American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 033 Time Magic, Change Time.

Luo Bai returned to the study room and continued to study "The Book of Vishanti".

Although he hardly used magic in the actual combat with Hulk, after all, the magician had too much advantage in dealing with these "superpower" people with little magic resistance.

However, he did not gain nothing, at least his actual combat experience and magic energy were slightly improved.

The help was not great, but it was useful.

In the following magic learning process, Luo Bai absorbed quickly and understood more thoroughly.

After a whole night of study, he had completely learned all the contents of "The Book of Vishanti" and began to study "Time Distillation".

Although Luo Bai had used the Time Stone before, he had not systematically learned how to use the full power of the Stone.

It's time to improve.


"Time Distillation".

The title looks like a book on the study of time, but in essence it is a magic book that teaches you how to control time.

This book records the understanding of time magic by the supreme magicians of all generations.

It includes the basic concept of time, the impact of the timeline on the universe and the multiverse, the basic theory of time, and time magic.

Although there is a lot of content in the book, in fact, to put it simply, the whole book is analyzing the Time Stone.

Most of the Supreme Wizards cannot control time independently, they need to use the power of the "Time Stone".

Through this artifact, wizards can learn magic related to time.

The time magic recorded in the book includes: time acceleration, time reversal, prediction of the future, time stop, etc.

There is also a clear sentence on the first page of the book: "The Time Stone contains infinite power, and no one can fully understand it."

The meaning of this sentence is self-evident.

It roughly means that although the Supreme Wizards of all generations have used the Time Stone, no one has ever fully understood the energy and profound meaning contained in the Time Stone.

Therefore, people who use the Time Stone can further analyze the energy contained in the Time Stone through their own understanding.

After roughly reading the theoretical analysis and basic introduction of the Time Stone.

Luo Bai took out the Eye of Agamotto and opened it, and manipulated the Time Stone.

As he focused his attention, a green light lit up in Luo Bai's hand.

This green light was the power of time in the Time Stone.

Luo Bai found a chair in the house and began to experiment.

Moving the palm clockwise was time acceleration.

The chair would appear in the future.

Moving the palm counterclockwise was time passing.

The chair would return to its original appearance, and might even return to its previous appearance.

Since he was just learning, Luo Bai was not familiar with the power of time, and sometimes he would fail.

So he was very focused and didn't notice that someone was knocking on the door.

At the same time, Polaris had been knocking on the door for a full minute.

Although she had been hearing noises in the house, she had waited for a long time but Luo Bai didn't open the door, which made her very confused.

"Why is there someone in the house, but not opening the door?" Polaris muttered.

She tried to twist the door lock.

Unexpectedly, the door was not locked and opened in an instant.

But before she could observe the situation inside the door, she saw a green light coming.

Then, a mini version of Polaris appeared in front of Luo Bai.

That's right.

Because Polaris appeared suddenly, Luo Bai didn't notice it at all.

So when practicing time magic, Luo Bai accidentally turned her into a child by reversing time.

Although Polaris was quite cute when she was a child, who would be his housekeeper if Polaris became a child!

Thinking of this, Luo Bai couldn't help asking: "Why did you come up? Didn't I tell you not to go to the second floor without special circumstances?"

Little Polaris opened her big watery eyes and asked as if she didn't understand what he was saying: "Big brother, what are you talking about? Where is this place?"

Hearing his answer, Luo Bai remembered the explanation in the book.

If a person's time is changed by time magic, such as going back to the past, then the person's memory will also stay in the past accordingly.

In simple terms, Luo Bai accidentally turned Polaris back to her childhood, so her memory also stayed in her childhood.

This also means that Polaris didn't remember what happened before when he was a child.

Luo Bai tried to use time magic to make Polaris return to his current appearance, but he failed many times because he was not very skilled.

Instead, his weird behavior made Polaris a little confused.

"Big brother, what are you doing? What does this gesture mean?" Polaris asked, staring at him with her innocent big eyes.


Luo Bai was silent.

After trying for a while, he decided to give up temporarily.

He planned to practice first, and then restore the time flowing backwards on Polaris after he fully mastered the time magic.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai patiently persuaded: "Luona, this is big brother's room. You live here now, go downstairs and play by yourself, and big brother will come to play with you after he is done, okay?"

Polaris seemed to be quite obedient when she was a child. After listening to Luo Bai's words, she nodded obediently and said, "Okay, big brother!"

After that, little Polaris went downstairs.

But soon she ran upstairs again.

"Big brother, there is a big sister downstairs looking for you. She said she must see you." said Little Polaris.

Must see me? !

Luo Bai stopped what he was doing and went downstairs.

After he went downstairs, he found that it was Natasha who came.

At this time, Natasha was sitting on the sofa, and there was a silver box on the coffee table.

From the appearance, it looked like a box of money in a TV series.

Luo Bai guessed that she should be here to give money.

Sure enough, the next second Natasha said: "This is the reward Nick Fury promised you, a total of 300,000, do you want to count it?"

"No." Luo Bai continued to ask curiously: "Just give the box to Lorna, is there anything you want me to come down for?"

Natasha smiled and said: "She said so too, but I insisted that you come to get it yourself, after all, you promised to have coffee with me, didn't you?"

Now he finally understood why Polaris suddenly went to the study to find him, it was because of Natasha.

Although Natasha did ask him to have coffee, he didn't take it seriously at the time and thought it was a joke.

"I thought you were joking, and I didn't agree to it at that time. I just said I'll see when the time comes." Luo Bai said.

Natasha smiled and didn't say much. She just asked curiously: "I didn't expect you to have a daughter at such a young age?"

After that, she looked at the little North Star.

Luo Bai knew that she had obviously misunderstood, so he explained: "She is not my daughter."

"Then?!" Natasha was a little confused.

Luo Bai didn't know how to explain it, so he could only say: "This matter is very complicated to say, anyway, some situations have appeared. In fact, this girl is Luna."

This little girl is the North Star? !

Natasha was completely confused, frowning and said: "I don't understand what you mean."

Luo Bai didn't explain much, but he suddenly remembered something.

Luna has now become a little girl who needs someone to take care of her, and she needs quiet.

Natasha just happened to appear... otherwise.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He smiled and asked Natasha: "You came to me today to ask me out for coffee?"

"Not exactly, there are some other things..." Natasha said.

Luo Bai interrupted her quickly: "Let's talk about it later, I have something to do now. If you want to ask me out for coffee, can you take care of Lorna for me for the time being? I'll go to have coffee with you when I'm done."


Natasha was silent.

After a moment, she asked: "How long will it take you?"

"Not sure, about an hour, or even longer." Luo Bai explained.

Natasha pondered for a moment and didn't know what she was thinking. After a moment, she smiled and agreed: "Okay. I see that you are so young and you probably don't have experience in taking care of children, so I'll help you. But remember our agreement when you're done."

"Of course~~" Luo Bai said with a smile, and then went upstairs to continue practicing magic.

This practice lasted a whole day.

And Natasha never thought.

She was fooled by Luo Bai to be a nanny for a whole day.

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