American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 034 Is this the power of a mage? !

Luo Bai studied from morning to night, and finally came out of the study in the early morning.

As soon as he walked downstairs, he heard Natasha's helpless voice: "It has been seventeen hours since I last saw you... So what on earth have you been doing in the study during this time?"

Luo Bai did not answer, but asked: "You didn't leave, and you have been taking care of Luna?"

"Of course!" Natasha said: "I'm waiting for you to have coffee with me. But I feel that I am more like a nanny now."

After Natasha finished speaking, she pointed to Luna who was already asleep on the sofa.

This was obviously telling Luo Bai that she had taken care of the child all day today.

Luo Bai was a little embarrassed and said hurriedly: "I was practicing magic before and forgot the time. I'm sorry."

This is the bad thing when learning magic.

Because of too much concentration, you often forget the time.

In fact, Luo Bai had already fully mastered the control of the energy of the time stone before, but because the time magic was too interesting, he kept learning.

Until just now, he remembered the matter of the North Star and came downstairs to take a look.

He thought Natasha had left long ago.

After all, she was quite busy as a SHIELD agent, and she often had missions.

Unexpectedly, Natasha was still there, which made him very curious and asked: "Don't you have a mission today? You stayed at my house all day."

"Mission? My mission today is to accompany you for coffee." Natasha answered half-jokingly.

It should be said that Natasha has a good temper.

Although she accidentally made her wait for a whole day, she didn't seem to be angry.

In fact, Luo Bai also knew that maybe she was sent by Nick Fury to persuade him to join the Avengers.

However, considering that he did promise Natasha, Luo Bai was relieved: "I don't know if there is still coffee at this time."

"There is definitely no coffee, but you haven't eaten for a day, why don't we go eat something together?!" Natasha asked.

"Okay. But you have to wait for me." Luo Bai said.

"Will we have to wait for another day?" Natasha asked half-jokingly.

Although her tone sounded like a joke, in fact, Natasha was really worried.

Luo Bai... it's really hard to wait.

"That won't happen, it will be very soon." Luo Bai said with a smile.

Then he raised his hand and cast a time acceleration magic on Polaris.

A small green magic circle lit up in Luo Bai's palm.

As his palm rotated, Polaris, who was originally a child lying on the sofa, grew rapidly.

Luo Bai stopped casting until she finally returned to her original appearance.

And Natasha, who witnessed all this with her own eyes, had a very wonderful expression on her face, which could no longer be described as shock.

"Okay, you can go." Luo Bai said calmly.

His words brought Natasha back to her thoughts, and the next second Natasha's exclamation rang throughout the living room: "OMG! Did I see it right just now! You turned a little girl... into Lorna??!"

Luo Bai shook his head and corrected: "It's not turned into, she was originally Lorna."

"Then why did Lorna become a child?!" Natasha continued to ask.

"She broke into the study room when I was practicing magic in the morning, and I didn't notice... and then she became like this." Luo Bai explained.

Morning? !

Natasha was stunned and suddenly remembered.

No wonder she said that after Luona went up, she didn't see her come down, but a little girl came down instead.

Feelings have been turned into this!

"What kind of magic is this?! It's incredible!" Natasha asked in surprise.

Although she had seen Luo Bai's strength before, she was still shocked.

How can a normal person not be surprised when seeing magic? !

Perhaps because she was too surprised, she continued to ask without waiting for Luo Bai to speak: "Did you just use magic like controlling time? So you mages can control time at will? Can I ask if there is anything else that your mages can't do?"

Natasha asked several questions in a row.

In fact, as an agent, she is usually very calm and emotionally stable.

But now she really can't calm down.

So much so that her voice was so loud that it woke up Polaris.

When Polaris opened her eyes, she suddenly found Luo Bai and Natasha standing in front of her, a little confused.

She quickly sat up from the sofa and asked in confusion: "Why did I fall asleep?!"

Luo Bai calmly replied: "You have to ask Natasha about this. She took care of you for a day."

Took care of me for a day? !

Polaris was stunned, and the expression on her face became more and more confused.

"I feel that there are suddenly a lot of memories in my mind... I seem to have come to this place when I was ten years old... and I was taken care of by Natasha for a whole day." Polaris muttered.

Speeding up time will not change Polaris's original memory.

So Polaris still remembers everything she experienced.

It's just that she just woke up, and the memory in her mind is not comprehensive.

It was Luo Bai who reminded her: "That memory is not your memory when you were ten years old. Simply put, you suddenly broke into the study this morning. I was practicing magic and didn't pay attention at the time, so you were tricked, and time went back to make you look like you were ten years old."

After being reminded by Luo Bai, Polaris remembered everything.

"Yes! That's it!!!" Polaris exclaimed, and then said: "Natasha came to you at that time and said she must see you. That's why I went to the study to find you! I didn't mean to go to the second floor. "

Polaris was a little panicked at this time.

After all, Luo Bai said at the beginning not to go to the second floor unless there are special circumstances.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, Polaris will explain in a hurry.

But looking at Luo Bai, it seemed that he already knew everything.

"I understand. But next time, don't open the study door at will. Of course, this has something to do with me. I will remember to lock the door." Luo Bai said.

"I just heard movement in the room, but I didn't see anyone opening the door, so I was a little worried. But I won't be so reckless next time." Polaris apologized quickly.

God, who dares to open the mage's door?

Fortunately, I just turned back to my childhood this time. What if I turn into a frog next time? !

Curiosity arose at the thought of the North Star.

She couldn't help but asked cautiously: "So is it true that the mage can turn people into frogs like what they show on TV?"


Luo Bai was convinced of these people's thinking.

Does the mage have to turn people into frogs?

Luo Bai didn't answer, but said helplessly: "I'm going out with Natasha now. You clean up the room."

After saying that, he looked at the stunned Natasha and asked, "Okay, you can go."

Natasha finally came to her senses at this time.

The two walked out the door together.

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