American Comics: Omniscience, Omnipotence, Begins With The Aged of Wolverine

63: The gods of the earth descend on the Marvel universe! Blast all S.H.I.E.L.D!

The Marvel universe and the DC universe that Chen Tian walked through, although in two different dimensions, do not overlap.

But the time flow rate on both sides does reach a certain parallelism.

At the moment, the Marvel universe has just ushered in the night after the sunset has disappeared.

Located in the headquarters of the Loose Wing Building in S.H.I.E.L.D., Washington.

Nick Fury frowned, sitting slightly anxiously in the office.

On the computer in front of you, various materials are constantly scrolling.

The light emitted by the screen illuminated his bald head like a black bittern egg.

Since learning that Chen Tian and his party entered New York, he has not been in a good mood for two consecutive days.

Especially after knowing that the other party recognized Natasha Romanoff's disguise and understood that S.H.I.E.L.D had paid attention to them.

Nick Fury's restlessness went to a higher level.

In his eyes, this mutant represented extreme danger that could threaten the entire United States and even the entire world.

Now their position on S.H.I.E.L.D. is still hostile and therefore does not cooperate.

This made Nick Fury feel even more nervous.

Chen Tian and their continued stay in New York was a ticking time bomb for him that could explode at any moment.

Once it explodes, it will cause irreparable consequences, even unbearable for everyone.

“ Chen Tian.. What the hell do you mean? 35

Nick Fury's one-eyed eyes flickered, and his already dark face became more and more gloomy, and he muttered in deep thought.

Although it is still unclear what Chen Tian is motivated by.

But what is certain is that the other side is rejective and antipathetic to official organizations.

No one is afraid of obvious hostility, at least it is directly on the surface, and they can decisively choose the measures to deal with it.

Nick Fury is now restless, unable to figure out Chen Tian's thoughts.

If these mutants were not prepared to take any extreme actions.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. took a radical arrest and then angered Chen Tian, then the sinners became themselves.

Blah blah!

While Nick Freeshang was still meditating.

There was a knock on the door.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Phil Coulson push open the office door and walk in.

"Head, we haven't seen Chen Tian for two days.

"The manor where they lived, our people were always watching, and all the other mutants showed up one after another. 35

"But Chen Tian's figure is nowhere to be found..."

Phil Coulson had just walked in the door and couldn't even wait to walk up to Nick Fory, he was already quick to speak.

The expression on his face was very solemn, obviously feeling that something big had happened.

"In every direction of the manor, we have sent people to keep an eye on it twenty-four hours a day."

"It is certain that Chen Tian has not left the manor, and has not even left the door of the villa inside." 5

Phil Coulson put the information he had gathered in the past few days on the desk in front of him and continued.

"What is that Mutant named Chen Tian trying to do?"

When Nick Fury heard the report, his brows furrowed deeper.

Chen Tian and his party entered the center of New York City with such fanfare, and it was impossible for them to imprison themselves.

If so, there was no need for him to refuse S.H.I.E.L.D. contact.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury narrowed his eyes.

"You take someone into their manor and take a good look."

He gave the order in a deep voice.

I'm afraid that Chen Tian is engaged in some unknown conspiracy.


Phil Coulson answered the order, then turned and walked away.

He had the same suspicions as Nick Fury.

He couldn't help but be anxious.


Drencht Manor.

in the villa.

Inside one of the rooms.


In the quiet and dim room, the space suddenly gave birth to sparkling ripples like water waves.

A spatial passage opens.

Then, Chen Tian walked out of it, down to earth, and the passage disappeared.

He looked at the familiar room and took a deep breath.

He's back.

"It's only been two days, but I always feel that everything is completely different. 99

Chen Tian looked at his palm and muttered.

However, the words that came out of his mouth were not only exclamations, but also facts.

This time, Chen Tian only spent two days in DC World, but he gained a lot!

The whole person can even be described as reborn.

Chen Tian, who has copied the bloodline of the Great Super Krypton and most of his ability, can already deal with many crises in the current Marvel world and on Earth.

In time, Chen Tian will develop his strength to the peak level and march to a higher latitude, which is not worthwhile.

After that, Avengers need to assemble to get through the earth crisis, I am afraid that he alone will be enough to settle it.



There was a knock outside Chen Tian's door.


Then the door was opened.

"I sensed it as soon as you came back."

Charles slowly entered in a wheelchair, looking at Chen Tian with a kind smile on his face, "Welcome home."

When the words fell, he did not continue to ask Chen Tian where he had been in the past two days.

After all, everyone has their own secrets.

Although Charles can read all people's minds, he is the one who respects other people's secrets the most.

Or, as someone who has survived for so long and has seen countless Mutant, he doesn't care at all whether as a companion has some secret to himself.

He has the ability of the mind and can sense the emotions of the other person.

As long as the heart is still on the side, that's enough.

When Chen Tian heard this, he also smiled: "Good evening, Charles."

"Logan, have they been going lately?"

"Everyone stayed in the manor for the past two days, and they didn't go anywhere."

Charles thought for a moment and smiled slowly: "Without you, the little ones don't dare to run around." 5

Logan's words should be drunk in the bar not far from the manor by now.

When the two people talk, their tone is gentle.

Like an ordinary pair of grandchildren pulling home routines.



There was another rush of footsteps outside the door.

"I've only known each other for a few days, and there are two little guys who depend on you."

Charles sensed the person running towards the room and smiled even more.

Words fall.

Two large and small figures appeared at the door.


Wanda held the door frame and saw Chen Tian, her sapphire-like eyes lit up slightly, and her little face suddenly flushed with excitement.

Laura didn't say a word.

"I haven't seen you for two days, where have you been?"

Wanda came over and stared up at the latter.

"I... I went out and did some things.

Chen Tian responded.

"Hmm. 35

Wanda didn't ask much, just nodded.

After all, she knew that Chen Tian's identity was special and she had a lot to do.

Laura glanced up at Wanda and glanced at the other's loose pajamas with some dissatisfaction.

Take note of this.

She frowned impassively and put her small chin on Chen Tian's shoulder again.

His eyes were startled.

I don't know what I'm thinking:


Charles chuckled and continued, "Everyone has been staying in the manor for the past two days, and they all feel a little stuffy."

"If you come back and have nothing to do, you can take a few kids out for a walk.

Hearing this, Chen Tian put down Laura and nodded, "There is no problem."

With his current strength, even if he goes out because not many people can stop him.

Wanda reluctantly let go of her hand when she watched Chen Tian's movements.

Until the back of hearing him behind.

Both girls immediately looked happy.

"Great! I haven't even seen New York yet. Thank you, Chen!" Wanda jumped and hugged Chen Tian.

Behind Laura stared at her back, the corners of her mouth that had just been hooked, and she didn't seem so happy.



A slight sound of footsteps suddenly sounded from Chen Tian's ears.

The footsteps of the walkers were very light, obviously professionally trained, but Chen Tian, who had Kryptonian blood and keen five senses, still captured the sound.

At the same time, the ability of the mind that he possesses also perceives a burst of hostility.

Chen Tian's eyes suddenly froze, and his body tightened.

Someone sneaked into the manor!

"What's wrong?"

Wanda noticed Chen Tian's change and obediently let go of his hand.

"There are guests coming."

Charles next to him also perceived hostility.


Logan's figure ran in through the gate and pushed it open.

"Guys! Get ready! When I entered the manor just now, I saw S.H.I.E.L.D's car!

"Damn it! They must have come for us!

At first, he thought that Chen Tian had not returned yet, and shouted as soon as he entered the villa hall.

Then his nose moved, and he noticed Chen Tian's smell.

Logan's eyes lit up.

A few steps to the door of Chen Tian's room.

"Chen, so you're back!"

He saw that Chen Tian's face had darkened.

"What are we going to do now?"

Logan asked in a deep voice.

At the moment, he already had some trust in Chen Tian.

I wasn't angry that I was being targeted again after coming to New York.

"It seems that Nick Fury didn't recognize the seriousness of the matter...

Chen Tian squinted slightly, his gaze flashing dangerously, and muttered.

Then, he looked at the others present and smiled a little relaxedly, "Don't worry, just let me solve it."

"Since I brought you here, I will ensure that you will be safe."


Chen Tian set his eyes on Wanda and Laura, and his tone was not hurried, "I'll take you to the amusement park tomorrow." "5

He was talking.

Charles and Logan were stunned for a moment.

Having experienced countless winds and waves, they felt something completely different.

Even in such an emergency, it is inexplicably reassuring.

It seems that Chen Tian in front of him has completed some kind of sublimation.

"Chen, what must have happened in the past two days of disappearance." Logan wondered sharply in his heart.

The other side.

Chen Tian finished his words without hurry.

"Chen..." Wanda looked at him, her eyes wide with concern.

Laura came over and tugged at his sleeve as well.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Chen Tian said softly.

The voice fell.


His figure suddenly flashed, turning into a vague afterimage and disappearing in place, leaving only a strong wind hovering in the room.

Half a minute ago

At the western wall of the estate.

Several figures in black uniforms, cautiously holding daggers, almost time, stepped on almost silent steps.

Approached Kim and arranged guards by the wall.


Several black figures circled around at the same time, and they were instantly embarrassed.

Covering his mouth, the dagger flickered with cold light, cut the throat, and made it in one go.

Outside the western wall of the manor, all the bodyguards died silently at the same time.

And those figures, at this time, turned into the manor wall.

These people are the contingent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Each one is a top special forces full of various abilities!

And while they sneaked into the manor.

Outside the estate.

Not far away, in a shiny black SUV.

Phil Coulson stared at the picture on the screen in front of him with a serious expression.

The footage playing in front of him was captured by the camera on the helmet of those contingentmen.

He looked at these contingentmen, getting closer and closer to Chen Tian's manor, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"''Scatter, pay attention to each other.

"This manor is inhabited by the most dangerous mutant.

"You must be very careful not to alarm them."

Phil Coulson's hands clasped together and whispered instructions to the contingentmen.


Just as he was looking at the screen intently.

One of the perspectives suddenly shakes violently, and then heads up towards the dark sky.

You can see through the lower edge of the screen that a pillar of blood is squirting into the sky, and then it turns into a rain of blood and falls.

Soon the entire camera was dyed red, and the picture became red.

Phil Coulson saw this scene, his pupils contracted, and Roar sucked!

Someone died!

And everything happened only in an instant, the dead contingent members, without resistance, died quietly!

He even suspected that the task force member had not been able to react at all.


"What the hell is going on here?

"Where is he?!

Next second.

With someone dying:

You can see that on the screen, all the first-person view pictures began to rotate frantically, as if looking for the person who just shot.

The members of the contingent also began to curse eagerly.

One of the images paused at the Sondermandogman, who had just fallen to the ground.

When Phil Coulson saw the corpse on the screen, his heart couldn't help but stop.

I saw the corpse that fell on its back, all the flesh and blood and trachea at the throat disappeared, and there was a big gap in the neck.

The blood under him flowed and stained the ground red.

"Tear your throat in an instant?

"This is obviously not killed by the ability of the mind."

"But apart from the ability of the mind, no one in Chen Tian's group seems to have this kind of ability?"

Phil Coulson wondered.



Another scream.

One of the pictures suddenly went black.

On the screen, all the shots shake (Lee's) and turn in unison to the second-place Decedent.

It can be seen that the second dead contingent member, with his head and helmet, was violently shaped by something.

Blood flowed, flowed all over the place.

See this scene.

On the screen in front of Phil Coulson, all the camera on the head of all the task force members, the footage back, paused.


All the pictures turn in one direction.

There stood an oriental boy with a well-proportioned figure, a beautiful face, blood stains on his hands, and calm eyes.

"Hit!" 5


Phil Coulson heard the members of the task force through the screen, and while they roared, everyone raised their guns.

However, it has not yet been fired...

The next moment.

The figure of the oriental boy in the center of all the pictures suddenly flashed, turning into a blurry afterimage and disappearing in place.


One by one, the pictures began to suddenly turn black.

Phil Coulson stared at the picture, his eyes wide open, and he couldn't see where the person was starting.

I can only watch the picture as a member of the contingent falls every second.

More than ten seconds later.


The last remaining contingent member was so frightened that he threw his gun directly, turned around and ran.

But I haven't taken two steps yet.


On his helmet, the camera shot back suddenly paused.

Phil Coulson, who was staring at the screen, jumped out of the corner of his eye.

Seeing the camera footage taken outside, I began to slowly turn down, the camera of the task forcer...

One was photographed, from the back of his heart to his chest.

That hand was stained all over his chest, pinching a heart that was still beating!


Phil Coulson sat in the car and watched this scene, his face was pale and scolded angrily, and the whole person couldn't stop shaking!

Next second.

Buy one

The arm on the screen withdrew from the contingentman's chest.


Muffled sound.

Phil Coulson's car shook suddenly, his eyes widened and he slowly raised his head, his pupils trembling.

Something fell on the roof of the car ...

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