Chapter 211 Bella’s World-Destroying Magic.


In a city street full of exotic atmosphere, a loud earth-shaking sound resounded, and a huge monster like an octopus, as tall as five or six stories, was seen wreaking havoc.

The tentacles full of suction cups were waving wildly, and the surrounding buildings were hit by the tentacles like steel bars, and they all collapsed immediately, and the rubble fell down.

But surprisingly, the people walking in the buildings suddenly seemed to disappear.

On the ground streets, the cars, street lights, billboards, and trash cans were constantly crushed, and the rubble fell down, almost hitting a group of mages below.

A dozen mages led by an Asian and black-skinned mage held up a magic shield to block the falling stones.

Not only that, the huge octopus monster’s four big eyes continuously emitted powerful energy beams at a very fast speed, and from time to time they exploded on the ground, smashing huge deep pits, or collapsing the surrounding buildings.

The mages could not help sweating at the sight of this power.

If they were hit, they would be dead on the spot.

This monster invader from another dimension was indeed more powerful than they had imagined. The slightly younger Asian mage gritted his teeth and shouted,”Master Mordo, help me delay.”

Hearing the Asian mage’s shout, the black-skinned mage called Mordo did not waste any words and led the other mages to cast magic.

Magic of various powers continued to bombard the octopus monster, causing the monster to scream.

The tentacles danced faster.

While Mordo and other mages were attracting the monster’s attention, the Asian mage drew a series of mysterious hand seals with his hands. Finally, just when he was about to cast the magic he had practiced for a long time, a beam of energy had already shot over and pointed directly at the Asian mage.

The speed was so fast that the Asian mage had no time to react at all, and could only watch the beam coming.

At the most critical moment, a terrifying force suddenly descended, and the time and space in front of them seemed to be frozen. Then, the beam of light in front of the Asian wizard disappeared silently. Seeing this scene, all the wizards widened their eyes.

As if realizing something, all the wizards subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the sky, and saw a woman wearing a red coat and long gray-gold hair floating quietly at a height of hundreds of meters.

Obviously, the change just now came from her.

Seeing this woman, all the wizards immediately breathed a sigh of relief, because they all recognized who it was.


She also went to Kamar-Taj two years ago to browse and learn magic. Her efficiency in learning magic was very fast. She almost read all the magic books in the library of the Ancient One Wizard. From the perspective of magic attainments, in the entire Kamar-Taj, except for the Supreme Wizard Ancient One, no wizard’s attainments could match her.

This is incredible. You know, this girl is only seventeen years old.

At this age, her magic attainments have surpassed many senior wizards. How terrible is this talent.

And from time to time, she also worked with the mages to expel and kill those powerful invaders who invaded the earth.

They had fought side by side with her many times and knew how strong she was. Sure enough, the next moment, Wanda, standing above the sky, stretched out her hand and pressed down on the giant octopus monster below.


The terrifying crimson energy rippled, and under this energy, the terrifying octopus monster quietly disappeared with a wailing sound.

Everything was still and silent.

Wanda nodded to the mages below, and then turned into a red light and disappeared.

The mages below sighed when they saw Wanda leave.

“What an incredible talent. It seems that Xiao was just like this back then.”

“Wanda’s talent is indeed terrifying, but it is far inferior to Xiao. Think about how many demon lords Xiao killed two years ago.”,

“Hehe, don’t forget that when Xiao broke into hell and slaughtered hell and heaven, even the God of heaven, Jehovah, had his head chopped off. How strong must he be? I feel like he might be at the level of a single universe.”

“I think so too. It’s hard to believe how he has grown to this point.”

The wizards couldn’t help but sigh at Wanda’s talent, but then when they mentioned Bixiao, they were immediately full of admiration and worship, especially when Bixiao broke into Hell two years ago and slaughtered all the demon lords except Mephisto, as well as the Archangel and God Jehovah on the side of Heaven in the war between Hell and Heaven.

This feat is simply incredible and unheard of.

You know, how many years have Heaven and Hell existed? There is almost no research, and whether it is Hell or Heaven, it is not an ordinary small force, but a big force that is not inferior to Asgard.

It is just these two powerful A powerful force was slaughtered by Bixiao alone, leaving only Mephisto and his territory.

This is a legend. Almost everyone knows how powerful Bixiao is. With such overwhelming combat power, who would believe that he is God? He must have surpassed God and reached the level of a single universe to be able to do this.

As a human being, to be able to grow to this point in just a few years is enough to be recorded in history and become a memory that will never be erased.

Wanda’s talent is unquestionable, but compared to Bixiao, it is a bit worse.

“I almost died. Fortunately, the frequency of these guys’ invasions has not been too high recently, otherwise I would be really busy.”

The Asian wizard stretched and sighed.

Two years ago, the wizards of Kamar-Taj were not busy, but they were definitely not at ease.

In addition to the Ancient One who had to specifically expel those powerful invaders from other dimensions, these wizards also had to expel some invaders with weaker strength who sneaked in. However, their weak strength made it very difficult for these wizards to fight.

Even the mortality rate was not too low.

For this reason, Kamar-Taj has always absorbed some young wizards with good talents and trained them.

However, since Bixiao massacred Hell and Heaven and made his terrible reputation known, few people dared to break into the earth. At most, some invaders with no IQ and brains sneaked in.

It can be said to be a lot quieter now

“It’s a pity that I haven’t seen him for two years.”

Mage Mordo sighed. As a person who advocates justice to the extreme, he has a strong feeling towards Bi Xiao, especially after he slaughtered Hell. Of course, he felt that slaughtering Heaven was a bit biased. After all,

Heaven has always had a good reputation.

But it’s not a big problem.

After all, Bi Xiao is the guardian of the Earth. It is normal and reasonable for Bi Xiao to fight back when the other party targets him.

“Yes, I also want to meet that person, so that he can give me some advice.”

“”Ha, stop dreaming, Wang.”

At the same time, Wanda, who had dealt with an invader from another dimension, returned to the manor, nodded to the maids casually, and then walked into the house. The manor had changed a little more than two years ago.

Mainly because of the ecological environment transformation, the environment of the entire manor has become more primitive and natural.

Some animals in the manor, such as horses, pet cats and dogs, have undergone a leap in life level due to environmental changes. One of the cats has evolved a laser ability similar to Cyclops, and its IQ has also been improved. It can fully understand human language.

Fortunately, the cat is cute and obedient enough, otherwise Wanda might have to prepare to erase this ability.

After stroking a group of cats and dogs at home, Wanda sat in front of the bar in the living room. The female bartender made a cocktail for Wanda in a fancy way. The name was very meaningful, called Missing.

Wanda likes this cocktail very much, not just because drinking this cocktail seems to make her fall into memories, well, not so messy. The deep meaning of”bad” is actually because this cocktail is very much in line with Wanda’s taste, sour and sweet.

She has never been a person with literary tendencies.

Although she has not seen Bixiao for two years, Wanda knows that a few years is just a blink of an eye in her long life.

Moreover, she did not feel bored in these two years. The vast ocean of magic knowledge and high-intensity training can make her feel that these two years will pass quickly, rather than being so long, boring and dull.

She also has Pietro, Bella, Thor, Loki and other friends. From time to time, she will go to Asgard and go to the Nine Realms with Thor and others to see different civilizations and worlds. She has also participated in many wars.

The two years of life are actually very exciting, and she will miss Bixiao from time to time.

Tap tap tap ~ accompanied by the familiar footsteps, Bella walked down the stairs in pajamas, walked to the bar, sat next to Wanda, and lazily watched the female bartender mix her cocktails.

Seeing Bella’s appearance as if she had not woken up, Wanda raised her thin eyebrows

“What kind of magic are you still doing?”

“Well, it has been preliminarily completed. It is really difficult to create this magic. I don’t know how Xiao has developed so many powerful magics.”

Bella yawned. In the past six months, she has been tinkering with the development of a magic of her own.

After all, although Bella is an elemental mage and a long-range turret, she has a very powerful advantage.

In terms of destructive power alone, Wanda may not be able to compare with Bella.

But Bella still feels that she has many shortcomings in some aspects.

Bella has always been soft on the outside and strong on the inside. She doesn’t want to be suppressed by Wanda and Pietro all her life. She also wants to become stronger and catch up with her man.

So she learned from her mistakes and developed a lot of magic systems that suit her.

Especially the magic that has been preliminarily developed now. In Bella’s conception, this magic is very powerful, so powerful that it is terrifying. When she heard Bella’s narration, Wanda felt amazing and was sure that if Bella could complete such a magic If she succeeds, then she is a well-deserved world destroyer.

With one spell, all life in the world will vanish.

Such magic is extremely powerful and difficult to develop. When Bella was conceiving it herself, Wanda also gave a lot of help. It is precisely because of this that Bella has been able to develop it successfully.

The price is that Bella’s breath is weak and the magic power in her body is exhausted. Fortunately, there is a modified magic furnace core that continuously produces magic power.

Wanda was also sympathetic when she saw Bella like this.

Although there is a price, the reward will be huge. Thinking about this magic, Wanda couldn’t help but smack her lips.

This magic is named Meteor Illusion. Its core is to release a meteorite shower through magic summoning. It is not a group of meteorites but rain. The number is unpredictable and has no upper limit. Huge meteorites fall from the sky, roaring. The meteorites are crashing into the earth, and every moment they have the terrible power to destroy a world.

The most important thing is that when this magic is successfully summoned, the strong pressure will distort the space, and the distorted space will almost completely lock this world or a certain piece of the rest.

If the enemy wants to transfer himself through some kind of spatial force, he can’t do it at all. The only result is to resist this magic.

It is conceivable how terrifying the lethality of this kind of locked-in type of world-destroying magic is.

This magic is difficult to develop and construct. First of all, it is necessary to summon a large number of very large meteorites, and how to burst out the huge impact force of the meteorites is also a problem.

So in order to solve this problem, Wanda and Bella racked their brains, which not only integrated the Kamar-Taj magic system, but also the runes.

With this magic, just breaking In terms of power, Bella is above everyone else.

When Thor first heard about Bella’s magic construction, he wanted to wait until Bella completed it and learn it first, but then he was stopped by Sif, the three warriors of Asgard and others. Just kidding, you can tell how powerful this magic is just by listening to the introduction.

Thor’s two years of growth have made him a sub-father. Coupled with the blood and divine power of the Odinson family, his body hardness is quite exaggerated, but there must be a limit to exaggeration.

If he is hit head-on by this magic, Sif and others estimate that there may be only a hammer left.

Loki secretly encouraged him, wanting to see the stupid fear of his stupid brother, but of course it was just a joke. Loki’s inner thoughts had changed at this time. He only wanted to gain the applause and flowers of the people of Asgard through his own growth and strength. He wanted to prove to Odin and everyone through his strength that he was better and better than Thor.

As for killing Thor, or killing Thor in this way, Loki would not do it.

Bella lowered her head and drank the cocktail listlessly. She planned to sleep for a few days after lunch. This consumption of energy and magic power was too great, and the best way was to speed up recovery through sleep.

“By the way, where is Pietro?”

Bella thought of a certain white-haired boy. She didn’t sense this guy’s presence in the manor, so she asked casually, touched her stomach, and immediately told the maid to notify the kitchen to prepare lunch.

After the maids left, Wanda spoke:”He went to Asgard. He has been close to Thor recently. It is said that Thor seems to want to take Pietro to the Elf Transit to meet the elves and drink the wine brewed by the elves.”

Pietro has an active personality. He likes to run around with Thor and go to other worlds when he has nothing to do. He has created some reputation. Even in some backward civilized countries, some code names belonging to Pietro have been circulated. Of course, Wanda doesn’t care much about these things. She doesn’t know what those code names are at all. She just heard Thor mention it briefly.

Wanda didn’t stop Pietro from running around. Her twin brother has grown up, and with the strength of him, Thor and Loki, there are not many people who can pose any threat to the three of them.

And with Pietro’s speed, even if God wants to kill him, it will take a lot of effort.

By that time, Wanda and Bella have already noticed it and rushed to support him.

Bella created a world-destroying magic, which even God can’t ignore. It looks like progress. Very big. In fact, everyone knows that Wanda is the one who is improving and growing the fastest.

Wanda has been guided onto the right path. Her magical knowledge is no less than that of the Ancient One. With the fusion of chaos magic and magic power, no one knows how strong she is.

Anyway, no matter whether it is Pietro, Thor, Bella, Loki, or Hulk, they often lose miserably when facing a competition with Wanda.

Wanda has the instantaneous advantage of chaos magic, plus the ability to modify reality, a strong magical knowledge reserve, and attainments in runes. From the perspective of combat power alone, Wanda is a complete God, or at the soul level, she has reached God.

Just like the Ancient One. Unlike the Ancient One, Bella is going for omnipotence, and her physical level has not yet reached that of God. But even so, Wanda is the strongest among all.



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