American Comics: Omniscience, Omnipotence, Begins With The Aged of Wolverine

62: Ancient. Day of Doom! Luthor's evil thoughts!


In the sharp tearing air sounds, two figures above the sky wrapped in speeds beyond the speed of sound and told the flying coming.

At an altitude of thousands of meters, a round of sonic booms was triggered, creating a circle of air fluctuations like ripples.

The clouds of the entire sky were torn apart from the middle and stirred fiercely!

"Clark, you should know that things in the world will never be as good as people want."

Chen Tian braved the sound barrier generated behind him, and his eyes flickered to look at the resolute face that was close at hand.

He felt the fluctuating and tangled mood in the other party's heart, so he spoke up to guide it.

After Clark heard Chen Tian's words, his eyes moved, his gaze flickered obviously, and he didn't know what to think again.

Then, he frowned and accelerated violently.

Directly improve your already extreme speed!



The two who had already told Flight that the speed of moving forward had increased by another level.

Three white sound barriers have been broken through around the body!

Chen Tian and Clark, but in a blink of an eye, they have come to the sky over New Mexico! 1

Then when I came to a wilderness.

Smash it towards the ground!

The ground within a radius of several hundred meters was directly smashed and collapsed, and countless surface rocks splashed everywhere.


Suddenly, the ground around him trembled violently, and endless dust and fog lifted the sky!

Countless animals on the desert that would only travel at night were so frightened that they crawled out of the shadows and fled into the distance!



In the center of the dusty pit, there was a fierce collision sound!

It was even more endless, and the fierce wind blew out from the depths of the dust and fog with powerful power, emptying all the flying dust in an instant!


It can be seen that in the depths of the big pit on the ground, there are two figures fighting madly.

Between the two figures, they will burst out with an extreme sense of power, and each movement will cause the surrounding air flow to rotate, forming an incomparably strong air flow!

Every time the fists clashed, it would create a roar that was enough to resound back and forth between heaven and earth, making the entire land tremble violently!

As the two clashed, the ground on which they stood continued to collapse deeper.

The smoke and dust around were all around, and with the strong wind of the two of them swinging against each other, they were all eliminated, and the cycle repeated!


The speed of the two figures is getting faster and faster, the punching force is getting heavier and heavier, and the battle is getting more and more intense!

At first, it can be said that it is difficult to distinguish between the two sides.

It's just that as time passes, the remnants of the sun on the horizon gradually fade, and one of the figures begins to fall into the downwind!


Another figure grabbed the gap where the other party began to make mistakes, and threw out a powerful punch!

All the air around him was violently pulled by his punch, forming a violent wind, and another figure that suffered a heavy blow flew out upside down together.

The figure lifted his feet off the ground, and flew away in the distance like a kite with a broken line, accompanied by the fierce wind and dust around him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

The figure gradually fell, smashed a sand dune, and then bounced on the ground a few times, smashing out several holes full of cracks, and then landed heavily.

"Am I still inferior?"

The figure braced his hands on the ground, climbed up embarrassedly, and muttered to himself as if he was unwilling.

This figure is Clark!

After Chen Tian copied his Kryptonian bloodline, he fell into the downwind again.

"It can't be like this..."

He stood up abruptly and muttered.


The moment Clarify stood up.

Chen Tian, who should have been thousands of meters away, had turned into a high-speed blurry afterimage and burst in front of him.


A white and slender hand with well-defined bones suddenly wrapped in countless wind currents, quickly reached out and pinched Clark's neck.


Clark felt a terrifying force pass from his neck, and his feet gradually lifted off the ground.

Chen Tian's expression was calm, he lifted the other party into the air, looked at him, and slowly tightened the force on his fingers.


Sudden time.

Clark only felt a terrifying suffocation around him.

Not only physically, but also mentally.

"You're still too weak.

Chen Tian said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, he picked it up and smashed it to the ground!


The earth-shattering roar spread out between heaven and earth in an instant, and the whole earth trembled, and a thick dust and fog swept up into the sky.

After a strong sense of weightlessness, Clark felt that his entire back had smashed to the ground.

The terrifying aftermath suddenly transmitted along Clark's body to the ground below him!

Sudden time.

The land crumbled, and the dense cracks like cobwebs spread out in an instant!

The underground rock layer was also at this time, unable to withstand the impact of huge amounts of, collapsed in an instant, flew around, and picked up from the ground.


Clark, who was pinched by Chen Tian and pressed to the ground, suddenly broke out and wanted to resist, but was shocked to find that he could not use his strength at all under the oppression of the other party!

Clarke, who noticed this, suddenly became more and more complicated under his eyes.

You know, Chen Tian's ability is all copied by himself!

However, in this situation, he is actually not Chen Tian's opponent!

Thinking of this.

In the bottom of Clark's heart, a wisp of shock spread, and his expression changed greatly when he looked at Chen Tian.

"Clark, no..."


Chen Tian looked at Clark, whose face changed, narrowed his eyes, and said softly.

Followed by.

The muscles on his body suddenly swelled and tensed, knotting like the roots of an old tree, erupting with terrifying power.

Lift Clark in his hand again and throw it out fiercely!


Clark's entire burly and strong body turned into an arrow from the string at this moment, and it was uncontrollably smashed into the mountain made of layers of rocks in the distance!

At the moment when his body came into contact with the mountain.

It should be an extremely heavy and solid mountain, but at this moment, it is like a bubble that easily cracks and explodes!

In the violent tremor of the ground, only endless rock fragments could be seen rolling and collapsing, burying Clark's entire body!

Rolling one after another, like wolf smoke, smoke rushed out from the gap between the debris of the mountain to block a large area of the sky.

Chen Tian calmly looked at the scene in front of him.

Although it can be said that Chen Tian is heavy every time, he is not worried about killing the other party!

Or rather, on Earth without Kryptonite, there is no way to kill Clark!

After all, he is a Superman with a super Kryptonian bloodline, and he has an indestructible body of steel!


Now on the earth, he is not the only one with a body of steel.

And now Chen Tian!

With the ability to replicate, he is on par with Clark not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of future potential.

Even, because of the particularity of copying Ability, Chen Tian's potential is above the super!

After all, he can copy infinitely.

It is even possible to integrate bloodlines, such as Doomsday superimposed on Kryptonian bloodlines.

If you can do that, you can't imagine what will happen!

At that time, it doesn't matter whether it is the DC universe or the Marvel universe.

No matter which parallel world, in terms of potential and the upper limit of the future, Chen Tian can become a top existence.


At this moment, the pile of boulders that buried Clark exploded with a bang.

Sure enough.

Although at the moment, his body is covered with dust, all his clothes are almost torn, and he looks embarrassed on the outside, but in fact, his body has not received much damage!


Clark stared at Chen Tian with a complicated expression, an extremely complex luster flowing under his eyes, and he didn't know what to think about in his heart.

"Do you want to continue?"

Chen Tian looked at each other with a smile, his eyes were like clear lake water, without many waves.

As a matter of fact.

He had no hostility towards Clark.

And the latter, in the previous battles, can also feel this!

Therefore, Clark, who has now almost reached his limit, only reacted at this time, as if the teenager in front of him had been saying words that attacked him.

But the actual purpose is to help yourself reach your potential.

And, indeed, Chen Tian did it.

Now Clark, not only has his strength reached a new level, but also awakened several new abilities.

"He's actually helping me?"

Thinking back to what he had just experienced, Clark couldn't help but mutter.

The eyes that looked at Chen Tian suddenly became more and more complicated.

Because, the picture of this teenager easily pinching Jelomy to death before is still vividly remembered.

Until now, although Clark's heart has vaguely felt that Chen Tian's statement also has some truth.

But before, Clark had always been insistent on not hurting others.

Obviously, it is not easy to directly change the idea that has been maintained for more than ten years in one day.

So, he is now entangled, in a trance ...


Feeling the chaotic thoughts in his mind, coupled with the exhaustion of his body, Clark sat directly on the ground that was broken because of the battle just now.


There was a sound of footsteps in his ears.

Clark looked up and saw Chen Tian smiling and coming over to look down at him condescendingly.

"It's over."

Chen Tian smiled lightly and slowly spoke.

Clark was silent when he heard this, and his thoughts were so chaotic that he couldn't find the slightest clue.

What's right...?

He couldn't help but think.

Then, all the things he had experienced before flashed before his eyes again.

Clark's heart became more and more chaotic, more and more chaotic, and he couldn't find the slightest answer.

The expression on his face also became depressed and annoyed.

With Super Brain, he rarely has such emotions.

Because he is very strong in managing his emotions!

However, in these two short days, what happened turned into a torrent, impacting Clark one after another, and has maintained the three views for more than ten years.

This dazed experience made him extremely uncomfortable.

Chen Tian felt the other party's emotions, smiled slightly, and suddenly felt that Clark in this period was a little cute.

There is no difference at all with the kind of ordinary big boy who grows up, sees more and more things, and then falls into confusion and can't find direction for a short time.

"In the world, except in the eyes of children, there is so much pure justice and evil... I hope you Clark understood this earlier.


Chen Tian stretched out his hand and placed it in front of Clark.

Clark was stunned, looked up at him, shook his head helplessly and grabbed the hand and stood up.

"This matter is not over..."

He said a little stubbornly.

But I can't tell whether what I said refers to the correct definition or simply did not win Chen Tian.

"I hope you can win me next time."

Chen Tian laughed.

But subtly, it set the tone for Clark's words.

The voice is over.

Chen Tian stopped staying, turned around and stood up, his figure turned into a residual image, and flew away in the direction of the metropolis.

Clark looked at the sky from a distance, but in a blink of an eye, there was only the back of Chen Tian, who was already a file size, stunned for a moment, and then also bounced up and fled into the sky.

A few seconds later.

Disappeared into the New Mexico sky.

Time didn't pass long.

The remnants of the sun, which had been mostly submerged into the horizon, had disappeared.


Chen Tian opened the door of his apartment and returned to his apartment.

Not long after closing the door, he heard the door on the opposite side also open.

Apparently Clark is back too.

But Chen Tian didn't care, and Clark estimated that he would be alone for a while to digest his gains and losses.


Chen Tian went to take a shower and washed away the sludge, and he could see that although he had gone through a fierce battle, his body was blessed with a body of steel, and there was no scar.

A clean dress.

Chen Tian sat on the sofa and thought:

[People panel]: Chen Tian

【Ability】: Innate: small water control, dimensional transmission, Ability replication

Batman: High level martial arts, high level flying darts skills

Wolverine: Super Self-healing factor, super strength

Charles: Ability

Catwoman: high level stealing

Jelomy 520: Take control of Raiden

Superman: Man of Steel, Super strength, Super Speed, Heat Sight, Flight, Creature Stance

[Bloodline]: Krypton Superman bloodline

Chen Tian's eyes scanned back and forth on the panel, and the satisfaction in his eyes grew stronger, especially when he scanned the line of Superman Ability.

It can be said that now he has almost copied most of the abilities that belong to Superman.

Especially the most important thing is to ensure that you have unlimited potential and unlimited Krypton bloodline!

Combined with other Abilities...

"Now I only need a little more time, I can have a super-average, even beyond the ability of super, and then it will be enough to face most crises." 5

Chen Tian murmured, letting out a long sigh of relief, and his body relaxed slightly.


On the television in front of him, the news began to report.

"Today, the forests of the western metropolis have been inexplicably destroyed, destroying large areas of vegetation..."

“... The meteorological station was puzzled by the sudden strong wind blowing in the city, and they did not detect any warning..."

Behind the screen, the newsman reports on strange events happening in the metropolis today.

"There were witnesses who photographed the sky, and there were two trajectories flying in the air, but the photo was too blurry, and no one knew what the strange phenomenon in the photo was.

With the news reporting far away words.

On the TV screen, an extremely blurry photo appeared.

When Chen Tian saw this, he immediately knew that the so-called strange phenomenon was the figure of him and Clark.

"However, it is estimated that ordinary people would never think that it was the two of us.

When Chen Tian saw this, he shook his head with a smile.


He saw Natasha Romanoff's beautiful face.

"After the woman last contacted me, S.H.I.E.L.D. is expected not to come back in the short term, but I don't know what they will do in the long term.

Thinking, Chen Tian stood up.

On the DC universe side, he has almost copied all the super-capable abilities to the side, and in a short period of time, it is estimated that nothing big will happen.

He was going to go back to Marvel first and deal with the matter over there first.


Chen Tian activated the ability of dimensional teleportation, stretched out his hand forward, and the space in front of him suddenly distorted, waving out many ripples.

A dimensional portal immediately appeared in front of him.


In a luxury villa.

Inside the living room.

A bald figure is sitting on the killing and watching the news about the devastation in the west.

As the screen in front of him emerged, the images of the desert being severely damaged appeared one after another.

The corners of the man's mouth were filled with an evil smile.

If Chen Tian were here, he would definitely recognize him.

It's Lex Luthor!

One of DC's villains!

Maker of Doom Day!

At the moment。

Lex Luthor looked at the news, his fingers lightly tapped on the arm of the sofa, and an evil idea had already sprung up in his heart!

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