American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 588: Crazy cat is here! (superior)

When the strange crocodile cat and Batman and other cats looked at each other, both sides were stunned, because they both thought the other was strange.

From the perspective of Batman's human aesthetics, the other party is very deformed, and his body is between a cat and a crocodile. The combination of these two irrelevant creatures is really not good-looking.

The crocodile cat on the opposite side has a raised carapace similar to a crocodile from the top of the head to the base of the tail, the eyebrows on the eyes are also protruding, the claws are larger than ordinary cats, and the structure is more similar to that of a crocodile. Like, and, he's bigger than the cats that live in the city, almost close to a cheetah.

In the eyes of the crocodile cat, the cats on the opposite side are even more strange. In this world, cats wear clothes, and most cats are equipped with equipment, even ordinary cats living in slums. There will be metal gear and exoskeletons.

From the crocodile cat's point of view, the cats across from him were completely unclothed, unarmed, and didn't even have a gun, which was extremely strange.

But after hesitating for a moment, the two parties did not immediately make a move, especially the crocodile cat, he seemed very cautious, first took two steps back, approached the shadow of the corner, then raised his tail and stretched out his claws, expressing unfriendlyness gesture.

The cats on the opposite side don't know how to understand cat behavior. Even Batman can't adapt to a cat's life in just a few hours. He is still looking at cats from a human perspective. , He thought that this posture of the crocodile cat was the prelude to attack, so he planned to preempt the cat.

Batman also moved slowly, his body walked into the shadow on the edge, the crocodile cat's vertical boy stared at his figure tightly, but Batman hidden in the shadow was a nightmare for all opponents, the crocodile cat almost completely I couldn't see the movement of his rushing out, and he was slapped on the head with a paw.

Batman is not a cat that is good at fighting. At least, he doesn't know how cats should fight. However, his learning ability is almost invincible. The moment he starts, he realizes that cats are indeed born. hunter.

Speed, flexibility, agility, and lethality are all impeccable. The moment he realized this, Batman, like a real feline killer, first jumped forward and bit the crocodile cat's ear. , followed by another paw, scratching the front paw that came out of the crocodile cat.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his claws and jumped forward, and his sharp claws pressed against the belly of the crocodile cat. At the same time, he flicked his tail, turned his body, and bit on the neck of the crocodile cat.

The crocodile cat let out a scream, but the expected pain and death did not come. Batman didn't bite down hard, but just used his fangs to restrain the crocodile cat's movements. At this time, Clark rushed up and said: " Hey! Come on! We can't kill cats..."

Batman let go of his mouth, but his paws were still pressed on the belly of the crocodile cat. He looked into the eyes of the crocodile cat with the vertical boy. He saw that there was a very humanized expression of fear on the face of the crocodile cat, and then he turned He stood up, exposing his belly, in a gesture of surrender.

The size of this crocodile cat is much larger than Batman's cats, but it is not so flexible. In addition, his front paws are not as flexible as Batman, but more like a crocodile.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Batman asked.

"I should ask you about this." When the crocodile cat lying on the ground spoke, it was a little unclear. Although he made a "meow meow" sound, several cats could understand what he said. .

"How did you all appear here? How did you come to the sewers of Gotham?" The crocodile cat glanced at these strange cats with his eyes, but Batman said, "We are from out of town and want to come here to find someone."

"Out-of-town?" Crocodile cat blinked, looked at them and said, "You guys are from the Big Apple next door, right? Especially you..." Crocodile cat looked at Clark and said, "I smelled it on you. That apple smell."

Clark stretched out his paws and sniffed for unknown reasons, but he didn't feel any smell on his body at all. Constantine frowned and said, "Don't mention the smell, it's so stinky here, let's quickly find a drier place, Otherwise I'm going to get moldy..."

Batman set his eyes on the face of the crocodile cat again, the crocodile cat bared his teeth, and said helplessly: "I'm just a stray cat, as you can see, because of my appearance, I can't live on the surface, so I just Just stay here."

"Does the murder case that happened at the door of the bank have anything to do with you?" Batman narrowed his eyes and looked at him. Hearing the murder case, the crocodile cat was obviously stunned, he shook his head and said, "Although I It's been a while since I've been to the surface, but I know it's batcat territory, murder? Impossible, no cats can commit crimes in this city."

"Batcat?" Batman's eyes narrowed into slits, and Victor, who was more familiar with him, understood that Batman's vigilance was at its highest.

"It seems that you are not only from other places, but also from aliens. You don't know Batcat?! He is the richest cat in the world!"

"And, he rules Gotham, don't you see? His cameras are all over the place?."

Batman thought for a moment, he slowly retracted his claws, no longer restrained the crocodile cat, the crocodile cat turned over and got up from the ground, Batman paced in front of him, he said: "Tell me about the bat in detail. cat thing."

"What else can I do?" The crocodile cat lowered its head and licked the wound on its front paws, and said, "The richest cat in the world will not hesitate to spend a lot of money to turn this city into the safest city. Pay any price to eliminate all criminals..."

"About 4 years ago... or 5 years ago? When I came to Gotham, it was the most chaotic city in the world, but later, Batcat, who returned from traveling around the world, started his Gotham Emperor career."

"He first spent a lot of money to become the mayor of Gotham, and then he bought the councillors, passed one law after another, and gradually turned Gotham into a city with mandatory mayoralism."

"He invested a lot of money in scientific research, making Gotham's infrastructure a lot ahead of all cities. Citizens have tasted the benefits. They feel that Gotham is about to surpass the Big Apple and become the most advanced and developed city. "

"So, when Batcat began to continuously acquire land to renovate buildings and distribute the renovated buildings to citizens for free, everyone praised him as an unprecedented sage..."

"Yes, it sounds like a selfless **** who remodels all the buildings at his own expense, builds state-of-the-art dwellings, and gives these houses to all residents for free..."

"Initially, all the cats thought it was a good thing and thought he was the son of God who brought the Gospel to the Gotham cats..."

"But later, more and more cameras, more and more automatic weapons, all the technological equipment in this city obeyed the Batcat's orders, without his permission, the vehicle could not be started, and the spacecraft could not be launched..."

"Every street, every corner, is full of cameras and automatic weapons. It's not that there are no cats protesting. They say Batcats violate citizens' privacy rights, but obviously Batcats are more determined than any cat."

"Later, all this started to become more and more excessive. All the buildings in the city were replaced by steel cages, and even the furniture, food and water sources were controlled by him. If Batcat disagrees, you I can't even open the door of my own house..."

"This fundamentally prevents thieves." Clark touched his cheek and said, "If you can't open the door yourself, then the thief certainly can't, right?"

"Hum..." Crocodile Cat snorted coldly and said, "Yeah, if you want to open your refrigerator and take out a fried fish tail, you will immediately receive a call warning you that this food is unhealthy, You have to eat cat bars from Batcats."

The crocodile cat walked around with its tail flicking, digging the ground with its paws from time to time, looking a little anxious. He said: "The bat cat said it was paying for the safety of the city, but do we really need this kind of safety?"

"But it's true that the city is free of criminals, isn't it?" Batman asked.

"Really? Then how did you get here? Why did I meet you here?"

The crocodile cat, who is bigger than all cats, walked up to Batman and said, "The sewer is the last pure land, and Batcat supporters are not welcome here. Even if you can defeat me, it is impossible to defeat the one who lives deeper. Those lunatics."

"Apart from you, are there any other residents here?" Batman asked.

"I've said it long ago that not everyone supports the idea of ​​bat cats. When things started to evolve more and more extreme, many cats stood up to protest, but they all disappeared silently."

"It's not surprising, everything in this city belongs to Batcat, and he can even poison your drink at any time, because the factory that makes the drink, the assembly line machine, and even the cups are all made by him."

"However, there are not only ordinary cats in this world, but also strange cats like me. Maybe some of my genes have mutated. I have the genes of prehistoric creatures crocodiles. At the same time, I am bigger and stronger. Strong, perhaps this mutation has also increased my wisdom, so I can break through the siege and escape here."

As soon as the crocodile cat turned around, he raised his neck high and showed a wound on his right lower jaw for several cats, he said: "I was once caught by the bat cat, wearing a collar, and he placed it in my lower jaw. I got a sensor device, and if I got out of range, I would be electrocuted to death."

"I struggled to get rid of the device, but there was a permanent hole in my jawbone..."

As the crocodile cat looked up, several cats saw that there was indeed a hole in the center of his thick hair. The wound was obviously not a recent one, but a long-healed state.

"Have you committed a crime?" Batman asked him.

"No, I used to live in the slums in the east. There are too many crazy cats like me. We don't laugh at anyone. We have a job at the mouth of the lake, but one day, Batcat told us that he wants to improve this place. life, allowing all residents to live the luxury life that downtown residents live.”

"However, he doesn't allow criminals in his new city, so everyone has to pass a security test, which obviously I didn't pass."

"So he put a collar on you?"

"That's right, he told me that it was his tolerance, even though I was a monster, the results of the test said that I had a natural violence factor, a potential criminal, but he still won't kill me, I just need to accept Closer monitoring than other cats to make sure I don't commit a crime."

"Bullshit!" Clark concluded first, saying, "If you're not a criminal, you're not a criminal, it's that simple."

"There is no such thing as a potential criminal in this world. If you say that, everyone is a potential criminal."

"When I'm angry, I want to break things, and I even want to punch the person who makes me angry. When I go to the test, will I also get an answer that I'm a criminal? It's ridiculous!" Clark He shook his head vigorously, looking very disapproving.

"What is his test based on? Psychoanalysis? Judgment of historical behavior? Or something else?"

"I don't know." The crocodile cat shook his head and said: "What he said was very vague, what did he say... I have darkness in my heart, I am a born criminal, and I will commit crimes in the future. Maybe, that's just an excuse. It's just..."

"He didn't give any evidence, but he arrested you?" Batman muttered to himself.

Hearing this, Crocodile Cat snorted and said, "Evidence? What evidence does he need? This city is his, every street and every building here is made by him, and he can show mercy. It's good to have residents here, and if you drive all these cats out, the Big Apple won't accept them, and everyone knows Gotham is full of **** cats."

"The mayors of the surrounding cities and the legislators of this state all think that the bat cat is a good cat. He traps all the bad cats in this prison, so that they don't go out and do harm to other cities. The news couldn't be better."

Hearing the explanation of the crocodile cat, the other cats seemed to disagree, and Victor asked with some doubts: "But when we entered the city, we found that there was still some confusion here, and we even easily got in."

"Do you think this method can really eliminate crime? He doesn't know where the test came from. It can really screen out all criminals and create a city with only good cats? Do you think this is possible?" Crocodile the cat asked.

"Good and bad are Constantine shook his head and said, "A good person who meets the bat cat's screening criteria may be a bad person in other rules. This screening can only screen out Shunmin. , rather than good people. "

"So, he seems a little impatient recently." Crocodile cat narrowed his eyes, he said: "Because, after a few years of the transformation process, he found that the evil has not been completely eliminated, and the chaos has never left the city. "

The crocodile cat took a deep breath, looked at Constantine and said, "I can see that, except for this orange guy, you should be very similar to me. We are short of people who can work now, should we consider joining? "

"You? Besides you, who else?" Batman stepped forward and asked.

"I said it all, a bunch of mad cats."


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