American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 036: Still too conservative.

Dark Book.

A mysterious magic book containing powerful black magic.

It was created by Sisos, the god of black magic, one of the four ancient gods.

The magic recorded in this book is completely opposite to the "Book of Vishanti".

And the corruption of the Dark Book is strong, which can tempt people to use the spells recorded in it.

Although the magic recorded in it is powerful.

But the use of these spells is not morally constrained, and everything is centered on achieving the goal.

To be honest, Luo Bai never thought that when he ran out to eat, he actually picked up a copy of the "Dark Book"? !

You know, Kamar-Taj has a clear ban on the use of black magic.

If Gu Yi knew about this book, what would he do? !

Although the Time Stone is now in his possession, it is still easy for Gu Yi to deal with him with his strength.

Looking at the book in front of him, Luo Bai fell into a dilemma.

The "Dark Book" is very corrosive, which will make people want to read it.

At this time, Luo Bai couldn't help but want to continue reading.

But thinking of Ancient One.

His hands have begun to tremble.

Fortunately, Natasha's words interrupted his thoughts: "You still carry a book with you when you go out?!"

One sentence pulled Luo Bai's thoughts back.

Luo Bai knew that the power in the Dark God Book was very strong, but he also knew that with his current strength, he could not control the corrosiveness of this book.

Without saying a word, Luo Bai opened the portal and threw the book away.

Of course, he did not throw it randomly.

Instead, he shrank in the teleportation space.

After the book left his sight, Luo Bai finally regained his composure.

"Sorry, I was distracted just now." Luo Bai said.

Natasha smiled and said, "It's okay. But you should eat well when you eat, and you can go back and study magic slowly after dinner."

Luo Bai nodded, but he was a little absent-minded at this time.

He knew very well that a long time ago, the ancient god Xisong, who had fallen into a demon, was forced to exile to other dimensions in order to avoid the devouring of the God Eater.

Before escaping, Xisong wrote all his evil deeds and spells on indestructible parchment, creating this "Dark God Book".

This "Dark God Book" is Xisong's hope left on Earth before his exile, as a channel to influence the Earth and release energy.

In simple terms, it is used by Xisong to collect believers.

Luo Bai knew before that all magic in the Marvel world is through "borrowing".

That is, borrowing the power of a certain ancient god.

If you learn white magic, you borrow the power of Vishanti.

Although Vishanti may ask you to pay it back, the price will not be that high.

But if you learn the Dark God Book, the price of "borrowing" power from Xisong will be high.

This ancient god wants the soul.

As for why these ancient gods "borrow" power, it involves the issue of believers.

Although it is not clearly stated in the ancient gods, in fact, all gods in the Marvel world basically need believers.

Believers can provide power to the ancient gods.

Xisong, as an ancient god, is no exception.

So this "Dark God Book" can be understood as what Xisong left behind in order to find believers.

Anyone who has learned the contents of the "Dark God Book" will become a believer of Xisong and dedicate the most important thing, the soul, to provide Xisong with power.

So this book can ensure that users can understand it no matter what country they are from.

The "Dark God Book" is said to be a magic book, but in fact it can also be understood as a magic weapon created by Xisong, so this book has autonomous consciousness.

This means that it may choose its own host.

Obviously, Luo Bai is most likely to be chosen.

But Luo Bai really doesn't understand why he got this book? !

After all, as long as you learn it, you have to pay your soul, and it doesn't look like you can learn it.

Could it be that the goddess of luck is sure that he will not be affected? !

This is not Luo Bai's random guess.

After all, although the Dark God Book is corrosive and can make people degenerate... But to put it bluntly, whether it will be blackened depends entirely on the reader himself.

When the will is too strong, a book can't control your consciousness at all.

It is said that learning black magic will turn you evil and turn you into an evil wizard.

But look at Ancient One herself, she also absorbed black magic!!

There is nothing wrong.

As for why Ancient One absorbed black magic...

It is because white magic is not strong enough.

Or it is because people like Vishanti are still too conservative.

They "borrow" power from others, and only borrow a little at a time.

Unlike Sithon, the power he gives you is so strong that he wants you to destroy the world and even give you more life.

Ancient One has to protect the earth and deal with Dormammu and many dark magicians.

How can he not absorb some black magic power?

This made Luo Bai suddenly feel that maybe the arrival of this "Dark God Book" is not a bad thing for him, but a good thing, maybe it will improve his strength.

Luo Bai thought in his heart.

But because he thought too seriously, he didn't notice that Natasha had called him many times.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Natasha couldn't help but raise her voice: "Luo Bai?!"

This time Luo Bai came back to his senses.

"What are you thinking about? The food is getting cold." Natasha said helplessly.

Luo Bai shrugged and said embarrassedly: "Something happened suddenly, so I thought about it more seriously just now."

Seeing his serious expression, Natasha was also a little worried and asked: "Is the earth in trouble?"

"That's not the case, but I'm in trouble." Luo Bai said.

Whether to say it or not, this matter is quite troublesome for Luo Bai.

He is now... struggling between learning and not learning.

"I know I may not be able to help you, but if I can listen, if you are really confused, maybe I can enlighten you." Natasha said gently.

As an agent, she is really good at comforting people.

But for this matter, Luo Bai might as well find Gu Yi instead of her.

"That's not necessary, let's eat quickly. I have something to do later." Luo Bai rejected his kindness.

At this time, he just wanted to finish his food quickly and then find Gu Yi.

Although Luo Bai is learning magic very quickly now, he is not so strong that he doesn't need to eat at all, so he is really hungry now.

Hungry and anxious, Luo Bai eats very quickly.

This made Natasha couldn't help but say: "I can see that you are very anxious, but before you leave, I want to ask you something."

Luo Bai asked while eating: "What is it?"

"It was probably yesterday that a hammer suddenly fell from the sky. Do you know what happened?" Natasha asked.

A hammer fell from the sky? !

"Thor's hammer?!" Luo Bai guessed without thinking.

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