American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 041 Mirror Field, unfolding.

Polaris originally had mental problems.

Now being stimulated by them brings back bad memories, and my emotions are out of control in an instant.

But Professor X is good at comforting people.

Seeing that Polaris was about to lose control, Professor X quickly comforted him.

"Lorna, I know your anger. I know your hatred. They made you lose a lot of friends, so you wanted to fight back."

"But I know that you are kind in nature, and you hope that mutants can have fair treatment in human society. And I am also fighting for this."

"My cooperation with the government is to tell people around the world through the X-Men that mutants are not scary. Mutants will also protect humans."

"Provoking war will not bring peace. Only by proving to humans that we mutants are no threat can we bring peace and allow mutants to have equal treatment."

Professor X gently persuaded him, and he tried to reason with Polaris.

But how could Polaris listen to it now?

"You think what you've done will move them? No! No! They just want to completely control us mutants. They just want us to be their slaves!" Polaris responded angrily.

Professor X was stunned and asked in confusion: "Why do you think so? It's not like that."

"That's not the case? Then why do they study us mutants? And create devices that limit our abilities? They capture us and study us. Isn't this to restrain us and treat us as slaves?" Polaris asked in return.

Professor X was obviously silent.

After all, he is aware of the behavior of these people, so he has communicated with them.

"I have already been communicating with the senior management. Believe me, this matter will be perfectly resolved before long." Professor X said.

But Polaris obviously didn't want to believe it anymore.

"I have believed you once, but what happened!!! You didn't save Bella, did you?" Polaris scolded, her anger continuing to rise.

Seeing that she was almost out of control, I was worried that she might hurt someone.

Professor X's eyes darkened and he used his mind control ability.

He wanted to try to control Polaris and calm down Polaris' emotions.

But in a furious state, Polaris' ability index skyrocketed, and she couldn't even control her entire mental state. How could Professor X control her so easily.

"Don't control me anymore!" Polaris roared angrily.

Green light enveloped Polaris, and her body slowly rose.

Seeing Polaris becoming uncontrollable, the X-Men on the side all assumed fighting postures, as if they were ready to take action at any time.

Professor X immediately said: "Don't do it, I'll try again."

After saying that, he was ready to continue using his abilities to control Polaris.

Just now he underestimated Polaris's mental state when he was furious, so he didn't use too much force.

But at this time, Professor X had no intention of leaving any room.

Seeing him preparing to use his ability again, Luo Bai spoke: "Polaris, calm down."

Six simple words can make everything calm in an instant.

Polar Star, who was almost out of control emotionally, suddenly lost all his anger when he heard Luo Bai shout the word "enough".

Polar Star has followed Luo Bai for so long and has seen Luo Bai's strength with his own eyes.

She knew very well how terrifying Luo Bai was, and she remembered what Luo Bai had said.

If she cannot control her emotions and causes bad consequences, she will be locked up in a "little dark room."

Polaris has never been to the black room, but she knows that the majesty of the "mage" cannot be challenged.

When Luo Bai shouted the word "enough", Polaris was a little scared.

"Master Luo Bai, I didn't mean it." Polar Star said quickly.

"I know. It doesn't matter, I'll take care of it." Luo Bai comforted her.

The next second.

Click click click click click click——

Small sounds echoed around, like the sound of breaking glass.

As the sound sounded, the surrounding environment changed in the next second.

Everyone seemed to be in a new world, fantastic and science fiction.

This is Luo Bai’s mirror space.

Mirror space.

Karma Taj's space magic.

The user must have a strong store of magical energy to create it.

There are differences in the mirror space created by each mage, because the mirror space is equivalent to a field.

In this field, the mage can change everything in the field at will, depending on his imagination.

Since every mage has a different imagination, the mirror space created by each mage will be different.

So Luo Bai's mirror space is naturally different from Gu Yi's.

In fact, mirror space is not a very advanced magic in the eyes of powerful wizards, but now Professor X and those members of the X-Men do not understand mirror space.

They were only curious and shocked by the sudden changes around them.

"What is this?!" Looking at the surrounding environment, Mystique asked in surprise.

"Mirror space, my domain." Luo Bai replied calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground where Professor X and others were standing suddenly split open for some unknown reason.

Without enough time to react, Professor X and others quickly fell downwards.

When they reacted, they realized that they were already at an altitude of 10,000 feet and were descending rapidly with their faces on the ground.

And underneath is the ground, the cement floor.

At this moment, everyone panicked.

Falling from a height of 10,000 meters, even if they are mutants, it is impossible to be safe and sound.

That is why they are now eager to find a way to buffer.

But there is no way.

Everything around them seems to be illusory.

They can't hold on, nothing can be held.

Seeing that they are about to fall to the ground, they didn't expect that just when they were about to fall to the concrete floor.

The ground... cracked!!!

Then... they experienced the same thing again.

They fell from a high altitude again.

X-Men: "F*ck me!!"

Professor X: "I surrender!!!"

In the shouts of several people's collapse.

They didn't know how long they fell in the air, and finally they were caught steadily by a stone step.

"Oh, shit!!"

"Can you believe it, I just fell for 10 minutes!!!"

"For a moment, I thought I wouldn't live long!"

Until they stopped falling, they finally recovered and couldn't help muttering.

But Professor X said nothing at this time, because... he was just frightened.

No, he is a disabled person after all! !

Has anyone ever considered his feelings! ! !

Professor X collapsed and screamed in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be calm.

He knew that everything they had just experienced should be caused by Luo Bai, just when he wanted to find Luo Bai's figure.

Luo Bai and Polaris appeared in front of them in a suspended state.

"I said it. Lorna is my housekeeper now, you can't take her away. What's more, she doesn't want to leave with you now. Professor X, you are so old. It's not good to bully a little girl." Luo Bai said calmly.

Before Professor X could speak, Cyclops on the side said angrily: "Professor X!"

The fall just now made Cyclops feel angry, as if he was threatened. At this time, he obviously wanted to take action.

He asked Professor X, as if to seek advice.

Professor X saw what he was thinking and refused immediately: "Calm down, calm down first! Don't be impulsive!"

In fact, Professor X felt very upset.

If it were anyone, falling from a high altitude for a full 10 minutes and bearing the huge pressure of possible death at any time, they would probably not be able to bear it.

But Professor X knew that they could not conflict with Luo Bai, because he knew Luo Bai.

In the recent news reports, he saw Luo Bai dealing with Hulk, so he knew that Luo Bai had a certain strength.

Thinking of this, Professor X hurriedly explained: "Master Luo Bai, we came here today just to take away Luna. She is in a very dangerous situation now. We have no ill intentions."

"Using ability to control other people's minds at will and reading other people's memories are not polite behaviors." Luo Bai also spoke very gently.

"But Luna lost control of her emotions just now, I just wanted to comfort her, I was worried that she would lose control and hurt others." Professor X argued again.

But Luo Bai's attitude was very firm: "She is the housekeeper I hired, and this is in my house."

"I'm sorry, Master Luo Bai, I was too impulsive just now. I shouldn't have done it in your house."

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