American Comics: Open Oasis, Mutant Rise

Chapter 58: The Wind Blows... The Waves Are Stormy! (Dazhang Asks For Subscription)

X-Men teamed up with Iron Man to smash the Lake Alkali base, which undoubtedly caused a huge amount of sensation.

Definitely, it also caught the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D.

What I have to say is that the reaction speed of S.H.I.E.L.D is much faster than that of the White House and the military.

But Nick Fury did not send anyone to the scene, but ordered his men to activate all the satellites that S.H.I.E.L.D could call.

There is only one purpose:

Track the X-Men's Blackbird to find the location of the new Xavier's School!

"Boss, recently, although Mutant has made a lot of noise, it has not threatened the security of the world..."

In the S.H.I.E.L.D air base, Commander Maria Hill stood in front of the big screen, frowning slightly: "This doesn't seem to be our scope of authority?"

"So I have no intention of dealing with Mutant."

In Nick Fury's one-eyed eyes, there was a flash of light: "It's just that a Xavier's School out of sight, a group of Mutants out of sight... always makes people feel uneasy!


Hill knew the boss's temperament very well, and nodded in understanding: "We don't have to deal with them, but we must know their situation well, in case in the future..."

She didn't continue to say the following words.

Instead, he quietly looked at the fast-moving red light spot on the big screen.

"S.H.I.E.L.D guards the safety of the earth, and any potential threats should be monitored."

Nick Fury half responded, half whispered.

Hill's eyes trembled slightly.

Just as she was about to speak, her complexion changed slightly: "Where are they flying? The Pacific Ocean is ahead..."

Before he finished speaking, the red light spot on the big screen suddenly disappeared.


Nick Fury asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?!"

"Boss, the target signal is gone!"

A group of agents manipulated the computer skillfully, and quickly came to a conclusion, looked at each other, and reported like a ghost: "The fighters did not show any signs of slowing down, so they must have not landed, but just so suddenly... disappeared! "

"It's..... Missing again?!"

Nick Fury now has a headache hearing those three words.

Last time, the Academy disappeared from place:

This time, the Blackbird is in high-speed flight...

Can this go away too?

"Don't they also have invisibility technology?"

Hill subconsciously thought of this possibility, and the S.H.I.E.L.D air base can also quickly become invisible.

But then, she denied herself: "Probably not, it takes at least a little time for such a big fighter to enter the invisible state, and it is impossible to disappear instantly, unless their stealth technology is more advanced than ours...

Thinking of the X Daily that couldn't be deleted, she felt that it was not impossible.

Nick Fury shook his head.

"Intuition tells me that the direction of their flight is not the location of Xavier's School at all..."

He didn't know what he thought of, and his eyes became more intense: "Perhaps, Xavier's School has some kind of space technology for long-distance movement..."

"Space technology?!"

Hill was startled, and subconsciously thought of the blue-skinned Mutant that could teleport.

"The research on Tesseract is about to speed up!"

Nick Fury's character made his sense of security plummet after making such a guess.

But he still ordered in a deep voice: "Phil Coulson went to the southwest to perform a mission, Hill, you personally lead the team to the location of the target hour, and see if there are any clues!"


On the Blackbird fighter plane.

More than a hundred Mutants who escaped from the Weapon X base saw the fighter plane pass through a cloud layer with their own eyes. The next moment, the scene outside the glass was completely different.

It's like stepping into another world.

But no one was surprised.

Because when they boarded the fighter plane, they had already experienced this unbelievable magic

Although the internal space of the fighter is not small, it is definitely not enough to accommodate so many people!

But at this moment, with more than a hundred people staying inside, it doesn't even feel crowded!

This is clearly not normal!

"Okay, everyone... 々...

Storm's voice broke the silence: "Welcome to Xavier's School, this is your home from now on!"

The crowd became slightly agitated.

Through the window of the plane, they actually saw a huge amount of island suspended in the air, with mountains, waters, forests, and even roads and signs...

From the looks of it, this island seems to have risen directly from the ground!

"Is this...our... Mutant's own academy?"

The crowd looked at each other, inexplicably, a little curious about this place where they will live for a long time in the future.

The fighter plane landed on the Xavier's School playground.

Cyclops and Phoenix were in front, and Wolverine supported a middle-aged man who was the most injured, and the rest followed closely behind.

As far as I can see, Professor X has already led the other students of the college, waiting for a long time.


Professor X's face was full of red light, but as soon as he spoke, he was startled suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, an unbelievable exclamation came out of his mouth: "Sean?!"

"Hey, Charles, long time no see..."

The middle-aged man who was supported by Wolverine greeted him with difficulty. His entire mouth was almost rotten, his throat had an obvious scar caused by intubation, and his body was covered with needle holes.

It turned out to be the original X-Men———— Siren!

Ability is ultrasound!

"I thought you had"

With Professor X's Chengfu, I couldn't help but get red eyes at this moment.

At the beginning, in the first generation of X-Men he formed, Mystique switched to Magneto, and the rest of Beast, Kraken, and Shockwave had worked together for a long time.

Later, Kraken and Shockwave both left for some reason.

Unexpectedly, the former was captured by Wilhelm Stryker and became the experimental subject of the X weapon project?

Seeing the Kraken's bruises, a deep sense of guilt surged into his heart, Professor X grabbed his hand, and then looked up at the top of the fighter: "Lynn?"

Everyone followed his gaze, only to realize that there was a person standing on top of the Blackbird fighter!

"When will he..."

"Could it be with us..."

All the Mutants looked at each other.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, it will be fine in a while."

Lynn nodded to Professor X, stretched out his right hand, and pressed his palm down lightly.

The dazzling green light suddenly flooded the entire playground, and it seemed to be spiritual, dripping towards the sea monster and everyone else.

The nerves of the Mutants who had just escaped from the cage were instantly tense. If Lynn hadn't said something first, many of them almost subconsciously wanted to use their super abilities to fight and escape.

It's just that quickly, everyone relaxes.

The green light entering the body did not cause any harm to them, but turned into streams of warm currents, repairing the wounds on their bodies.

Even the rot in the mouth of the most severely injured sea monster gradually disappeared.

Not to mention the wound in the throat.


Many people moaned comfortably, and then they couldn't help crying.

This feeling of good health....

It's been a long time since they experienced it!

"Remember this feeling, because starting today, the pain you suffered in the past will leave you forever!"

Lynn watched this scene quietly, inexplicably feeling sad.

Among these people, the older ones are like sea monsters (the X genes of many mutants can delay aging), and the younger ones are just like middle school students, but they all suffered inhuman torture.

For a long time to come, the psychological problems of these people will be the most troublesome thing for Professor X.

without interruption.

The crying went on for a long time.

Until the mood improved a little, one face after another raised one by one, looking at Lynn seriously: "In the future... can we really live like normal people?"


Lynn replied without any hesitation: "Not only you, all Mutants will live in the sun, and they can also come here to study, learn knowledge, control abilities, and in the future...become a dazzling star that attracts the attention of the world! "

All the mutants stared in surprise and doubt.

Lynn smiled and looked at Shadowcat at the edge of the crowd: "Katie, are you ready?"

"I can't wait!"

Shadowcat laughed out loud, took out his mobile phone, and projected a video of Xavier's School's open enrollment in front of everyone.

Then on the Mutant channel of the Daily X


This day is destined to be recorded in history.

Early in the morning, Twisting City, a dirty and messy mixed community.


A loud noise came from the depths of a remote street, accompanied by bursts of gunshots and screams, which seemed extremely abrupt.

But the nearby residents didn't have the slightest intention of getting up to watch the excitement.

Robbery, gang fights, gangsters eating gangsters...

Similar things happen every day, and the people living around here have long been used to it.

However, what these people didn't know was that the situation this time was a little different. It wasn't gang members who robbed a homeless man with guns, but were retaliated by the other party after robbing a homeless man.

"I'll count to three seconds and take all the money out!"

The one who made the voice was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. Her short green hair was quite eye-catching, and the evil look on her face was also shocking: "A group of these damned bastards are not picky when they rob? That old man Harrison is a six-year-old man. A tramp in his teens, who is as poor as me, will you not let this go?!"

Seven or eight gang members were lying on the ground, all trembling.

You can't do it without trembling.

Just above their heads, steel bars are floating in the air, and it seems that they will fall down at any time, poking their heads!

The girl in front of me turned out to be a Mutant!


Just when the countdown sounded, the gang leader shouted: "Don't count, don't count, the money is under the TV cabinet, you get it yourself...

"You guys are acquainted!"."

The green-haired girl nodded in satisfaction and walked towards the TV cabinet.

Passing by the messy table, there are beer, cigarette butts, flour everywhere... There are even a few condoms.

She frowned fiercely, the fierceness on her face flashed away.

Resisting the idea of ​​killing all these scumbags, she quickly found the money from under the TV cabinet, turned around and was about to leave.

But at the moment, the morning news came from the TV that had not been turned off all night.

"The latest news is that X-Men publicly released information on the Mutant channel, claiming that in order to prevent more Mutants from being killed by butchers like Wilhelm Stryker, they will establish their own academy for Mutants and open enrollment from today... ..."

"The address of the college is located in the Xavier Manor on the outskirts of Twisting City..."

"Any Mutant who intends to enroll, regardless of age, can go directly to report..."

"However, after investigation by our reporter, the Xavier manor has disappeared.

In its place was a huge amounts of sinkhole. ……"

"This matter caused a sensation again. It was reported that the White House held a meeting overnight and seemed to be discussing countermeasures..."

The green-haired girl turned her head in disbelief.

"The academy where the X-Men are..... open enrollment?!"

"Publicly provoking the White House?!"

"Great Crab Special!!"

After an exclamation, she involuntarily fell into silence.

Since Awakening Super Ability, she has been hiding in hiding for many years. She has never encountered such a thing, and she was a little dazed for a while.


An unprecedented excitement seemed to emerge from the depths of the soul!

Mutant's own academy?


I Lorna Dayne

Should check it out?!

California, outside a prison.

Amidst the ear-piercing roar of cars, several police cars ran wildly, chasing the target ahead.

However, every time you want to catch up, a halo will appear in front of the target.

The target jumps in, and the next moment it will appear hundreds of meters ahead.

"Fuck! That chick is playing us!!"

Rough and angry curses came from the police car, reflecting a few gloomy (Mama Li's watery faces.

Chase all the way and soon enter the town.

Everyone's complexion was getting worse and worse, but suddenly they were stunned for a moment, and saw the target in their sights stop when they passed by a square.

On the big screen in the square, the news is being broadcast.

"After running for so long, her Ability must not be used..."

The prison guards were overjoyed, got out of the car quickly, and approached with guns: "Clarice Ferguson, you escaped from prison and attacked the police, we are going to arrest you now..."

Before he finished speaking, a familiar circle of light appeared.

A target named Clarice slipped in and disappeared again.

But this time, it moved directly out of their sight.

Vaguely, there seemed to be a prison guard with sharp ears, who heard a murmur: "After entering Xavier's School, I will never be arrested because of my super-ability..."

"Xavier's School?"

The prison guard shook his head and looked up at the big screen.

After a few seconds.

He couldn't help but gasp.

"Mutant is going crazy..."


Similar things happened in many places at the same time.

In a casino in Las Vegas, a middle-aged man with unfathomable poker skills froze for a moment after seeing the news, and then, the corner of his mouth suddenly revealed an arc of interest.

"I heard that Logan is at Xavier's School, could it be that he made it?"

Twist City, home of Sheriff George Stacey.

Gwen Stacy, who was about to leave for school, passed the living room and glanced at the news her dad was watching.

The eyes freeze instantly.

"Mutant Academy?"

"It seems that only those with the X gene in their bodies are considered mutants. People like me who have acquired super abilities after being bitten by a spider..."

"Is it considered a Mutant altar?"

"Should I check it out too?"


A strong wind suddenly rises!

The waves are monstrous!!.

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