"Thor's hammer? What do you mean?! The Thor you are talking about is not Thor, the son of Odin, as recorded in the Norse mythology books?!" Natasha couldn't help complaining.

It's fine if you tell me that there are wizards in this world, but you don't want to tell me that there is also Odin in this world, right? !

All the people in the mythology are here? !

"Do you have any photos or something to show me?" Luo Bai asked while thinking.

Natasha nodded and then took out her mobile phone.

"This is it. It landed in a small town in Mexico State. Coulson has brought people there, and now SHIELD is studying it. I want to know if this thing will harm the earth. Because when it landed, it caused a huge energy fluctuation." Natasha said while handing over the photo.

After taking a look, Luo Bai confirmed it.

This is Thor's hammer, so Thor has been exiled by his father now? !

"Do you know what this is?" Seeing that he looked at the photo without saying anything, Natasha asked again.

Luo Bai came back to his senses and calmly replied while eating: "It's just an ordinary hammer. You don't need to study it too much. It won't have much impact on the earth."

An ordinary hammer? ? !

Just? ? !

Come on, the power caused by this hammer when it landed is not small.

There is still a huge pit where the hammer landed! !

You are telling me that this is just an ordinary hammer? !

Of course, for a mage like Luo Bai.

It is indeed possible that this is just an ordinary hammer.

Hearing Luo Bai say that there is no threat, Natasha was relieved.

"That's good. We were also worried that this might be a warning and provocation to the earth by a certain race outside the universe." Natasha explained.

"That's not the case. Okay, Miss Natasha, I'm leaving." Luo Bai quickly finished his dinner and then waved goodbye.

This stunned Natasha, who was still trying to talk.

She thought that she could have a good chat with Luo Bai today.

Unexpectedly, the time they chatted... was less than half an hour.

"Are you leaving so soon? To be honest, I'm reluctant to let you go." Natasha said reluctantly.

She seemed to want to keep Luo Bai, but Luo Bai was very anxious now.

"Then you should look forward to meeting next time." Luo Bai said.

A yellow circle appeared and the portal opened.

But in the blink of an eye, Luo Bai disappeared.

This scene attracted the attention of the guests in the restaurant.

"What happened just now? I saw someone suddenly disappeared!"

"I seem to have seen that yellow circle just now. Wasn't it reported in the news before!!"

"It's a soul mage! Oh my God, I was eating in the same restaurant with a soul mage just now?!"

"Damn it! I didn't even ask him for an autograph!!"

Instantly, a heated discussion rang out in the restaurant.

Listening to the discussion around her, Natasha couldn't help but smile.

"What a mysterious soul mage, coming and going without a trace." Natasha muttered.

Luo Bai left, and she didn't feel like eating.

She got up to pay the bill.

At the same time, Luo Bai had already arrived at the main hall of Kamar-Taj.

Coincidentally, Gu Yi was meditating.

Sensing the movement, Gu Yi opened his eyes.

She was not surprised to see Luo Bai coming, but just stood up and poured two cups of tea.

“Master Luo Bai, do you have any questions for me?” Gu Yi said.

She handed over one of the cups of tea, and then she also took a cup of tea.

“Yes. Supreme Master, I have a very important question to ask now.” Luo Bai said.

Gu Yi was not nervous, and said lightly: “Don’t worry, sit down and talk.”

Then she guided Luo Bai to sit down.

After both of them sat down, Gu Yi asked slowly: "Have you encountered a problem that cannot be solved?"

Luo Bai nodded and said: "Yes, Supreme Mage."

Gu Yi replied calmly: "Magic is also called secret art because it contains endless mysteries in the multiverse. It is normal to encounter problems. You may be able to feel it patiently, and the energy will guide you."

"But my problem... energy doesn't seem to guide... I have to choose for myself." Luo Bai couldn't help but say.

"I really want to know what choice you are facing, Master Luo Bai." Gu Yi asked.

At this time, her eyes showed a little curiosity.

Looking at Gu Yi's sincere eyes, Luo Bai took a deep breath.

Then he released the teleportation magic and took out the "Dark God Book" that was blocked in the teleportation space.

"Supreme Mage, this is the choice I face." Luo Bai said.

Gu Yi: "!!!!"

I was stunned at the time.

Good guy!

Isn't this the "Dark God Book"? ? ! ! !

For a moment, Luo Bai saw Gu Yi sluggish.

Gu Yi was not surprised that Luo Bai came to her.

After all, learning magic... which magician would not have problems?

Although Luo Bai was talented, it was normal for him to encounter obstacles that he could not break through.

Because of his teaching experience, Gu Yi remained calm and composed at the beginning.

Until he took out the "Dark God Book".

Gu Yi was stunned.

I thought you could not learn anymore.

I didn't expect you to tell me that you were chosen by the "Dark God Book"? !

This is a big problem.

"Where did you find this book?!" asked Gu Yi.

Luo Bai answered truthfully: "I was eating in the restaurant, and this book was placed on the sofa. When I saw this book, I found something wrong. I opened it and found out that it was the "Dark God Book."

Luo Bai would confess so honestly, mainly because he believed in leniency for confession.

And he thought that Gu Yi should understand him.

After all, to some extent, Gu Yi was his master, and Gu Yi also had experience in learning black magic, so he believed that Gu Yi would give him the right guidance.

To be honest.

After coming to the Marvel world, the person Luo Bai trusted most was Gu Yi.

Gu Yi gave him the Time Stone.

Just from this point, it was enough for Luo Bai to believe that Gu Yi really wanted to train him.

So he could only seek the help of Gu Yi.

Perhaps because of seeing the "Dark God Book", Gu Yi was stunned for half a second.

After all, this book is not so easy to obtain.

Gu Yi knew very well how many mages with ulterior motives in the magic world wanted to obtain this "Dark God Book".

In order to find it, they would do anything and spare no expense.

But do you think Xisong is a philanthropist?

I will give it to you if you want it?

No, as an ancient god.

Others also have requirements for choosing believers.

So most mages have a hard time finding this book.

Unexpectedly, it was found by Luo Bai.

Although this is a black magic book, it must be said that it is also a divine book.

Thinking of this, Gu Yi was silent.

After a long time, Gu Yi said: "I don't know how to help you with this matter."

She really couldn't do anything about this matter.

The "Dark God Book" chose Luo Bai, which means that Luo Bai was targeted by Xisong.

It's the same concept as Vishandi coming to bless Luo Bai. Now it is equivalent to Xisong blessing Luo Bai.

Is Luo Bai a "blessed holy body"? So many ancient gods are chasing him to bless him?

Thinking of this, Gu Yi explained: "I can't help you, only you can help yourself. The wizard will face many choices in his life, and no one can interfere with all the choices, only the wizard himself. This is your destiny, you should choose it yourself. But no one can stop Xisong from watching you."

Gu Yi let Luo Bai choose by himself, which surprised Luo Bai.

"Supreme Mage, Kamar-Taj ordered to prohibit learning witchcraft and black magic. Don't you plan to stop me?" Luo Bai asked.

Gu Yi didn't say anything, and it was unknown how long it took before she slowly explained: "This is a constraint on other mages, but you are the future Supreme Mage, no one can stop you, not even me."

After speaking, Gu Yi looked a little serious as if he remembered something.

Before Luo Bai spoke, she continued: "What's more... sometimes we have no choice to protect the earth."

No choice.

This sentence is Gu Yi's helplessness.

She also knew very well that the power given by Vishandi was weak after all, compared with those wizards and black magicians in the universe.

The power given by Vishandi was too little.

But it is not easy for the Supreme Sorcerer to protect the Earth and face the threat of the entire multiverse independently.

In the final analysis, human mages are just appendages of the gods of the multiverse.

The most important thing is to choose the right god and stand on the right side.

So Ancient One chose to pursue eternity.

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