoenix’s upper limit of combat power is not very stable, while Hulk’s combat power is very stable, and his strength is growing very fast.

After all, Hulk’s strength is not static. Unlike Banner, Hulk has a long time of activity. During this time, he basically goes to the manor to fight with Pietro, Wanda, Thor and others.

In the battle, when Hulk is being educated, he will be angry instinctively. Once he is angry, his special characteristic of anger will be revealed. In the battle, his strength suddenly surges, and he is completely unreasonable.

Two years have passed since Hulk’s strength level has already crossed to the level of the sub-father.

And from the rough fighting method at the beginning, he has actually begun to learn it in a proper way. Although it still looks very rough in the eyes of Pietro, Thor and others, it is enough. At least it has always maintained a fairly stable level and has never fallen behind Thor and others.

Tony has tested Hulk’s combat power. Well, that experience was a bit uncomfortable. Anyway, Tony lost a lot of money.

Even the people were almost confessed.

Professor X’s psychic power couldn’t control Hulk. Under the influence of his surroundings, Hulk built a psychic defense mechanism for himself. No matter whose psychic power attempted to invade, it would automatically arouse Hulk’s anger, and the anger would turn into psychic flames to burn it, and Professor X couldn’t bear it. It’s a complete ceiling for the Avengers.

And Victor’s theoretical upper limit can be arm wrestling with Hulk, so you can imagine how abnormal his ability is.

It’s just that it’s only theoretically inclined, and it’s very difficult to implement it. The energy that Victor needs to absorb is not any form of energy, but similar to vitality. Whether it’s human, animal, or plant, there is a specific vitality.

Absorbing these vitality can transform into energy to make Victor have a strong combat power, but this is short-term.

And to a certain extent, it can permanently strengthen his body, but the progress of this process is very slow.

Compared with humans like Natasha and Barton, it is naturally much stronger, but compared with some mutants, it is too much worse.

Tony has tested and experimented on Victor, and the result is that the absorption efficiency and conversion efficiency are too rough and close to instinct. After absorbing 10 vitality, it can only reach a level of less than 0.5 after conversion.

That’s why Tony feels it’s a pity.

Now that he is temporarily the leader of the Avengers, he needs to understand his team members and try his best to improve their combat effectiveness.

In addition, with the help of top genius scientists such as Beast Hank and Dr. Banner, many very good weapons and equipment have been built for the members, and the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, especially Hawkeye Barton and Natasha.

As ace agents, their combat power level is much stronger than ordinary people. They belong to the top level among ordinary people on Earth, but no matter what, they still can’t be separated from humans.

So Tony, Dr. Banner, and Hank built a series of exclusive weapons and equipment for the two.

Not only is it practical, but it is also very powerful. For example, Hawkeye Barton has a series of special arrows.

He even plans to develop a special flight backpack for Barton. As an ADC in the rear, the flexibility bonus brought by the flight backpack should not be too high… As for Natasha, Widow Sting, specially made pistols, high-voltage current telescopic short sticks, etc., Tony also wants to create a special energy lightsaber that can cut any metal.

Of course, what Tony wants most is to create a super soldier gene serum.

This gene serum can strengthen himself and the physical fitness of the members. Mutants may have to forget about it. Their gene sequences cannot be changed casually. If some genes are changed, the ability will mutate or disappear, which will not be worth the loss.

Tony finally turned his thoughts to himself.

In two years, the MK armor has been upgraded and improved many times, but Tony does not feel it is perfect, because no matter how it is improved, its combat power level is completely different from the monsters he saw at the beginning.

Especially after Tony set his sights on Hulk, his armor was basically a piece of stuff that Hulk could easily solve.

First of all, there is the problem of armor material. The shockproof system has no effect on the strength of a monster like Hulk. Moreover, the opponent has learned the ability to penetrate the power of force from nowhere. It is that penetrating force that almost took Tony away directly.

“Otherwise, I can just build a special anti-Hulk armor for Hulk?”

Tony’s eyes lit up.

If he could build an anti-Hulk armor specifically for Hulk, it would mean that his own combat power would be greatly improved. Not to mention being able to suppress Hulk directly, as long as he could fight Hulk back and forth, he could do a lot of things.

But then the headache was the material problem and some technological limitations. For a monster like Hulk, ordinary metal materials and shockproof systems would not work. He needed better metal materials to resist Hulk’s power, and also to be able to react to the opponent’s explosive power and speed.

“If that’s the case, I remember that Dad once made a shield with Steve Rogers, and the material of that thing was very special.”

Tony thought of something in the past, his eyes flickered.


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