American Comics: Open Oasis, Mutant Rise

Chapter 57 High-Level Meeting! The Confidence Of General Ross! (Dazhang Asks For Subscription)

White House Office.

A high-level meeting was urgently held in the middle of the night.

Attendees are all heavyweights in the military and political circles.

The White House is naturally headed by President Matthew Ellis and Vice President Rodriguez, while in the military seat, the highest rank is Army General Scudder.

The meeting was full of gunpowder from the beginning.

"What does your military want to do? You want to rebel by controlling Mutant to assassinate the president?!"

"Mr. President, this matter has nothing to do with the military. It is entirely the personal behavior of Wilhelm Stryker. We didn't know he would be so crazy!"

"Assassination of the president is such a big thing, you say you don't know about it? Do you think we are fools?!"

"But the fact is true. Wilhelm Stryker has been arrested. As long as he is interrogated strictly, I believe the truth will be found out soon!"

"The truth? In order to deal with Mutant, did you not hesitate to assassinate the president to get the White House to agree to the truth of your plans?!"

"Every plan we put forward is for the country, for the people, and for the survival of mankind!"

"But your plans are inhumane, and each one costs a huge budget!"

"I have to emphasize one point, this is a war. If human beings don't want to be overthrown by Mutant, aren't they willing to pay the price?"

"Ha, to put it nicely, where did those budgets go, do you dare to disclose it?!"

"You are slandering! Could it be that someone in our military is enriching himself?!"

"Isn't it? After spending so much money, are there any reliable results today? When the X-Men project was launched, you swore that you could create an elite mutant army that would obey our orders. What about the X-Men? Ten pots are served!"

"The Weapon X program is not considered a failure, because of our intervention, all the information has been sealed, as long as there is a chance, it can be restarted at any time!"

"Do you still want to restart? Are you afraid that you are dreaming? There is no experimental subject, so go outside to arrest? Do you know how many pairs of eyes are staring at us now?!"

"It doesn't matter, the most indispensable thing in this world is Mutant, as long as we want, we can find enough experimental subjects in no time!"

17 "Are you crazy? Don't forget that the Mutant Registration Act didn't pass, and even if it did, Mutants aren't legally criminals!!"

The words came from Vice President Rodriguez.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the noisy and red-faced people immediately fell silent.

Who can attend this meeting, who is not a scheming old fox?

Almost everyone understands the meaning of this sentence. In the final analysis, whether it is the X weapon plan or other plans against Mutant, there is no legal support!

In other words, these plans are shady!

And the military's biggest mistake this time was to expose the X weapon plan to the public view [this is a huge amount of blow to the military's prestige and Yuzhong's reputation!

"Everyone, I hope you all understand one thing... Mutants are not pigs to be slaughtered!"

Rodriguez stretched out his fingers, slammed the table in front of him, and scanned the audience with majestic eyes: "Look at the wind direction outside, do you know how many people are scolding you now? And how many people, because of this incident, And changed his attitude towards Mutant?!"

Accompanied by his words, a secretary quickly manipulated the computer, and pictures appeared on the big screen.

It is a screenshot of the X Daily.

"This damn app cannot be uninstalled, and the installed capacity has reached a terrible number. In addition, it allows people to post videos and share their lives. It is very popular among users and is about to sweep the country!"

Rodriguez said in a deep voice: "You would never have imagined that within a short period of time when the Weapon X program was exposed, how many people sent videos angrily denouncing Wilhelm Stryker as a butcher, condemning the X Weapon program, and suspecting that the military has evil intentions... ...There are even those who demand that the White House severely punish Wilhelm Stryker and investigate the military conspiracy!'


The faces of all the high-ranking officers in the military became gloomy.

"Your Excellency, it's obvious that Mutant is behind the scenes!"

Admiral Scudder finally spoke: "They want to manipulate public opinion, to change their image, to make people believe that they are not a threat... This is a challenge to us!"

"I definitely know, but what's wrong with that?"

Rodriguez shook his head: "It's still the same sentence. From a legal point of view, Mutants are not criminals. They are also legal citizens with various rights. They seek rights for their own groups. What reason do we have to stop them?"

No one believed such high-sounding nonsense.

But this sentence brings out the point of the whole thing

Mutant groups are starting to seek their own interests!

And it's the normal way!

This is by no means a good sign!

"These videos must be blocked immediately to prevent them from spreading!"

A military general said: "And that X Daily, which company made it? Let the FBI immediately start the investigation process!"

The classic can't solve the problem, just solve the person who created the problem.

"It's useless, with our current technology, we can't have any influence on X Daily..."

Someone from the White House immediately shook their heads: "As for that company, it is owned by a person named Katie Pryde, who is the reporter of the Mutant channel, other than that, other information is all false... Obviously, she registered the company just to upload the app, and then disappeared after success!"

All the bigwigs in the meeting room looked at each other in blank dismay.

"So, as the world's largest country, we are... at a loss for what to do with an inexplicable app?!"

I don't know who said that.

In a meeting of this level, there is a sense of black humor.

"Perhaps we can ask Tony Stark for help?"

Admiral Scudder frowned, and thought of a solution: "He can create a steel battle suit, a technological weapon that transcends the times, and he has also developed artificial intelligence, so there should be a way!"

His face was rather ugly.

For such a small matter, to ask for help from the boss of an arms company [It somewhat hurts Qu Zhong and the military's face.

Another person shook his head: "I've tried this method too, and Mr. Stark's reply is that he can't do it either!"

"Can't do it? I think he doesn't want to do it!"

Admiral Scudder snorted coldly: "Why did he appear this time? Could it be that there is some kind of connection between him and Mutant that we don't know?!"

Everyone fell silent again.

This question cannot be considered carefully.

"That's the crux of the matter!"

Rodriguez sighed deeply: "Who is Tony Stark? A procurement partner who has cooperated with the military for many years and has a very close relationship with the government. He is also a super elite among us ordinary humans. But after this incident ,He actually publicly expressed his sympathy for Mutant and his dissatisfaction with the military in the live broadcast..."

"What does that mean, don't you understand?!"

Everyone definitely understands.

It means that the storm of public opinion in the recent period has had an impact on Iron Man, a human elite who holds a lot of wealth and resources!

Can he be influenced, what about other consortium bosses, human elites, and officials at all levels?

Will start to sympathize with Mutant too?!

Everyone here is very clear that the resources of this society have been in the hands of a few people since ancient times, and the voices of ordinary people can be ignored, but if there are more human elites like Iron Man who change their attitudes...

For them, it will be a huge amounts of hit!

"Mutant must be struck!"

Scudder said with almost no hesitation: "I can't let it go like this anymore. I think it is necessary to restart the "Mutant Registration Act" and implement it as quickly as possible.

All eyes focused on the president.

"Admiral Scudder..."

President Matthew Ellis was expressionless, and finally responded: "I hope you can understand that whether Mutant is a threat or not, the governments of various countries have not reached a conclusion, and the White House has not issued a unified order on how to treat and deal with Mutant. ....."

"Forcing the "Mutant Registration Act" is actively provoking war!

The complexions of Scudder and many generals in the military changed at the same time.

The obviously very upset about the assassination!

He is not entirely convinced that this matter has nothing to do with the military!

Thinking so, Scudder quickly explained.

But before he could speak, he was interrupted by the president waving his hand.

"I am very clear that the large-scale emergence of Mutants will have a huge impact on the world of ordinary people, so I signed and agreed to the X Weapon Project just in case, lest there be turmoil caused by Mutants, and the authorities are powerless to suppress it! "

"But today, apart from Magneto, the other Mutants don't pose much threat to us!"

"Even the X-Men are working on Mutant crime!"

"This is a signal of goodwill without a doubt!"

"It means that in the Mutant group, a large part of them are not monsters, they love peace just like ordinary humans!"

"If because of your active provocation, these mutants are also pushed to the opposite of us, and finally a complete war between humans and mutants is triggered, all of you here..."

"Who can take this responsibility?!"

Matthew Ellis spoke in an orderly manner, and his calm eyes scanned the audience.

Seeing the strange expressions on the faces of many military generals, he added slowly: "The most important thing is, are you ready?"

"If the war starts, your military can guarantee me a certain victory, and Vice President Rodriguez and I will support you without any hesitation!"

"So... can you guarantee it?!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the military choked back the words that came out of their mouths.

Rodriguez was expressionless, and neither agreed nor refuted the president's wearing of his name.

Admiral Scudder was silent for a moment, then spoke again:

"Mr President.....…"

There is a saying that Magneto is half right.

Politics is the dirtiest thing in the world.

The art of compromise is everywhere.

Because of this, it is obviously impossible for the matinee meeting to resolve all differences.

After the meeting adjourned, all members of the military left the White House one file at a time. Everyone's face was ugly, and Scudder's expression was so gloomy that water could drip out.

"Wilhelm Stryker that bitch..."

Indistinctly, such low-pitched curses came from the crowd.

Obviously, this time, although the military resolutely gave up on Wilhelm Stryker at the first time, it will still be greatly affected, and 003 has fallen into a passive position in many matters.

However, it was a little strange that one of the people in the crowd had an extremely calm expression on his face.

It doesn't seem to be affected at all.

Seeing him, Scudder couldn't help leaning forward and asked, "General Ross, what do you think of the president's attitude?"

"What do you think? Is he really going to cut our budget and stop talking to

Pay for Mutant?"

General Ross didn't care, and there was even a hint of sarcasm in his eyes: "He just took this opportunity to suppress the power of the military. Those Mutant experiments under the White House are hard to come by."

Is there still less Tao?"

As head of the military's super-soldier program, he has far more power than Wilhelm Stryker.

Know more things.

Not to mention that in the Worthing Laboratory, special weapons for Mutant are being developed, and Trask Industries is also undertaking the research and development of Sentinel!

There are countless other laboratories!

Which one is not a lot of Mutant experimental bodies?!

Many of them do not belong to the military!

"That's what I said, but the impact of this incident is too great, and our loss is far from being as simple as a Wilhelm Stryker..."

Scudder definitely understands this truth, but his brows are still frowning.

General Ross smiled disdainfully: "Don't worry, General, no matter how powerful Mutant is, our preparations over the years are not useless......


Hearing this, Scudder was refreshed: "Have you achieved results?"


General Ross lowered his voice, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes: "Soon, I will be able to catch Bruce Banner, and with him, we will soon be able to mass-produce obedient Ho


"General, you have seen the power of the Hulk...

"If we had an army of Hulk, those Mutants..."

"What waves can you turn up?"

Scudder never expected to hear good news in such a day of constantly bad news.

A smile immediately appeared on his face: "General Ross, you are indeed the mainstay of our military. I will fully support you in the election of the next Secretary of State!"


General Ross beamed with joy, quite complacent.

The two talked about the details of the gamma ray experiment while walking, and before they reached the door, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps behind them.

Seeing the president's secretary approaching quickly, he said eagerly: "Everyone, I just received the news that Xavier's School suddenly publicly announced the recruitment of Mutant students. The president invites you to go back to the meeting!"

General Ross and Scudder looked at each other, and the good mood just now disappeared without a trace.


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