American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 040 The Power of Phoenix.

The red-haired beauty standing behind Professor X is Jean Gray.

Luo Bai would pay attention to her entirely because of the power in her - the power of the Phoenix.

Because of this, Qin Gray is also nicknamed Phoenix Girl.

Speaking of the Phoenix Power, Luo Bai has to mention it.

No one knows where the Phoenix Power comes from. They can only roughly guess that it comes from the original universe. It was born at the beginning of all things. It is a chaotic and immortal existence, eternal but impermanent, and is also the son of the universe.

After hearing this description, it becomes clear how terrifying the Phoenix Power is.

This power is so formidable that the Phoenix's passion can be transformed into the Phoenix's judgment, which can be used to regenerate or destroy everything in the universe, even the universe itself.

Although listening to the name, many people would think that the Phoenix Force might just be a kind of power.

But in fact it is a powerful force with self-awareness.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for power to give birth to consciousness.

But the Phoenix Force is different. It has had consciousness since its birth and is a very powerful autonomous consciousness, so the Phoenix Force will choose its host independently.

The power of the host can better display the Phoenix Power, and in the original multiverse, Jean Gray was the most suitable host for the Phoenix Power.

So, the Phoenix Force approached Qin Grey.

Perhaps it's because Jean Gray hasn't fully grown up yet. Although Luo Bai can feel the Phoenix Power contained in her body, it is obviously suppressed.

It was probably Jean Gray who suppressed the Phoenix Power herself, but the "culprit" who caused her to suppress the Phoenix Power was probably Professor X.

After all, this bald head is not simple.

The reason why Professor X was able to become the founder of the X-Men and have so many mutants serve him loyally.

Not only because he is rich, but also because he is also a very powerful mutant.

He has the ability of telepathy and mind control, can read other people's thoughts and memories, manipulate other people's actions, and even connect everyone in the world through a brainwave enhancement machine.

Although Professor X himself is not a bad person, he is even called a "superhero".

But Luo Bai didn't like this bald man.

After all, who would want someone to control their own consciousness and read their own memories?

This is no different than an invasion of privacy.

"Hello, sir, I heard Polar Star just called you... Luo Bai, right?" Just as he was thinking about it, Professor X suddenly spoke.

Luo Bai replied: "Correction, it's Master Luo Bai."

"Okay, Master Luo Bai." Professor X corrected the title very politely.

Only after that did he explain his purpose.

"I am Professor "Human, it's not safe for her to stay outside with her status," Professor X said very sincerely.

His reason for coming to Luo Bai was not surprising, after all, he had guessed Professor X's purpose early on.


In fact, there is no need for Luo Bai to conflict with Professor X for Polaris, let alone have any connection with mutants for Polaris.

After all, he and Polaris had not known each other for a long time, and they had not established a strong emotional bond between them, so it was not impossible for Professor X to bring Polaris back.

But it can be thought that this month, the housekeeper of Polaris has been doing his best.

In addition, Luo Bai asked before that she had a very strong resistance to Professor X.

Perhaps out of compassion, Luo Bai refused: "She is the housekeeper I invited. For now, you can't take her away."

Invited housekeeping? !


Perhaps he didn't expect that with Polar Star's character... he would be willing to stay here in Luo Bai as a housekeeper? !

"Is what he said true?" He was too shocked, so Professor X turned around and asked Polaris.

Unexpectedly, Polaris barely hesitated and answered very firmly: "Yes! I am the housekeeper hired by Master Luo Bai, so I can't go back with you!"

The X-Men were stunned at her answer.

Mystique Raven Darkholm, who was standing aside, immediately began to persuade: "Polaris, you have very strong abilities. With your strength, you shouldn't stay here as an ordinary cleaner!"

Cyclops Scott Summers also expressed confusion: "Lorna, are you serious? Are you willing to be a cleaner?!"

Although the social status of mutants is not high, most mutants with strong abilities are actually very arrogant.

They believe that they have great strength, can do greater things, and have a higher status.

So the members of the X-Men were shocked by Lorna's choice.

"Lorna, in your opinion, we X-Men are worse than an ordinary housekeeper?!" Cyclops asked very unconvinced.

His words made Luo Bai very dissatisfied.

"I don't agree with what you said. Is it embarrassing to be my housekeeper?" Luo Bai complained.

Come on, he is the chosen mage with extraordinary talent and full luck!

Or the future Supreme Mage! ! !

Is it embarrassing to be the Supreme Master’s housekeeper? !

Just as he was thinking about it, Cyclops responded: "Of course! No matter how you look at it, being an X-Men is better than being a housekeeper!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was opposed by Polaris.

"No! In my opinion, being a housekeeper for Master Lobai is much better than being an X-Men!" Polaris said, with a firm look as if she wanted to join the party.

Her firm look irritated the X-Men.


They X-Men have been strictly trained and have been maintaining world peace!

Polaris now said that they X-Men are not as good as housekeepers!

How can the X-Men not be angry?

"Lorna, you are simply unreasonable!" Cyclops said angrily.

Mystique was even more curious and gently persuaded: "Lorna, you are not like your character. Are you threatened? You should be aware of your current situation. The Association and the Secret Service have sent people to hunt you down. Only we can protect you."

But now Polaris doesn't buy their tricks at all.

She just questioned Professor X: "You said you can protect me, what can you do to protect me?! Professor X has been cooperating with the government, but the association and the secret service are also organizations founded by the government. Don't you know how many mutants they have killed? You are still willing to cooperate with them?! How can I trust you!"

Polaris was very angry.

Anger affected her emotions, and she became restless and irritable.

The power in her body was surging wildly, as if she was about to burst out with terrible energy in the next second.

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